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  1. Thanks. But the prices of the goods are correct, just The Shipping costs are shown excl. VAT but calculated incl. VAT This I would like to have shown incl. VAT Standard Tax BTW Nederland Alle Regio's % €176.74 Subtotaal €18.15 shipping €194.89 totaal* If I disable tax on shipping and subtotal.. All is shown correct and the price is being calculated correctly. But now I don't have a Tax field that shows how many Tax is included in the price. Like here €176.74 Subtotaal €18.15 shipping €33.82 VAT €194.89 total* If you know how to show that, I am happy too Think here is a solution for an older version. Ya have 1 for this newer version? '?do=embed' frameborder='0' data-embedContent>>
  2. Any news on this ?
  3. red is what I would like. Product - Excl.VAT Subtotal - Excl. VAT Shipping - Incl. VAT Total VAT - Total VAT of Product and shipping Total - total price Incl. VAT So, it should show the shipping cost as an incl. VAT price. Or would luv to see If it is possible to show all prices incl. VAT and only show VAT total.
  4. Anyone ?
  5. Do you mean this? http://www.cubecartforums.org/index.php?autocom=downloads&showfile=702
  6. I have set remember my password but it is not remembering anything. After I log out it will not even show the username i logged in with before. how can I make sure it remembers that? I can still login again.. But I should get logged in automaticly not ? This occurs when I am not logged in. and when I click on stuff after some time, I get a login popup. even when I don't want to login at all at that moment.
  7. I think you can choose as who you want to post a msg. atm I use addthis and when I am logged in as myself on facebook, I can choose in the comment box as who I want to share this. That what you mean Nik ?
  8. Than there must me a cookie issue.. as I will not stay logged in to the website once I logeed in. it also not remembers my password etc. I have not changed anything about the cookies. its all standard. Whats wrong?
  9. Dear helpers, I have an issue. According to our law we need to show all our cost or as inclusive VAT or exclusive VAT. I chose for including 21% VAT. Now, on all the side it shows the prices including VAT but on checkout it sets the prices to excluding vat. For the product it is ok but for the shipping it must show the price as including VAT. What I would like is that it should show the shipping price incl VAT but keeps the total VAT in place. Hope I explained correct Thanks in advance, Tim
  10. Another strange issue. After being idle some time on the website.It automaticly shows the login option after clicking on a link. The login option should only show up when I choose too. Not random. I hope I explained correctly Any idea what is wrong? cc5.28 - using modified mican/blue template. Greetings, Tim
  11. <script type="text/javascript"> var _gaq = _gaq || []; _gaq.push(['_setAccount', 'UA-xxxxxxxx-1']); _gaq.push(['_trackPageview']); (function() { var ga = document.createElement('script'); ga.type = 'text/javascript'; ga.async = true; ga.src = ('https:' == document.location.protocol ? 'https://ssl' : 'http://www') + '.google-analytics.com/ga.js'; var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(ga, s); })(); </script> </head> <body> Its there! But somehow its found the tracking ID now. maybe takes 48h+ now. Status: Received data Thx for the help. Got 2 more issues and will make a new post.
  12. its show on google. https://www.google.com/analytics/web/?hl=nl&pli=1#management/Settings/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/%3Fm.page%3DTrackingCode/ Status: Tracking not installed Last checked: 20-Feb-2014 7:42:06 PST Google Analytics tracking code has not been detected on the homepage of your website. Analytics works only if you or your web administrator add the code to each page of your website. I added my code UA-xxxxxxx My site: http://www.horsthuis-computers.nl/winkel
  13. Hi all, I have searched for information about this in this forum and on the internet but still cannot et this to work. I am using CubeCart 5.2.8. In the settings i have added my google analytics code. its almost 48hours ago now. It is still not tracking anything. Status: tracking not installed I assume if i just add the code it should work? What is wrong and what do I need to do.
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