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red sun

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Posts posted by red sun

  1. The rewrite code below strips out the quesrystring and redirects any link that contains "spectacle_shop". Looks like we may now be going for the more painful task of redirecting the old product URL to new the product URL for several hundred products. Fine to mark this as resolved - many thanks again for your input.

    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} spectacle_shop
    RewriteRule ^$ https://spectacles.com/index.php [L,R=301]


  2. The new site was built in CC5 and all content was added in from scratch so there aren't any CC4 URLs to worry about. The problem is that Google still brings up the occasional reference to the old site URLs for general product searches and as you spotted they're very similar to CC4. The CC4 rewrite rules were causing a "Category not found" error in CC5.

    I've asked the client to delete any old Google Shopping entries and we're hoping that will stop them showing up in searches in future. We've checked that Google is indexing the site correctly and that sitemap.xml.gz is being picked up.

    In the meantime I had to come up with a soltion which didn't lead to 404s when customers click the old link as we think it's been damaging the Google ranking pretty badly, hence the need for a rewrite/redirect based on a string we know existed in all the old site URLs.

  3. We have old URLs still turning up on Google for a site that was launched months ago. I'm trying to modify the .htaccess file to catch any URL that contains a specific string in the URL which is from the old site - for example "spectacle_shop" (eg: https://spectacles.com/spectacle_shop/cat_544283-RayBan.html?_a=category&cat_id=544283").

    <IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
      RewriteEngine On
      RewriteCond %{HTTPS} off    
      RewriteRule ^(.*)$ https://%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI} [L,R=301]
      RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
      RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
      RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !=/favicon.ico
      RewriteRule ^(.*)\.html?$ index.php?seo_path=$1 [L,QSA]
      RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} spectacle_shop
      RewriteRule .* index.php [L,R=301]

    The existing CubeCart .htaccess code is taking preference as the site always redirects back to the root URL followed by /.html which results in a 403 errror.

    Please note I've changed the actual shop URL and string we're looking for as I don't want Google indexing them again through this post. The whole site is under an SSL cert so all URLs start with https://

    Many thanks for any advice.



  4. I have a CC v5.2.16 site where several customers have an issue with the checkout process. In some cases they have to click the "Checkout" button up to three times in order to proceed from the address page as they keep getting the "Address has been updated" message at the top of the page.

    I tried setting "My delivery address is the same as my billing address" to checked by default to try to get round the issue (for most customers) but I still get the "Address has been updated" message every time I click the "Checkout" button, even if the address hasn't been updated. I even get the message if I revisit the page and don't touch the "My delivery address is the same as my billing address" check-box when clicking the "Checkout" button.

    This is causing a bit of confusion. Is there any way to turn off just this one message so that the user is directed to the next stage of the checkout process (payment options) without a page refresh and "Address has been updated" message?

    Many thanks...

  5. I have a CC5 store with lots of options per product.

    Line 149 of admin/skins/templates/orders.index.php just has the variable {$product.options} which produces a linear list which is very difficult to read when there are lots of options (see screen grab).

    Please could someone let me know where {$product.options} is created and if it's possible to amend the code to add <br /> tags at the end of each option.

    Many thanks...

    Screen Shot 2015-06-02 at 11.47.35.png

  6. Hi again. Is there a potential work-around if it's not possible to provide a hook for the calculations for the View Basket and checkout/gateway processes?


    One thing I thought of is creating a product option which contains the values for all the possible product option totals (from 1 to 300 or so). I could set the value of the product option drop-down using JavaScript and it's value would then be stored with the order and used for calcuating the total price. It's a bit convoluted and the big draw-back with this is the fact that Cubecart doesn't store the option cost values in the product option but rather with each individual product which would mean that creating the products would take a very long time (even if cloning a 'master' product).


    Is there any way that we could import the 3,000+ products by CSV as planned and then apply the same product options and corresponding option cost values to every product in one go?

  7. I've finally managed to re-write the entire jQuery for the product options, using option text fields to store the customer's options rather than select drop-downs populated from the CubeCart admin area. This means I can now import a product CSV for the 3,000+ products and it will also make the task of updating the options and prices each year a lot simpler - I just have to update my jQuery script and the hard-coded values in "content.product.php".


    I have a product option text field on the page ( name="productOptions[24][]" ) which is storing the product options total cost with the order, but had to revert to using an additional field as suggested by bsmither - "my_options_total" - as the square brackets assigned by CubeCart to the field name appeared to be causing a problem with the snippet scripts.


    bsmither's snippets for using a text field to calculate the Shopping Basket sidebox values are working perfectly - see the example site at: http://framedindulgence.redsundesign.co.uk (the Shopping Basket sidebox is in the masthead area). You have to select a prescription lens to trigger the options (single, bi-focal, vari-focal).


    I have left the product options text fields which are getting stored with the order as visible for now (under the product image) but I'll hide these on the final version. I only had them visible to easily verify the values being written to them. Likewise, the test calculation fields under the "buy" button will also be hidden in the final version.


    I'd really appreciate help with getting the Shopping Basket sidebox values into the checkout. Would it help that we can make reference to the value stored with the order in "productOptions[24][]" ?


    Many thanks again...

  8. Many thanks for this. I think it might be best for me to work up an example of the product detail page so you can see what I'm trying to create.


    I've backed up my previous version which used the complex product options stored in admin. Please bear with me, it will take a while to re-write the jQuery and set up the new text-field only product options.

  9. I'm not familiar with implementing hooks, but understand that this would probably be preferable to hard edits which would need to be replicated whenever I carry out a CC update.


    I'm not overly worried that the option costs are summed into the product's total cost, as long as the value of {$CART_TOTAL} in box.basket.php also remains accurate. I can create an "options total" text field option and write the calculated option total in via jQuery to store the value with the product order. It's the value from this field that we'd want added to the product's original price (or sale price) in any case.


    I'm more than happy to implement the simplest solution you can find.

  10. Please bear with me on this one...


    I'm developing a site for a client with over 3,000 products with the same 5 dependent select boxes (eg: click option 3 from select #1 - select #4 becomes visible) with approximately 10 differently-priced options each per select box.


    I've spent days writing over 500 lines of jQuery just to handle the visibility of the dependent select boxes and options and also provide a running total on the product detail page.


    My biggest issue is with the way CubeCart assigns product options. I can create option sets to quickly assign all the options to each product but the option prices are added per product rather than stored with the master option. If my client wants to import the basic product information from a CSV from their old site they are going to have to manually add prices for over 50 options to 3,000 products.


    I can clone a single completed product with option prices in place and amend product name, price, description, seo meta info etc per product but this means that importing a CSV isn't possible.


    In addition, I dread to think of trying to update 3,000 x 50 product option prices next year.  A basic search and replace on the database won't do the job as some option prices are currently the same but may need to differ in the future.


    I'd love to be able to bypass the lengthy product options in the admin area and hard-code the options as tick boxes (or selects, radio buttons - whatever suits) into "content.product.php" as they are the same for every single product, and then use jQuery or similar to set 5 text field option values to hold the selected product option text (eg: "option 4: +£5.00" etc) so it gets stored with the order  - this bit I can do.


    However I'd also need to be able to pass a total for the product option prices to the "view basket" page so that the total price on the "view basket" page is correct and it gets stored with the order (eg: item price is £100, total of product options is £30 so the product total price on the "view basket" page is £130).


    This would make it so much easier to create the initial product inventory and update prices in the future as all I'd have to change are the hard-coded values in "content.product.php".


    Is there a means of having a product option text field which could pass a variable numeric value (the total of the product options) to be used in the calculation on the "view basket" page and which would also be stored with the order.


    This scenario hasn't been easy to describe - I appreciate your patience if you've got to the end.


    Many thanks


  11. @bsmither - thank you so much. I'd also posted this under my old log-in for cubecartfroums.org as this forum was initially displaying a malware warning from Google.


    As I replied on cubecartfroums.org, this is exactly what I required. Can't wait to carry out the mods on the store and see this working. Thanks again...

  12. Hi there. I'm also desperately needing some help with this.


    I'd like to to set a custom sort order for products within each category in CC5, perhaps by targetting categories by ID?

    For example, list products in the category "books" by date-added (asc), "coming soon" by date-added (desc) and "authors" alphabetically (asc).

    I've seen the mod that allows a number to be placed next to each product, but this would be too difficult for the client to control, as in some instances it would require every product to be re-numbered.


    Any help much appreciated...

  13. I cleared the cache and tried the solution above without any success. It removes the form, but doesn't show the success message.


    I've used the solution you posted in this topic http://forums.cubecart.com/topic/47361-resolved-using-php-in-templates as it addresses my issue perfectly and means that we don't have to alter any core files, which is always the best approach.



    This one Smarty statement should do the same as the {php} attempt:

    {if !empty($smarty.get.subscribed)}<p class="confirmation">Thank you for subscribing</p>{/if}


    See: http://www.smarty.ne....smarty.request


    Knackering the admin area... maybe. But there is a separate controller file for the admin.



    Many, many thanks for your assistance. Very much appreciated...

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