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Posts posted by ayz1

  1. If i do an initial search for two keywords red bus I get the desired results with the URL domainname.com/search.html?search[keywords]=red+bus&_a=category

    If I change the Sort to by price descending the URL changes to

    search.html?_a=category&search[keywords]=red bus&sort[price]=DESC

    but the page doesn't reload.

    So the initial search works but the sorting doesn't. I've used the following code edit.

    On 26/08/2015 at 8:28 PM, ayz1 said:

    Change the function argument list from $search_mode = 'fulltext' to $search_mode = 'like'.

    Where bsmither said to make the main code change you should have this (replace what is already there)


    $rlike = ' AND ( ';
                            for ($i=0; $i<$noKeys; ++$i) {
                                $ucSearchTerm = strtoupper($searchArray[$i]);
                                if ( ($ucSearchTerm != 'AND') && ($ucSearchTerm != 'OR') && (strlen($ucSearchTerm) > 0) ) {
                                    $searchArray[$i] = str_replace(array('%','_'), array('%','_'), $searchArray[$i]);
                                    $regexp = '%'.$searchArray[$i].'%';
                                } else { $rlike .= " ".$ucSearchTerm." "; continue; }
                                $rlike .= "(I.name LIKE '".$regexp."' OR I.description LIKE '".$regexp."' OR I.product_code LIKE '".$regexp."') AND ";
                            $rlike = substr($rlike, 0, strlen($rlike)-5); $rlike .= " )";



    between the lines

                            $noKeys = count($searchArray);
                            $regexp = '';




    $q2 = "SELECT I.* FROM ".$GLOBALS['config']->get('config', 'dbprefix')."CubeCart_inventory AS I LEFT JOIN (SELECT product_id, MAX(price) as price


  2. On 26/08/2015 at 6:15 PM, ayz1 said:

    Tried this again and it worked. Seems to do exactly what is required. Thanks bsmither.

    Ive just applied the short version of this to V6.10 and it searches no problem. Unfortunately the Sort By doesn't seem to work. It changes the URL but doesn't refresh the page. Anyone got the search and the sort working together?

  3. I've done my upgrade as mentioned in earlier post. One issue I did come accross was that the set up didn't complete, the page timed out about the time it went from completing v3 to end of V4 update going into start V5. I reloaded the same page e.g. clicked in the address box and pressed enter key. The setup then picked up where it left off. It did this on a couple of trial runs also with v6.10 set up files. On another occasion with an earlier version V6.08 the set up completed but when admin opened there was an error and it asked me to run setup again as the database was still in V5 format. There was a link in admin to click, I did so and it seemed to sort itself out.

    17 hours ago, keat said:

    My next stumbling block will be upgrading the live v3 to V6 and then trying to determine which tables I'll need to copy between the 2 sites.

    If you haven't made any changes to the database structure in your mirror V6 store after you completed the update from V3 then you won't need to copy any tables over. Just copy the V6 files over to the original server once you have updated it to V6. Think you will need to keep your original includes/global.in.php and includes/ini.in.php intact. If you have only made changes to the skin files then just copy that over and leave the core files as they are.

  4. I'm in exactly the same position. Got my v3 site copied to another server and updated to v6 but have about 3 months of new database entries in live v3 database. 

    What I plan to do is copy the live v3 site again. Upgrade to the same version of v6 as before (6.08 in my case). Copy any new database data to the first v6 database. Test. If all OK will then update original v3 to the original v6 test version then copy all files and database from the working v6 on the test server. Upgrade to latest version of v6.

    Hopefully this will work and with limited down time.

  5. You could put a banner or a message on somewhere to state that you are on holiday but still taking orders however they will not be processed until whatever date you return. This way you may still get some orders.

  6. I think you can dump inventory table into a .csv file delete everything in the table (just empty the table don't delete it) then update stock levels in .csv file then upload it.  If it is a method you wish to try maybe test it on a backup first and make backups of database before trying on live store. I've just tried this and it worked. Took less than 10 minutes to export 7000 products make an edit, empty table and import updated .csv file. I used open office spreadsheet to edit .csv file. 

    Possibly a useful method if you want to make a lot of changes all at once.

  7. Not 100% sure what you mean but when you add a product to cubecart it generates its own page and it's that page that you should use any seo techniques / formatting on e.g setting an appropriate <title> tag adding any relevant keywords to the product description etc.

  8. I have done something similar recently. If you want to test it first you could install the V3 version you are currently running onto a seperate server, copy over your database and images folder then install V6 following the instructions at https://support.cubecart.com/Knowledgebase/Article/View/231/43/how-do-i-upgrade-from-cubecart-v3-to-v6. This will give you a good idea of what you will end up with and highlight any problems that may occur.

  9. I've looked at the waterfall chart for site - mcsoutdoorstore.ie and the time spent waiting (purple section) which is the period between sending and receiving seems to take a while, much longer then mine when I have compared them. Mine is blocking for longer but have no idea what that is doing or why! Something for me to look into.

    Very interesting topic.




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