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Posts posted by bondimedical

  1. I have managed to get it to work with the following code:

    if (strtolower($_POST['captcha']) != 'mycode') {$GLOBALS['gui']->setError('The code entered was incorrect. Please try again.');

    But what it does is clear the form of all the details which the customer entered, name, email etc. How can I prevent this from happening?

  2. Thanks again for your help. The reason I have asked for this is because if someone clicks on the back button from the Terms & Conditions page data is lost from all the forms which the customer has filled out.

    Is it possible to do this edit from the Admin or you have to change definitions.xml directly?

  3. I have commented out the Recaptcha form on the confirm page and it is not showing. However, it displays an error message in the next step of the checkout "The verification code was incorrect. Please try again." Why is this?

    • The verification code was incorrect. Please try again.
  4. This is because our forum software historically only returned five items. Since this new version it returns 25. I have asked the software provider to add a setting but they won't. I know how you guys feel now! :P

    I'll have to hack the code again....

    I have changed the News feed URL to https://forums.cubecart.com/rss/forums/1-cubecart-news-announcements/ in my CubeCart 5 store without Brian's fix and the issue fixed itself.

  5. I think it's because of the "new" source of these feeds.

    I note that this skin is a CC5 admin skin, so maybe you are running CC5? If so, the RSS feed may be coming from:


    CC6 is asking for the feed from:


    which is basically the same, just a different format.

    But CC6 also has a count limiter.

    Therefore, I think the provider of the RSS feed no longer limits the list of items, and relies on CubeCart to limit itself.

    Near line 248 in dashboard.index.inc.php, make the code look like:

    	if ($data['version'] >= 2) {
    		$i = 1;
    		foreach ($data->channel->item as $item) {
    			$news['items'][] = array(
    				'title'   => (string)$item->title,
    				'link'   => (string)$item->link,
    			if($i==5) break;
    	$GLOBALS['smarty']->assign('NEWS', $news);


    Thank you for your help Brian. The fix works perfectly

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