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Posts posted by fabriceunko

  1. Hi, I just noticed an error message when I go into the products.

    in the product page there are 4 tabs in the tab 'Product List' there is a menu that display categories for faster display of products.

    when I selected a category, it works perfectly. the category of products is displayed. but when I selected 'All' after choosing a category. I have an error message.



    when I chose 'All' I what appears


    What to do?

  2. In the Foundation template file box.basket.content.php:

          {foreach from=$CONTENTS item=item name=items}
          {if $smarty.foreach.items.index == 10}
             <li class="clearfix"><div class="left">&hellip;</div></li>
    Change to:
          {$CONTENTS|array_reverse}{* Remove this line if list is already reversed *}
          {foreach $CONTENTS as $items=>$item}
          {if $smarty.foreach.items.index == 10}
             <li class="clearfix"><div class="left">{$LANG.common.more}&hellip;</div></li>


    Hello, what is your code?

  3. hello, I have a client who told me about a problem when ordering too many articles. when the pannier than 10 items it out of the screen and the button box become inaccessible. is it possible to change this? See the screen capture. I did the tests and actually I can not pay the order


  4. Hello, I asked granny matter there is a time on a forum. and I found the solution with the plugin Freeshiping. I needed a coupon used to make free shipping from 99 €. with the plugin Freeshiping I managed to do it without having to slip and that it automatically when the customer arrives to 99 . this is much more convenient than the coupon. so here is my experience can help.

  5. Hello, I use CubeCart 6.0.4 and I have a problem with the mailing function.
    I to create a newsletter and mailings person when I receive it. I enrolled in the newsletter list. but I do not get anything. by cons when I did the test mailing adress putting my mail I receive well.
    someone you it had this problem?

    thank you for any help.

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