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Everything posted by vidmarc

  1. It would appear my password has been changed, I'm unable to login. And I've never seen that strange popup window before.
  2. Thanks - can I just upload a newer version over the old installation? Is there only one .ht access file I should be checking, in the root folder? edit - It seems I have two in the admin folder: .htaccess and .htaccess1 And they're both the same.
  3. I've deleted the files via ftp and have installed the new admin.class.php file. I'm still getting the strange new popup window asking me to login.
  4. I've just tried to login to the admin area and all of a sudden I'm getting this pop-up window which I've not seen before. Any suggestions? And then this: I've just checked the server anbd it looks like I've been hacked - I see a folder called pcao which lits a wig site an=mongs the php code. How do I remove these files safely, and how did they get there? There's also a new "default0.php" file. I'm worried - can anybody please help?
  5. Can anybody suggest themes with a dark option?
  6. Hi James, Did you import previous users in bulk into your database? We found that users which had been bulk imported were causing all sorts of problems, whereas those users who had added themselves individually had no problems.
  7. Thank you, new menu link works perfectly now. :-)
  8. box.navigation.php <div class="box box-navgation box-categories"> <div class="wrapper"> <h3>{$LANG.navigation.title}</h3> <div class="content"> <nav> <ul class="clearfix"> <li><a href="{$STORE_URL}/index.php" title="{$LANG.navigation.homepage}">{$LANG.navigation.homepage}</a></li> {$NAVIGATION_TREE} {if $CTRL_CERTIFICATES && !$CATALOGUE_MODE} <li><a href="{$URL.certificates}" title="{$LANG.navigation.giftcerts}">{$LANG.navigation.giftcerts}</a></li> {/if} {if $CTRL_SALE} <li><a href="{$URL.saleitems}" title="{$LANG.navigation.saleitems}">{$LANG.navigation.saleitems}</a></li> {/if} </ul> </nav> </div><!-- /.content --> </div><!-- /.wrapper --> </div><!-- /.box --> element.navigation_tree.php <li class="{if isset($BRANCH.children)}node{/if}"> <a href="{$BRANCH.url}" title="{$BRANCH.name}">{$BRANCH.name}</a> {if isset($BRANCH.children)} <ul> <li class="title mega-menu-remove"><a href="{$BRANCH.url}" title="{$BRANCH.name}">{$BRANCH.name}</a></li> {$BRANCH.children} </ul> {/if} </li> I can't see anything obvious in either of those.
  9. Which template do I need to modify?
  10. Sadly this doesn't work. It adds a link to the footer but not the main site navigation menu. I guess I'll need to edit a template file, but not sure which one - any ideas anyone?
  11. I just tried it, it doesn't add the link to the main navigation menu.
  12. Thanks, but I'm not sure how to do it though.
  13. Is this easy to do? I need to add a simple link which will take you to our newly set up Vimeo on Demand channel. I'm using the Blueprint skin.
  14. Thanks Ian.
  15. When you hit the button to actually take that final step to go and pay, you get shot right back to the start of the check out process and asked to put your address in again. I have had it happen to me myself in testing... and I think it's quite likely a problem of people trying to guest checkout, so that route needs to be assessed in testing as well as replicating those with an account. All I know is this problem has been reported to us multiple times, I mean over and over again, we keep hearing the same complaint, from different people using different systems... I do ask customers all the time about their systems etc and it is incredibly difficult to get coherent and accurate feedback from people.
  16. All the upgrades appear to be present in the upgrade history, so we are not able to figure out what is causing this problem. Does Al have any suggestions as to what could be causing this? We asked the would-be new customer tio try a different browser:
  17. I've just had a customer cancel an order. Luckily I checked the store and saw that it had been cancelled, but I didn't receive any sort of notification this had happened. Is there a way to get an email alert when an order is cancelled so I can refund the money quicker?
  18. Happening here now. v6.0.4 From new customer: Will an uprade to v6.0.5 fix this issue?
  19. What template would I need to edit to add a new document page called "Digital"?
  20. ​Any ideas how to add this code to my site header?
  21. Perhaps we need some new hooks added? I'm not sure to be honest.
  22. Only adds buttons to product pages. There's an option for "product detail and site documents" which I could never get to work. Does anybody know how to get the links to display on other non product pages?
  23. What I'd like to do is add a new category to the main menu entitled "Downloads" and from there, list the movies we have available to purchase via product pages with embedded VimeoPro links. Is this possible? I thought it may have been what the "digital" options were for but I can't figure it out.
  24. Would like to see a plugin that adds home page options for a Facebook "Like" button, a Facebook feed, a Twitter feed and other social media buttons/link options, as per Wordpress.
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