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Everything posted by vidmarc

  1. This would make adding missing product images to the store a lot easier.
  2. I believe you're right - I'm linking up all the newly added images manually.
  3. We have a link to a section called "Last Chance" - currently these are items with very low stock which won't be re-stocked. Is there a way of highlighting certain low stock items so we no longer need to move them to this category?
  4. As I said, I've used the update file list and they still don't seem to be displaying. Or do I have to go into each product and manually add them, even though all the previous images I uploaded have linked up with no problem on import of the product .csv file?
  5. I've just uploaded a load more images and again they're not appearing, I'm just getting default "No Image" place holders - even after refreshing the CC image cache. Any suggestions? Or does it take some time for the system to do the caching?
  6. I've just deleted our old stock inventory and imported a new comma separated database. When I browse the various sections I'm getting this message: and on some individual products: I'm not sure why I'm getting this as there are no duplicate product titles. Any suggestions?
  7. We've decided to remove all mods from the store which are not written as proper plugins. My next step will be to see which mods we've used, and how they can be replicated via plugins of which there seem to be so few at present. Can you help with the cart problem this person is encountering?
  8. Not sure I understand any of this - what do you suggest I report back to the (so far) lost customer? We have several mods in place so an upgrade will cause havoc with these.
  9. Cubecart 5.2.2 A customer is experiencing this problem - can anybody help?
  10. admin.php?_g=maintenance&node=index#upgrade
  11. I'm getting the same error. The following errors were detected: Sorry. CubeCart-5.2.13 .zip was not found. Please try again later. Also getting this error when trying to do a backup: The following errors were detected: Error: PCLZIP_ERR_READ_OPEN_FAIL (-2) : Unable to open file 'logs/traffic.html/.md5sums' in binary read mode
  12. The url is: .../admin.php?_g=orders
  13. Here's a few around that time: 140629-123644-4214 140628-152406-6357 140628-074920-6044 140628-011655-5250 140628-004511-1351 140627-192113-6063 140627-105418-8239 140626-184016-8750 140626-150814-7519 140626-113814-9699 140625-200901-8399 140626-101417-5206 140625-202558-2984 140625-092519-7339 140625-073926-7985
  14. I'm running Cubecart 5.1.12. I'm running other versions on other sites I maintain. The missing order number is 140626-062813-7241. I'm not sure how the system allocates these numbers , they seem rather random.
  15. Somebody has just emailed to chase an order they placed back in June, but it is not displaying in the admin Orders area, although I do have an email confirming it came in. My only thought is that I may have deleted it by accident as I can't think of why it isn't listed. If I click on the link in the confirmation email it says it is "Pending", yet it isn't listed in the orders list. Strange. Is there any way or adding it back to the system, or retrieving it?
  16. It was the payment gateway - they've now allowed purchases from every country.
  17. Is there an SQL query that can be performed which will set default google listings?
  18. I haven't set anything otherwise, so why would somebody from Bulgaria be unable to order?
  19. Another would-be customer with another strange error message: Another stock level bug. Grrr....
  20. Can somebody explain how this works, and if it's of any importance to getting products listed on google? We currently have over 600 fabrics listed on one site and I can see now way of bulk adding everything to the same google category (I wouldn't know which one to use anyway). I guess it could be this? Arts & Entertainment > Hobbies & Creative Arts > Crafts & Hobbies > Fibercraft & Textile Arts > Textile Art Materials > Fabric
  21. Thanks, I think I got it working.
  22. How important is is that we fill all four fields in? Does it make a difference? And what exactly should we put into these four fields for maximum benefit? Meta Title Custom SEO URL Path Meta Keywords Meta Description
  23. I've just uploaded a whole heap of images tot he source folder. Does Cubecart automatically re-size everything and put it in the "cache" folder? I'm currently seeing images in the cache folder which aren't there when I view via ftp.
  24. I've just switched Store Settings to Stock -> Show stock levels, but these are still displaying as "In Stock", despite emptying the browser cache and the Cubecart cache. Any suggestions how to fix this?
  25. I should point out that this problem is completely random - the plugins work fine on some computers and not at all on others. It's very frustrating.
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