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Posts posted by Lastwolf

  1. Yeah, if there result of the search was some clickable product panel I could probably work with that.

    I guess the best way to describe it would be;

    Current behaviour;

    Search query "BrandX"


    533 Products found matching "Brand X" 

    BrandX product1,  BrandX product2. BrandX product3, ....

    Ideal behaviour;

    Search query "BrandX"


    Brand X Category! Banner Click here for more!

    533 Products found matching "Brand X" 

    BrandX product1,  BrandX product2. BrandX product3, ....


  2. Bit of a strange one.

    I have a compliance request that when people search a certain keyword that the catefory appear as a result, it's like a mini brand store.

    I setup the base category "mystore.com/brand" and all the info is in there fine but using the search feature all products just appear as one would expect, is it possible for it to also search the categories for the keyword and display it as the first result ?

  3. Woops,


    Seems I need to add a not empty check or it borks all other searches, this is why I am generally a bull in a china shop;

                // Customer ID
                if (isset($_GET['search']['search_customer_id']) && !empty($_GET['search']['search_customer_id'])) {
                    $where['last_name'] = '~'.trim($_GET['search']['search_customer_id']);


  4. Figured it out.

                // Customer ID
                if (isset($_GET['search']['search_customer_id'])) {
                    $where['last_name'] = '~'.trim($_GET['search']['search_customer_id']);
                <label for="customer_id">{$LANG.orders.customer_name}</label>
                <span><input type="text"  name="search[search_customer_id]" class="textbox"></span>


  5. I understand only some of those words  😀


    Yes, I guess a forced unique customer id would solve the issue as well as anything else, but seems kinda backwards, all I want to do is find all orders with the name "Smith" (in my case it's reference number but the principle is the same) the search bar makes a blow out window of all accounts with the name Smith. Does this not mean if they had an addtional address to their Aunt Jones they sent an order to, it would show? cause I can't replicate that.

    Also means that if I manually ordered in their "account" with it going to an alternative address it'd also not searchable as that doesn't automatically make an "alternative address" entry for them?

    If I manually enter an order that does not have an email address, it's not searchable. 

    I dunno, the way Search by Name currently works is so finite, it's not very useful.

  6. It's not that there is no info, it's more that it's not making new customer accounts I think. Some orders are have hyperlinks and some don't, I'm having a hard time figuring out why this occurs. Okay, I figured it out, it's because the email address is not entered or the one entered is already in use.


    Any of these grey linked orders appear to be not searchable, because they don't appear in the suggested results.




    All orders are manually entered, so there might not even be an email address given sometimes, these orders would never be searchable by customer name.

  7. The Search Orders tab, in the Customer> Orders form.


    The fly out search wouldn't search the field at all as the job ID, I'm using on a per order basis.

    removing the parentheses still results in the same behaviour.



    Pressing that search button with anything in the above fields, returns no results/ reloads the page. For example searching the partial of a name, Mark, doesn't work. The Search will only complete if you click on one of the drop down names. I'd be fine with the drop down menu method, but it also doesn't seem to contain any orders that are manually entered without saving the customer (those orders are not hyperlinked).

    Partial searches DO work for Order Number.

  8. It's probably my fault considering how I'm abusing Cubecart to do something it's not intended.

    But I'm currently using the Customer name field to hold a job ID.

    For Example instead of 

    Firstname: John

    Surname:  Smith

    I'm doing

    Firstname: John Smith

    Surname: (1008451567)

     This works great for my general needs, but the only flaw is that when I go to search, using (1008451567) it returns no results.


    Looking into it a bit further, if you search any partial of a name and hit search, it returns all orders. It'll only show properly if you click a suggested name

  9. The inbuilt tools do the bulk of the work for you.

    Afaik, best practice is to truncate as much as possible and remove any special characters, the inbuilt tool will do the latter you'd need to do the rest yourself.

    If you take the title of your product;


    A ReaLly big hat !! that is red

      Using the tool that'd be



    But you'd probably want to remove as much as possible extra information without reducing the actual information, just "hat" would be the purest seo but loses too much description so;



    Would the "best" seo result, least as far as I understand it.


    You need to rebuild your google search asap, submitting your site map and google shopping links to the new ones should fix that with a day or two, google crawls alot.

    Your internal links should dynamically update, as far as cubecart is concerned there is a lookup table against your item id and seo link, unless you've hard coded the links for some reason.

  10. I did request it as a feature a while back. Most couriers provide some form of tracking these days, all of them that I use do so manually adding the tracking numbers each day is very time consuming and I keep getting asked about it.

    In theory it shouldn't be that hard to do, it's a bit beyond my skill level, when I get a bit of free time in a month or so, I'll have a crack at it (on the test site as i'm 90% sure I'll nuke the store if I do it live, I have previous :D).

  11. I finished the switch from my old skin to a somewhat modified version of Dillion.


    I'm not 100% happy with it, didn't really understand why I was having issues, dillion is based on Bootstrap 3.3.7, which is a tad out of date. At some point I'll update it to use 4.6, the differences didn't seem like that big a deal. 5.3 seemed to utterly break the navbar, would take more work that I want to get into at anypoint never mind some mythical future. 

  12. yeah, I figured that, so is this section to display the element only were all things are true and display it there?

    cause I can see to get it to post for like half a second then it goes away with this $placement issue, which appears to be some bootstrap thing.

  13. The PayLater messaging appears to be cause I don't have it enabled on that paypal account, so that would explain that 😃


    Still can't get the alternative Paypal buy button to show up for more than a few seconds, with my attempts to cheat

    "product":{"dom":".product_wrapper #main_content form .row .row:last-child"}

    even changing that to just be the id of the div, causes the above errors.

    It also doesn't show on the main page, just category and checkout. I figured it was because dillion removed the #main_content id, but even adding it back made no difference.

  14. I don't see any of the Pay Later messaging showing up in any skin and I can only get the paypal button to appear in Foundation on the product page itself.

    thought I had one of them sorted it needs a change to "config.foundation.json" but it flickers  up for a second then outputs a crap load of errors;

    {description: 'Expected one of ["home", "category", "product", "cart", "payment"] but received "$placement".', location: 'placement', timestamp: '1677596745015'}

    js?client-id=AeYlxqQ3Mm1IkVdrJQL2tr0nh8qDl6_lWosWnZh_kK2nMZuNYhLzMLO9_6t1yuSVf9uephcoudClXpa0&merchant-id=URJL4JF9VRTT8&currency=EUR&components=messages,buttons&enable-funding=paylater&commit=false:2 unhandled_error {err: 'Error: zoid destroyed all components\n    at https:…ns&enable-funding=paylater&commit=false:2:447499)', timestamp: '1677596745184', referer:

  15. I think since Nitefox handed them over they haven't been updated as Cubecart only really supports Foundation.

    Since the skin I use, also hasn't been updated since it's developer went AWOL, and I wanted to add features, I figured it'd be easier to update from 6.4.3 than 6.2 whatever the hell it was made for. So, I was looking to move over Dillion and modifying that as it isn't a million miles away from what I currently use. I've been putting it off for at least a week, If it's not too hard I can have a look at upgrading these to all 6.4.10 or maybe documenting the process a bit 😃, #nopromises.



    I'm 20% through just documenting this and it's 14 pages, I'm more than likely not doing this for all of them 


  16. The payment is for sure going through?

    Which paypal module are you using and is it up to date in the version number?


    EDIT: Nevermind, I misread, that is the normal proceedure, after paypal payment is sent it should be set to processing, it's up to you to complete it.

    Additonally, I'd have a look at "Store Settings > General "Misc" 

    That should have the alert email to Admin setting make sure it's set to processing and the one below is ticked "allow processing to be skipped" that might resolve your above issue.

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