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Dirty Butter

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Posts posted by Dirty Butter

  1. This seems to work for box.skins.php:

    {if $SKINS}
    <div class="panel" id="box-sale_items">
    <form action="{$VAL_SELF}" method="post" class="autosubmit" id="box-skin">
          <h4>Change Skin:</h4>
             <select name="select_skin" class="auto_submit">
             {foreach from=$SKINS item=skin}
             {if isset($skin.styles)}
             {foreach from=$skin.styles item=style}
             <option value="{$skin.name}|{$style.directory}" {$style.selected}>{$skin.display} - {$style.name}</option>
             <option value="{$skin.name}" {$skin.selected}>{$skin.display}</option>

    Move the call for the skins box in main.php here (on right or change to make on left - depending on how your columns are setup):

    <div class="large-3 columns show-for-large-up" id="sidebar_right">
                      {include file='templates/box.featured.php'}
                      {include file='templates/box.popular.php'}
                      {include file='templates/box.sale_items.php'}
    				  {include file='templates/box.skins.php'}


  2. Quote

    The thought of upgrading is a bit of a nightmare, I will only do that when the time comes if it is a major feature improvement or a security upgrade. once it is working I don't want to break it!! 

    Many people would agree with you. But I find it less confusing to make small changes all along from GitHub commits on a test site.

    I use file compare software to merge upgrade changes with my edited version.

  3. You should be able to move the  {include file='templates/box.skins.php'} to this div in main.php Foundation templates:

    <div class="large-3 columns show-for-large-up" id="sidebar_left">
                      {include file='templates/box.featured.php'}
                      {include file='templates/box.popular.php'}
                      {include file='templates/box.sale_items.php'}

    You will probably have to look at the code in the box.featured, etc., to see how to get the skin change box to show up properly.

  4. Great! You will need to make these kinds of edits available on subsequent CC upgrades.

    I put a comment before and after such changes, so I might end up with something that looks like this:

     if (($where === false || strlen($where) > 0) && ($results = GLOBALS['db']->select('CubeCart_inventory', false, $where, $_GET['sort'], $per_page, $page)) !== false) { *}
    if (($where === false || strlen($where) > 0) && ($results = $GLOBALS['db']->select('CubeCart_inventory', false, $where, ((key($_GET['sort']) == "product_code") ? "LENGTH(`product_code`) ".$_GET['sort']['product_code'].", `product_code` ".$_GET['sort']['product_code'] : $_GET['sort']), $per_page, $page)) !== false) {

    Commenting each code edit makes adding them into the next upgrade version much easier.

  5. NO - sorry I did not make this clear. It does exactly as intended.

    But I already had attempted to move images into folders - a tedious one-at-a-time process. If I had started my store after Folders could be assigned, I would be OK. But my folder structure just kind of grew like Topsy, and never was followed through properly for all images. If I used the tool now on plushcatalog I would have the 0-1, A-Z folders PLUS all the folders I named. It would be beyond a mess.

    I would be glad to use it on my jumble of folders IF I could somehow FIRST take all of them out of the existing folders, keeping all product associations, delete all my then empty folders, and THEN run the tool.

    However, I DO agree, @havenswift-hosting that using the main Category might be a more logical way to assign the folders. That's basically what I tried to do to begin with, with a few illogical exceptions.

    But the 0-1, A-Z works pretty well (much better than my attempt).

  6. Sorry - have no idea how that space go in there!

    Installing skins is easy. Getting the look you want is the hard part. Most developers will have a nominal install charge, but they will install for you. But getting the look you want requires time, and that's going to cost. But you can use YOUR time and get it done yourself. That has the advantage that you learn a bit about how it works.

    You would be up and running from the start and could slowly change from the default to your pink look.

  7. In content.checkout.confirm.php:

    <script type="text/javascript">
       var county_list = {$STATE_JSON};
    <div class="row hide">
       <div class="small-12 large-8 columns"><input type="checkbox" name="register" id="show-reg" value="1" {$REGISTER_CHECKED}><label for="show-reg">{$LANG.account.create_account}</label></div>


    the hide in the div takes it off the screen with it still checked as Register.

  8. I've spent the last few days testing SemperFiWebServices new Custom Foundation 5 skin, which is a customizable from within Admin Foundation skin for v6 stores. If you can find several screenshots as a pattern for yourself you might be able to get a similar look.

    As for whatever bells and whistles you had been using on v5 - they won't work on v6. Hopefully some of them are now stock code.


    Not sure if he's also keeping this one up to date:


    Another skin that appears to have a developer who is keeping it up to date:


    This one has a free plugin that also makes some edits available from within Admin, rather than by editing code.



  9. That's why I'm not using capcha right now. :(

    It may be that the Guest Checkout issue is NOT capcha related. If that's the case, the only way I can think of is to not allow Guest purchases for the weekend.

    I have a test store on today's commit on GitHub. I was able to take a test order as a Guest all the way to PayPal. Either some change in the 6.1.8 code fixed the issue, or the problem is not Invisible or Guest.

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