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Multiple System Errors


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I am getting thousands of system errors each day - more than a thousand each hour.


The store does appear to be working fine however.


Any suggestions as to what the problem may be?


I am using v5.2.2 and want to upgrade to  v5.2.14 - should I fix this problem first?




File: [hookloader.class.php] Line: [418] "SELECT * FROM `cc_CubeCart_code_snippet` ;" - Table 'cheapam_cube323.cc_CubeCart_code_snippet' doesn't exist


File: [products.index.inc.php] Line: [1033] "SELECT A.option_id, A.value_id ,V.value_name, G.option_name FROM `cc_CubeCart_option_assign` AS `A` INNER JOIN `cc_CubeCart_option_value` AS `V` ON A.value_id = V.value_id INNER JOIN `cc_CubeCart_option_group` AS `G` ON A.option_id = G.option_id WHERE `product` = 3967 AND `set_enabled` = 1 AND `matrix_include` = 1 ORDER BY A.option_id, A.value_id ASC" - Unknown column 'matrix_include' in 'where clause'


File: [products.index.inc.php] Line: [1091] "UPDATE `cc_CubeCart_option_matrix` SET `status` = 0 WHERE `product_id` = 3967 AND `options_identifier` NOT IN ('')" - Table 'cheapam_cube323.cc_CubeCart_option_matrix' doesn't exist


File: [catalogue.class.php] Line: [478] "SELECT * FROM `cc_CubeCart_option_matrix` ;" - Table 'cheapam_cube323.cc_CubeCart_option_matrix' doesn't exist


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These errors tell me that when you upgraded to the CC522 codebase from a prior CC5 version, the database structure was not updated along with it.


I do not know with certainty if CC5214's upgrade process (much more than simply the site technician replacing the code files) will attempt to upgrade the database from the last version recorded in the CubeCart_history table, or will upgrade from the code version value found in the file ini.inc.php.

(From the latest version found in the database, to the version of the codebase.)


So, not knowing this update process choice of where to start, I would look in the table CubeCart_history and find the highest version recorded there. If it's just a few versions away, then maybe you can get away with manually running the SQL update scripts.


The best way is to let CubeCart update the database. You may have to edit the ini.inc.php file to say that this (whole installation) is at that last recorded version. That way, it is assured that CubeCart's update process will start where it needs to start.


FYI: Later versions of CubeCart will warn you about a mismatch in code version vs. database structure version.

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