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Everything posted by havenswift-hosting

  1. I would complete support the statements by Noodleman above - IP blocking is much better done at a hosting level - it can easily be done via cPanel yourself or speak to your hosting company and they will / should do it for you and might even block at a server level - we often do that where we see unsophisticated bots like this. Generally, IP blocking like this is actually fairly pointless and a never ending task - most hackers and bots would use rotating proxy servers and can appear to be coming from hundreds or many thousands of different IP addresses from around the world - more sophisticated security is required in these cases which we implement at a server level but nothing is ever 100% and it is a constant battle for us hosting companies as well ! In terms on the captcha, I would also always suggest that they are switched on - it really isnt that much of an issue for customers now (there were times when they were a real pain) and does provide a lot of protection Ian
  2. A github issue has been created with the modified version attached https://github.com/cubecart/v6/issues/1276 - Al will hopefully add this new version 1.0.2 to the marketplace shortly Ian
  3. To celebrate the launch of our new dedicated server range, we are holding a 3 day flash sale and the full range can be seen here bit.ly/12LcbA3 We have an increasing scale of discount for the first month (if paid yearly you get 12 months for the price of 10 !!) and so the more expensive servers have a greater discount 10% off of D1, 20% off of D2, 30% off of D3 up to 60% off D6 servers ! While many on here will not require a dedicated server for their CubeCart website, if your store is pushing the limits offered by shared hosting, or you have multiple sites you would like to host or alternatively, you want the security and stability that having your own dedicated server brings, then drop me a PM or contact us via our website. Come and join the list of our dedicated server customers already running their store on their own servers - we will even do the whole migration for you Sale ends Thursday 6th October at 17:30 BST Ian
  4. A duplicate content penalty from Google is a very strong possibility if you follow this suggestion of having two almost identical sites - it could potentially cause one or both sites to have greatly reduced SERPS and can even cause one or both sites to be excluded completely from the index.
  5. Have you setup redirects from http to https - these are seen as different websites and so Google will have indexed your previous site using http and also most / all other external links will be http as well. Have you updated your site within Google Search Console (webmasters) and also updated and submitted a new sitemap. As previously asked, is it just sales that have gone down or actual visitors ? Have you checked that the SSL is valid and that you dont have any mixed content errors as this can put people off Ian
  6. Take a look at the Store Settings | Features tab to see if you have the option " Disable Shipping Groups" ticked Ian
  7. Without knowing what you are trying to test, it is difficult to make any comment. However there is no sign of any order and you don't appear to have registered either. So.....
  8. You can try our demo site - https://www.cubecart-demo.co.uk which has our own skins and stock Foundation. You can use Print Order Form to "pay" for an order or even get the Sage Pay test credit card numbers http://www.sagepay.co.uk/support/12/36/test-card-details-for-your-test-transactions and use one of our SagePay payment methods that uses their test server. I would 100% recommend a move away to a Foundation based skin
  9. One reason that you might only be getting 2% of visitors on mobile devices (which is the lowest I think I have ever seen for any website in the past couple of years - even most non-optimised sites get 20% to 35% mobile visits) is that Google will now not list you in mobile search results if your site fails the mobile test. So even users dont find your site when doing a search, they will never visit
  10. With email address being so critical in an E-Commerce system, I think it is important to ensure as far as possible that they are valid. Many people obviously still incorrectly type email addresses (hotnail.com is a common one but there are hundreds of variations of incorrect typing that customers just dont see). Your suggestion is a good solution
  11. Picking out this one fragment here but I would always suggest rewriting the /index.php to the domain name to avoid Google duplicate content penalties. You need to choose whether you use www or non www. and redirect these as well. So for example if you choose to use www then domain.com redirects to www.domain.com domain.com/index.php redirects to www.domain.com www.domain.com redirects to www.domain.com Ian
  12. If you want the additional functionality, ability to accept payments without leaving your site and the Virtual Terminal functionality then Payments Pro is the way to go but you should leave that plugin disabled until you have an account and then enable it and disable the PayPal gateway.
  13. That is expected behaviour and was added a little while ago (see https://github.com/cubecart/v6/issues/602) as a quick way of tidying up out of stock items that were not going to be coming back into stock. However, completely agree that there should be a big warning / double check to confirm that you want to delete the inventory item itself and there is already an open issue for this change (see https://github.com/cubecart/v6/issues/953) Ian
  14. It always used to be the case that it was advised not to have both the PayPal gateway and the PayPal plugin enabled at the same time - there was / is a specific warning in the plugin admin screen and while I dont know the reason why both cannot be enabled, I dont see that either of these have changed for this situation to be any different.# Ian
  15. Is the github issue still open and if so can you add a reference to it in this thread ? I also think this is important and should be in core and hopefully @Al Brookbanks will see this thread and try to add it very soon or alternatively, if anyone can supply a solution then that would be easier for Al to add. Ian
  16. Firstly, I like the idea of the option of being able to add the manufacturer to the seo url although whether it will help your SEO depends on a large number of factors that will vary with every store, such as what category structure you have (and are losing from your SEO url), whether the manufacturer's name is well known and most importantly how well it ties in with all the other SERPS factors on that page. Simply adding the manufacturer to the url will probably do little by itself. If doing it automatically, you also have to decide whether the category adds more or less than the manufacturer name. Also, the whole point of the Custom SEO url field is that you can manually enter whatever you like into it, so a much better solution would be to simply enter that path and save it, rather than make core file changes to the code. Of course, if you have thousands or tens of thousands of products then doing it manually would be a long job but if it is that important to you then much better to do it via a plugin. There are some on here that advocate hacking code and I have seen so many people start off justifying that it is only one or two small changes and they are simple to reproduce when you upgrade and before long the core code is hacked to pieces and it gets extremely complicated to upgrade. You can of course using file comparison tools (like Beyond Compare) to make it easier or even setup your own git repository, but neither of these are an easy way to solve the problem and can often be a lot more work than biting the bullet initially and doing it via a plugin. Lastly, we have an Enhanced Manufacturers plugin (which already adds a lot of extra functionality around the basic built in) and it would be relatively simple to add this as an extra feature if you are interested. Ian
  17. In the original design of the Retail Therapy skin we did include a telephone number in the two main templates to show people that it could easily be added / changed. In later versions we removed this as it was obvious that those that knew how to edit a template file, could do this themselves and those that didnt, wouldnt know which file to edit or how to remove or change ! So, I believe you are running an older version of the skin and the latest version can either be downloaded from your Havenswift Hosting account dashboard or via your CubeCart Marketplace account Ian
  18. You can very easily achieve that using one part of our Enhanced Sorting plugin https://www.cubecart.com/extensions/plugins/enhanced-sorting which allows you to choose exactly which products you want to display and in what order. Which products are chosen in what order can easily be changed by a simple drag and drop so can be changed whenever you want In addition you will get a lot of other sorting functionality that comes with the plugin Ian
  19. It isnt a case of converting a V4 skin to V6 as the technology is completely different. It would be possible to start with the basic Foundation V6 skin and create a version that looks like the Kita Blue V4 skin, but I certainly wouldnt recommend that, as it is a very old fashioned style. You would be much better off selling the benefits of a more modern design and there are many available on the CubeCart Marketplace including our own Retail Therapy (see demo at https://www.cubecart-demo.co.uk). We do create custom skins for customers as well and could develop a Kita Blue V6 version if that is the way you really want to go but a custom skin development isnt cheap ! Ian
  20. Our Enhanced Sorting plugin, available on the Marketplace, allows you to sort the specific order that Latest Products are displayed (along with a large number of other items that cannot normally be sorted) See https://www.cubecart.com/extensions/plugins/enhanced-sorting Ian
  21. ispCP Omega appears to be lacking quite a few features found in more common hosting control software so you will need to direct your question either to your hosting company or if this is on your own server then ask the question in the forums on their website. This isnt a CubeCart specific question so you are better asking it in a forum that supports the product Ian
  22. Where did you get the SSL certificate from ? You need to generate the CSR first which is done via cPanel and then once the certificate is issued it can be installed in the same area. Alternatively ask your hosting company to install it and they should be able to help Ian
  23. You will need to apply for and then install (through your hosting control panel) a SSL certificate for your own domain i.e. www.redroseinvitations.com.au.
  24. So you will not have access to that information or functionality - you can and should ask your hosting company to check and whitelist rules that are being tripped. mod_security does trip one at a time and it is common for code that trips one rule to then trip one or more further rules once the first is whitelisted so it can be a short process to get it working 100%. We use the third party "COMODO ModSecurity Rules for Apache" across every single server we run rather than the standard "SpiderLabs OWASP curated ModSecurity rule set" which comes with cPanel as we find these much better and more secure. Standard core V6 CubeCart does not trip any rules in the set we use (although a few third party plugins do) but it sounds like the ruleset from SpiderLabs might trip more often or perhaps you arent running the latest V6 CubeCart ?
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