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Everything posted by DJC Ltd

  1. Hi, We have recently installed a Mod, and are having a few issues with the positioning of the thumbnail images. I have attached two images to the thread. 'Pic1' is currently what is shown, and 'Pic2' is what we're after. The coding that we currently have at 'skins/{OUR SKIN}/styleTemplates/content/viewProd.tpl' is below. Could someone quickly confirm what we need to change. I believe it be in the coding in bold. It would be much appreciated. Regards, DJC Ltd <!-- BEGIN: view_prod --> <!-- start mod - Product Images with Javascript Preview, by Estelle --> <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"><!-- function change_preview_image(file_name) { document.images['preview'].src = file_name; } //--></script> <!-- end mod - Product Images with Javascript Preview, by Estelle --> <!-- BEGIN: prod_true --> <form action="{CURRENT_URL}" method="post" name="addtobasket" target="_self"> <h1>{TXT_PRODTITLE}</h1> <strong>{LANG_DIR_LOC}</strong> {CURRENT_DIR} <table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="2" style="margin-bottom:20px;"> <tr> <td valign="top" style="width:200px;"><img id="preview" src="{IMG_SRC}" alt="{TXT_PRODTITLE}" width="200" border="1" title="{TXT_PRODTITLE}" class="image" /> <!-- BEGIN: more_images --> <div style="text-align: center;"><a href="javascript:openPopUp('extra/prodImages.php?productId={PRODUCT_ID}', 'images', 548, 455, 0);" class="txtDefault">{LANG_MORE_IMAGES}</a></div> <!-- END: more_images --></td> <!-- start mod - Product Images with Javascript Preview --> <!-- by Estelle - --> <!-- BEGIN: more_images_2 --> <div style="text-align: center; margin-top: 10px; margin-bottom: 5px;">{LANG_MORE_IMAGES_2}</div> <div style="text-align: left;"> <!-- BEGIN: repeat_thumbs --> <a href="javascript:change_preview_image('{VALUE_SRC}')"><img src="{VALUE_THUMB_SRC}" {VALUE_THUMB_WIDTH} alt="{TXT_PRODTITLE}" title="{TXT_PRODTITLE}" border="0" style="margin: 5px; vertical-align: top;" /></a> <!-- END: repeat_thumbs --> </div> <!-- END: more_images_2 --> <!-- end mod - Product Images with Javascript Preview --> <td valign="top" style="padding:10px 0 10px 0;"> <ul class="cats"> <li>{LANG_PRICE} <strong><span id="currprice">{TXT_PRICE}</span></strong> <span class="txtSale"><strong>{TXT_SALE_PRICE}</strong></span></li> {TXT_RRP} <li>{LANG_PRODCODE} <strong>{TXT_PRODCODE}</strong></li> <li>{TXT_INSTOCK} <span class="txtOutOfStock"><strong>{TXT_OUTOFSTOCK}</strong></span></li> <li><a href="index.php?act=taf&amp;productId={PRODUCT_ID}" target="_self">{LANG_TELLFRIEND}</a></li> </ul> {INCPACK} <!-- BEGIN: prod_opts --> <h3>{TXT_PROD_OPTIONS}</h3> <table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="3"> <!-- BEGIN: repeat_options --> <tr> <td></td> <td> <!-- BEGIN: repeat_values --> <input name="productOptions[]" onclick="showHide();" type="checkbox" value="{VAL_ASSIGN_ID}" id="centre" value="true" /> {VAL_VALUE_NAME} <!-- BEGIN: repeat_price --> ({VAL_OPT_SIGN}{VAL_OPT_PRICE} per item) <!-- END: repeat_price --> <br /> <!-- END: repeat_values --> </td> </tr> <!-- END: repeat_options --> </table> <span class="diver"></span> <!-- END: prod_opts --> <span style="display:none"><input type="checkbox" checked="checked" name="productOptions[]" id="y" value="0" /> Exclude Retail Packaging</span> <script type="text/javascript"><!-- function showHide() { trueFalse = document.addtobasket.centre.checked; document.addtobasket.y.disabled = trueFalse; } //--> </script> <!-- BEGIN: buy_btn --> <div class="addbkt">{LANG_QUAN} <input name="quan" type="text" value="{TXT_MIN_QUANTITY}" size="2" class="textbox" style="text-align:center;" {BLUR} /> <a href="javascript:submitDoc('addtobasket');" class="txtButton">{BTN_ADDBASKET}</a> </div> <!-- END: buy_btn --> <input type="hidden" name="add" value="{PRODUCT_ID}" /> <!-- start mod - Product Pricing and Individual Quantity Discounts - by Estelle --> <!-- BEGIN: quantity_pricing --> <div id="buyquan"></div> <script language="JavaScript"> function valid(form){ var input=0; input=document.addtobasket.quan.value; <!-- BEGIN: repeat_quantity --> {VAL_QUAN} <!-- END: repeat_quantity --> } window.onload = function() { valid(this.form); } </script> <!-- END: quantity_pricing --> <!-- end mod - Product Pricing and Individual Quantity Discounts - by Estelle --> </td> </tr> </table> <h1>{LANG_PRODINFO}</h1> <div class="content"> {TXT_DESCRIPTION}</div> </form> <!-- END: prod_true --> <!-- BEGIN: prod_false --> <p>{LANG_PRODUCT_EXPIRED}</p> <!-- END: prod_false --> <!-- END: view_prod -->
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