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  1. Hi - yes, it was for my own benefit so I can make more stock of the most popular products over a defined time period.. That said the Popular Products on the home page is nice to have too! It isn't working as expected. If I set to start of this year it shows no popular products. If I set it to start of 2020 it only shows 2 popular products. They are not best sellers by a long way. I have to set a date of June 1 2019 for 10 popular products to show. The number of products declines the later I set the date. I have changed the popular products to show setting to 0 to disable it for now.
  2. Thanks again. I've made the changes. Where should I see the date filter? I'm not seeing in Statistics/Best Selling Products
  3. Thankyou. Sorry for delay getting back to this. Just found time to make the edits. Just did a dummy order & the drop down box for customer to select their state was in long format & came through onto the order summary in same format.
  4. It certainly would! I'd generally be looking at looking at last 6 or 12 months but happy to define that in days. Cheers!
  5. This features shows best selling products since store creation. That's 11 years for me & inventory has grown in recent years. Most of my product is produced by myself. To plan production & stocking better would it be possible to add date filters to this section so Best Selling Product between user defined dates can be used? Thanks in advance.
  6. I'm a UK based shop but a good proportion of my orders are from USA. I drag & drop the address details into the Royal Mail Click & Drop online portal to process my postage. The Cubecart address format has the US customers declare their state in long-hand version rather than the shortened ISO format eg South Dakota instead of SD. I have to manually amend these on the Royal Mail portal & occasionally have to double check against a list for some states ISO code that I use infrequently. Is there a way the ISO code for US States could be used on Cubecart instead of long-hand version?
  7. No banners. I took a look at phpmyadmin & can see my mistake. I corrected to "cc_CubeCart_shipping_zones", reloaded the edited files & it works. No banners though. Thanks for your perseverance with me! One thing I can't quite get my head around. I have a 'No Shipping' zone with countries I won't ship to. I guess that should be ticked?
  8. I thought so. Ientered the following into the query box ALTER TABLE `CubeCart_shipping_zones` ADD COLUMN `enabled` TINYINT(1) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 1 AFTER `sort_order`; It's borderline beyond me but I looked closer at the instructions & the info above the query box which stated the prefic was cc_ & changed it to ALTER TABLE `cc_shipping_zones` ADD COLUMN `enabled` TINYINT(1) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 1 AFTER `sort_order`; I reinstated the edited files but got the same result. EDIT: I have 5 shipping zones altogether - 3 of them overseas.
  9. Many thanks for this. I'm pretty sure I have followed the instructions correctly. I got a check box for each shipping zone All unchecked. I go to check the zones I want to ship to but the check doesn't stick. The only one that will stick is Rest of the World. I have reinstated the original files for now.
  10. Hi - with the cyber 'incident' affecting Royal Mail international shipping I'd like to switch off all international shipping temporarily. I can't see an option to do this without deleting zones or rates. I'd just like to suspend them & reinstate once the Royal Mail issue is resolved. Is there a simple way to do this that I'm missing please?
  11. Thanks. The image came from the Braintree extension download page. I'm going to set up a test site & do some comparisons using those panels & see if I can spot anything.
  12. Paypal Pro & Express is working well enough for me but I see Braintree is recommended for countries that can us it. Is there any documentation to setting this up on Cubecart? I've a clean install of CC & the Braintree module was a snap to install with the token & I've filled in the form & been approved but I can't see how to get it working. My users see this: Instead of this: I don't know how the initial Braintree checkout screen should look like when viewing the cart but with Paypal pro they get this I b
  13. Excuse the noob question - where would I find that? A manual check of file count & date checks out
  14. Ok - that brought in the Cache button but it doesn't turn orange like it should after changes. Order status not colour coded. but mailing list & documents changes are present work continues
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