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Big Spender

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Everything posted by Big Spender

  1. I have just been moving a CubeCart v5.2.14 from local to live and in doing so I have received the error: - "Notice: `name` is not allowed as a key in 'CubeCart_config' table!" I am now just doing a new install instead and using that - but I will be following the same process soon for another website where I don't have the option of starting fresh. I checked the config file to ensure the database entries were correct. On the live website I was attempting to put this store in a folder on root, on local this was also in a folder on root. There are a number of similar posts on here and the third party forum with no real answer.
  2. If it was viable - how would that work with users not logged in, clicking forgotten password and resetting on the normal 'guest' reset page (as CC doesn't know the account being reset is in the disabled group at that point)? As a work around for customer groups could you not add a 1 or 0 custom field for each customer record and check against that?
  3. I haven't done anything like this myself, just to get some ideas flowing I was considering the possibility of stopping the form being displayed for a specific customer group and adding the customers to that, but you reset before login so that's out.
  4. Thanks for the information. The concern with the last point was that the base and standard Foundation framework includes its own javascript, would that be included at skin level rather than across cubecart's common javascripts? Or will the foundation javascript be used system wide?
  5. Hi, Other than reading Al's post announcing v6 I haven't seen anything further about it. I have a few questions as I am currently developing a few v5 skins and want to ensure functionality is carried over: - 1. Any estimated date? Are we talking a 2015 release? 2. Is there any preview of any of the template code? 3. Will the functionality from the current v5 templates e.g. the template hooks, loops, etc work on v6? 4. Is the foundation responsive framework being used purely for the default v6 skin? I take it this doesn't effect anyone not wanting to use that framework to build their own responsive skin?
  6. Yes no problem. In terms of the tick/cross icons - maybe an on/off switch would work better, I see these quite a lot on WordPress plugins:
  7. Okay I have read through this and I understand what those 3 lines do now - but why is file view loaded on storefront in the first place? I wasn't aware it was used for anything front end? Or is it just picked up as it's a javascript plugin and loaded via js/common.html on both?
  8. Yes sorry I kinda wrote the original reply without thinking about what you were saying - it's all good. I guess I don't need to really include the 0 and 1 in a skin unless the file manager tree becomes a selectable option for display on the front end - which I don't think it is right now? As things stand at the moment nobody can actually do that without modifying the store right?
  9. I am just checking out the differences skin-wise in the latest version, what are these new things for and why are they display none? <div style="display: none" id="val_skin_folder">{$SKIN_FOLDER}</div> <div style="display: none" id="val_store_url">{$STORE_URL}</div> {if !empty($SKIN_COMMON)}<div style="display: none" id="val_skin_common_images">{$SKIN_COMMON}</div>{/if} There are also 2 images (a tick and cross) called 0 and 1 in the images folder - what are they used for? Maybe there is already a change history which explains on github for the release but although I understand the process of github I struggle to navigate around it and understand the terminalogy. I like CubeCart but I'm not sure if I want to give it a fork :)
  10. Just giving more thought to this, do you not think I'm giving too much thought to what I am trying to do and should just manually query the CC database to output the same <ul><li> list and links? I know it's probably not the most elegant solution but saves me amending the CC files. Obviously this wouldn't help for the shopping cart or session, but for the categories I think it would suffice?
  11. Okay thanks I am going to take a look into this, I am a front end guy though so maybe back with further questions over the coming weeks.
  12. Hi bsmither - thanks. So which files as a start point should I be looking at for the AJAX method? Would I be GET'ing from a PHP file or fetching from the database?
  13. I am currently hard coding a few things from CC on other areas of a website when outside the CC system - which is okay for this particular website but/// What are the options (if any) to output data from CC? It would be nice to be able to output the data from box.categories.tpl, additionally the shopping cart and session (login/register links) on other non-CC pages. From my experience of attempting this with other software like phpBB it can be quite difficult. Has anyone attempted this? Thanks in advance for any info/help.
  14. Thanks for the information, much appreciated. Looking at the debug info there is nothing for the currency of the order, only the default currency of the store. Am I correct that the orders after checkout are converted to the master currency anyway? So therefore I should just use: default_currency => "GBP" for the purposes of the above?
  15. I am working on Facebook's conversion tracking code at the moment which is as below: - <!-- Facebook Conversion Code for Checkout --> <script>(function() { var _fbq = window._fbq || (window._fbq = []); if (!_fbq.loaded) { var fbds = document.createElement('script'); fbds.async = true; fbds.src = '//connect.facebook.net/en_US/fbds.js'; var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(fbds, s); _fbq.loaded = true; } })(); window._fbq = window._fbq || []; window._fbq.push(['track', '0000000000', {'value':'0.00','currency':'GBP'}]); </script> <noscript><img height="1" width="1" alt="" style="display:none" src="https://www.facebook.com/tr?ev=0000000000&amp;cd[value]=0.00&amp;cd[currency]=GBP&amp;noscript=1" /></noscript> Firstly - is there smarty code for an if statement for the template of the page I want to add this too? As this code needs adding inside the head tags (which means I need to do it in the header) but only on the content.receipt.php page (I assume), CC's analytics conversion tracking is here so that seems the logical place but what has thrown me is that isn't this the same page also used in the order details via My Account and it would register a conversion if someone visited that too...? Finally, I can send it the total order value using {$SUM.total} in the above, but you can also send it the currency via the ISO code, is there a hook for the currency ISO code for the order, I know there is {$currency.code} but I think that is just the currency code you have selected to browse the website not the one in use on the order. Thanks,
  16. By category I meant <group>, if you set a name on that group in the .xml file the dropdown still works as normal but the row to select my new group of phrases is blank (has no title or description unlike all the standard ones).
  17. If I add a new category of phrases into definitions.xml it shows via Languages in the admin area for use and works fine, the dropdown to select the group however is blank, is there anything I can do to get this to display the title? If not I will just name it with a '_' at the beginning to push the row to the top of the list.
  18. Just a quick question on how the uploaded photos work, if I set the image sizes in the skin configuration to a value and then change these later would the images resize on recache or would they need to be uploaded again to resize to the new size? An example would be a product with a 800x800 photo upload and the skin has the photos setup at 100x100 and then later on they are changed to 200x200.
  19. Hi, I'm not sure what you are trying to do. By default the checkout process has 'I would like to create an account' checked and expands out the password box for you to fill in (see attached). Which seems like what you asked in the message, but maybe you have a non-standard skin? Thanks,
  20. Thanks guys I'll keep an eye on this on future CC updates, I have styled up the downloads section as needed. I am hoping to develop a few skins over the next few months for CC5.
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