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  1. Sorry Ian. I've downloaded CubeCart-6.0.6.zip and unzipped it bu the modules/gateway folder is empty apart from index.php That's the case with all the V6 versions. However version 5.2.16 has the gateway modules in the folder. Do you know if the Sagepay version will have the protocol 3??
  2. Thanks Ian for your speedy reply. So basically, I just down load the latest full version, unzip and isolate that module and over right the existing?
  3. We are running CC5.2.8 currently and are not keen to upgrade to a heavily modified store. However Sagepay have advised of their migration to protocol 3 - can I upgrade just that module to resolve this?
  4. Having difficulty deleting orders in bulk from the order area. If you check a few boxes and select the drop down to say "dont change order status" and then "delete" you get kicked back to the order screen with this message shown: Orders have been found that match your search The orders deleted havn't been deleted and they are still in the system. anyone else seen this? Regards Peter
  5. Running CC 5.2.8 and note that emails aren't sent to Admin when or if a customer changes the status of their order to Cancelled. Is it possible to change this? Any ideas?
  6. Our site is getting a crazy number of Spam reviews on products. W e have reCAPTCHA Enabled and yet the spam is still coming at sometimes up to 4 an hour. How is the spam getting past the reCaptcha and more importantly how can we stop it?
  7. Hi All On our site we have really indepth product options on our products. In some cases there can be up to 8 different options that effect the product. We use the print packing note to pick and pack the order in our stores. At the moment this sheet displays the options but they are all laid out in one text block. This is not easy to read as in effect you end up with something like this: size: medium colour: pink : strapsize: 126cm design: track As you can see it is easy for the packer to misread etc. Does anyone know how we could make these options display on a seperate line for each? Any help would be appreciated as always! Pete Ward
  8. Thanks Al. That was indeed the problem. All working now thanks to you and support. BSmither - thank you for your assistance also. Much appreciated.
  9. We do not need to have the site logo on our printed invoice as it is used for internal purposes only. However we would like both the delivery and billing address to be shown. On admin/skins/default/templates/orders.print.php I have deleted the store logo and it is my intention to display the billing address in it's place. However this is where my problem is!! I guess I have to call this info on admin/sources/orders.in.php ? I'm sure it's an easy answer. I just can't find it! Any Ideas?
  10. Thanks Brian. If I look at the email as plain text it still doesn't show. I have looked in the database and found the cubecart_order_inventory and then product_options. Each one just says something like [bLOB - 244 B] for example. If I click the link it opens up the entry as a .bin file. Below is an example of the content a:4:{i:0;s:40:"Add HD rear support brg: Yes (+£160.00)";i:1;s:37:"Serial Number of Existing Unit: 12345";i:2;s:66:"Return Carriage Option for Mainland UK Only: Yes Please (+£30.00)";i:3;s:50:"Core Deposit: Required On This Product (+£350.00)";} Thank you for your assistance with this by the way. It is appreciated!
  11. It was set to processing, but for the purpose of testing this I've changed it to Pending!!!!
  12. Thanks for your reply. I can indeed see the selected options in the admin order screen, they just don't show on the email. The code you have given is perfect and yet the options are still not displayed! The only edit to the email so far is the addition of this: <p> Customer Comments:&nbsp;{$DATA.customer_comments}</p> But if I remove that it still doesn't work!!!
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