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Everything posted by [email protected].

  1. I have had two calls this morning from customers who after filling in their details at checkout, found that when they clicked on the 'secure checkout' button were unable to proceed! I did a test purchase while they were on the phone and I too could not get past this stage... I had changed the config.xml as per yesterdays advice from @Al Brookbanks but after changing <csrf>false</csrf> back to <csrf>true</csrf> everything seems to be working again...
  2. Mine isn't intermittent - but I haven't a clue where the CSRF off switch is @havenswift-hosting
  3. Maybe your IPN wasn't configured properly Sorry, if I don't make light of these things they can drive me to distraction... PS love the bible quote at the side
  4. Been using PP1.0.5 for ages no difference again I don't believe this is a PP issue Version 1.0.5 Last Updated 29th Jun 2016, 12:19
  5. All my IPNs suggest they were successful Not one of these orders updated, nor did the payments from WorldPay! History Transaction Table Date/time created Message ID Status Transaction ID 25/04/2017 08:04 BST 6A792483WR367320V Sent 3HG05298R4 24/04/2017 17:05 BST 6T27979267341610L Sent 1WM40935K 24/04/2017 16:32 BST 4MJ23712T0671743C Sent 4D6935200E8 24/04/2017 10:21 BST 4RN83605SD142031Y Sent 0PK85052CM0 Top item message states:- Instant Payment Notification (IPN) details Message ID6A792483WR367320V Date/time created25/04/2017 08:04 BST Original/ResentOriginal Latest delivery attempt date/time25/04/2017 08:04 BST Notification URLhttps://www.themodeltreeshop.co.uk/index.php?_g=rm&type=gateway&cmd=call&module=PayPal HTTP response codeWhat's this?200 @Al Brookbanks this isn't just a PP issue which is why so many of us believe it to be a CC issue...
  6. Same here, manually updating orders, taking phone calls from worried customers as they aren't receiving emails, and their orders are still pending (until I get a chance to update). PP shows IPN and HTTP 200 The reason I think this was is a CC issue rather than a PP issue is because my other payment gateway is also not updating customer orders
  7. As far as I can work out the domain is all you need as CubeCart adds the other every time it calls on PayPal. Others may correct me on this though as my knowledge is very limited...
  8. This isn't just a PP issue we also cannot get Worldpay payments to update customer orders to processing either - thankfully Ian @havenswift-hosting Is on the case...
  9. Out and about right now but will put this into action later on, thanks
  10. Surprise! It's started again:-( will log a ticket with PP
  11. Was there a fix to this as it happens to me as well and I am currently using The Edge
  12. Will investigate further with the help of Havenswift
  13. I am still having problems with the order status not updating from pending to processing when customers pay by WP! The callback URL is https://www.my website.co.uk/modules/gateway/WorldPay/return.php but nothing happens, any thoughts appreciated as ever.
  14. This still appears to be an issue for my customers - does anybody have the fix?
  15. We too find Ian and the team to be invaluable
  16. I would love to know how to change the 'Add to Cart' button to show the 'Info' button instead.
  17. NO answers yet I guess this has either got folks baffled or stock isn't that important? Further to the stock issue the system is also reallocating product codes as per attached picture these items should all start with EB20C11 - This issue is now causing problems with customers as well as myself
  18. My website is misreporting stock levels quite wildly! Scenario (a) 1. I untick global stock levels 2. I set the store to individual stock levels 3. I don't allow out of stock purchases 4. On each product I untick global stock levels and set individual levels Customers can buy more stock than is available which is an issue for both parties Scenario (b) 1. I use global stock levels 2. I set the level to -1 3. I don't allow out of stock purchases 4. On each product I tick global stock levels The store reports lots of items that are out of stock. If I untick global stock on each item the stock is reported as infinitesimal The stock of the first item is always reported as between 0-244!!! The attachment shows the stock levels change for items 1&2 just because...? Any help as usual greatly appreciated! Stock.docx
  19. Strangely enough I have Just received both an order email and notification from Nochex so it would appear that the glitch has righted itself...
  20. The problem may be more than originally thought, the customer's order also doesn't register against their account so in their order history there are no orders.
  21. Today, 15:45Request Sent - https://www.nochex.com/nochex.dll/apc/apctransaction_id=4767326&transaction_date=16%2F05%2F2015+15%3A44%3A29&order_id=150516-153922-3282&amount=19.95&from_email=Derek.jackson15%40btopenworld.com&to_email=steve%40themodeltreeshop.co.uk&security_key=acbe502d66e84eb784068358aadb084a&status=live&custom=Error:cURL Error (35): Unknown SSL protocol error in connection to www.nochex.com:443Response received
  22. It would appear that the payment gateway doesn't work for NoChex or PayPal... I have to manually change the order status to processing.
  23. Now we're cooking with gas! The post code search works fine
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