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khandelwal.yogesh892's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. i want to show my latest products in rectangle box pls help me thanks
  2. how to enable ssl for my store my web site www.theelectroplaza.com The absolute HTTPS Absolute URL entered is not valid. SSL has not been enabled. error showing , i dont know what is https absolute url of my store
  3. yes i made the change but i want to repeat this image once near left pannel look the css before change ==background: url(../styleImages/mainbg-outer.jpg) top center repeat-y ; after change = background: url(../styleImages/mainbg-outer.jpg) top center no-repeat ; but i want the image apply once
  4. pls help me i want remove these line from my home page but i cant fine where i should edit........ i m using kitablue screen ... pls reply thank in advance
  5. hi ian thanks for reply i want to use payseal gateway . if my bank provide me any module then how i can add that module in my payment methods . so pls help me waiting for reply
  6. i m using cube cart 4.3.8 version and this version providing me 17 payment gateways but i want to use another payment gate ways .... the how can i use or install new payment gateway thanks in advance waiting for reply pls help fast
  7. i want to change my homepage slider.... want to add some animation in silder pls check the code Control.Slider = Class.create({ initialize: function(handle, track, options) { var slider = this; if (Object.isArray(handle)) { this.handles = handle.collect( function(e) { return $(e) }); } else { this.handles = [$(handle)]; } this.track = $(track); this.options = options || { }; this.axis = this.options.axis || 'horizontal'; this.increment = this.options.increment || 1; this.step = parseInt(this.options.step || '1'); this.range = this.options.range || $R(0,1); this.value = 0; // assure backwards compat this.values = this.handles.map( function() { return 0 }); this.spans = this.options.spans ? this.options.spans.map(function(s){ return $(s) }) : false; this.options.startSpan = $(this.options.startSpan || null); this.options.endSpan = $(this.options.endSpan || null); this.restricted = this.options.restricted || false; this.maximum = this.options.maximum || this.range.end; this.minimum = this.options.minimum || this.range.start; // Will be used to align the handle onto the track, if necessary this.alignX = parseInt(this.options.alignX || '0'); this.alignY = parseInt(this.options.alignY || '0'); this.trackLength = this.maximumOffset() - this.minimumOffset(); this.handleLength = this.isVertical() ? (this.handles[0].offsetHeight != 0 ? this.handles[0].offsetHeight : this.handles[0].style.height.replace(/px$/,"")) : (this.handles[0].offsetWidth != 0 ? this.handles[0].offsetWidth : this.handles[0].style.width.replace(/px$/,"")); this.active = false; this.dragging = false; this.disabled = false; if (this.options.disabled) this.setDisabled(); // Allowed values array this.allowedValues = this.options.values ? this.options.values.sortBy(Prototype.K) : false; if (this.allowedValues) { this.minimum = this.allowedValues.min(); this.maximum = this.allowedValues.max(); } this.eventMouseDown = this.startDrag.bindAsEventListener(this); this.eventMouseUp = this.endDrag.bindAsEventListener(this); this.eventMouseMove = this.update.bindAsEventListener(this); // Initialize handles in reverse (make sure first handle is active) this.handles.each( function(h,i) { i = slider.handles.length-1-i; slider.setValue(parseFloat( (Object.isArray(slider.options.sliderValue) ? slider.options.sliderValue : slider.options.sliderValue) || slider.range.start), i); h.makePositioned().observe("mousedown", slider.eventMouseDown); }); this.track.observe("mousedown", this.eventMouseDown); document.observe("mouseup", this.eventMouseUp); document.observe("mousemove", this.eventMouseMove); this.initialized = true; }, dispose: function() { var slider = this; Event.stopObserving(this.track, "mousedown", this.eventMouseDown); Event.stopObserving(document, "mouseup", this.eventMouseUp); Event.stopObserving(document, "mousemove", this.eventMouseMove); this.handles.each( function(h) { Event.stopObserving(h, "mousedown", slider.eventMouseDown); }); }, setDisabled: function(){ this.disabled = true; }, setEnabled: function(){ this.disabled = false; }, getNearestValue: function(value){ if (this.allowedValues){ if (value >= this.allowedValues.max()) return(this.allowedValues.max()); if (value <= this.allowedValues.min()) return(this.allowedValues.min()); var offset = Math.abs(this.allowedValues[0] - value); var newValue = this.allowedValues[0]; this.allowedValues.each( function(v) { var currentOffset = Math.abs(v - value); if (currentOffset <= offset){ newValue = v; offset = currentOffset; } }); return newValue; } if (value > this.range.end) return this.range.end; if (value < this.range.start) return this.range.start; return value; }, setValue: function(sliderValue, handleIdx){ if (!this.active) { this.activeHandleIdx = handleIdx || 0; this.activeHandle = this.handles[this.activeHandleIdx]; this.updateStyles(); } handleIdx = handleIdx || this.activeHandleIdx || 0; if (this.initialized && this.restricted) { if ((handleIdx>0) && (sliderValue<this.values[handleIdx-1])) sliderValue = this.values[handleIdx-1]; if ((handleIdx < (this.handles.length-1)) && (sliderValue>this.values[handleIdx+1])) sliderValue = this.values[handleIdx+1]; } sliderValue = this.getNearestValue(sliderValue); this.values[handleIdx] = sliderValue; this.value = this.values[0]; // assure backwards compat this.handles[handleIdx].style[this.isVertical() ? 'top' : 'left'] = this.translateToPx(sliderValue); this.drawSpans(); if (!this.dragging || !this.event) this.updateFinished(); }, setValueBy: function(delta, handleIdx) { this.setValue(this.values[handleIdx || this.activeHandleIdx || 0] + delta, handleIdx || this.activeHandleIdx || 0); }, translateToPx: function(value) { return Math.round( ((this.trackLength-this.handleLength)/(this.range.end-this.range.start)) * (value - this.range.start)) + "px"; }, translateToValue: function(offset) { return ((offset/(this.trackLength-this.handleLength) * (this.range.end-this.range.start)) + this.range.start); }, getRange: function(range) { var v = this.values.sortBy(Prototype.K); range = range || 0; return $R(v[range],v[range+1]); }, minimumOffset: function(){ return(this.isVertical() ? this.alignY : this.alignX); }, maximumOffset: function(){ return(this.isVertical() ? (this.track.offsetHeight != 0 ? this.track.offsetHeight : this.track.style.height.replace(/px$/,"")) - this.alignY : (this.track.offsetWidth != 0 ? this.track.offsetWidth : this.track.style.width.replace(/px$/,"")) - this.alignX); }, isVertical: function(){ return (this.axis == 'vertical'); }, drawSpans: function() { var slider = this; if (this.spans) $R(0, this.spans.length-1).each(function® { slider.setSpan(slider.spans[r], slider.getRange®) }); if (this.options.startSpan) this.setSpan(this.options.startSpan, $R(0, this.values.length>1 ? this.getRange(0).min() : this.value )); if (this.options.endSpan) this.setSpan(this.options.endSpan, $R(this.values.length>1 ? this.getRange(this.spans.length-1).max() : this.value, this.maximum)); }, setSpan: function(span, range) { if (this.isVertical()) { span.style.top = this.translateToPx(range.start); span.style.height = this.translateToPx(range.end - range.start + this.range.start); } else { span.style.left = this.translateToPx(range.start); span.style.width = this.translateToPx(range.end - range.start + this.range.start); } }, updateStyles: function() { this.handles.each( function(h){ Element.removeClassName(h, 'selected') }); Element.addClassName(this.activeHandle, 'selected'); }, startDrag: function(event) { if (Event.isLeftClick(event)) { if (!this.disabled){ this.active = true; var handle = Event.element(event); var pointer = [Event.pointerX(event), Event.pointerY(event)]; var track = handle; if (track==this.track) { var offsets = Position.cumulativeOffset(this.track); this.event = event; this.setValue(this.translateToValue( (this.isVertical() ? pointer[1]-offsets[1] : pointer[0]-offsets[0])-(this.handleLength/2) )); var offsets = Position.cumulativeOffset(this.activeHandle); this.offsetX = (pointer[0] - offsets[0]); this.offsetY = (pointer[1] - offsets[1]); } else { // find the handle (prevents issues with Safari) while((this.handles.indexOf(handle) == -1) && handle.parentNode) handle = handle.parentNode; if (this.handles.indexOf(handle)!=-1) { this.activeHandle = handle; this.activeHandleIdx = this.handles.indexOf(this.activeHandle); this.updateStyles(); var offsets = Position.cumulativeOffset(this.activeHandle); this.offsetX = (pointer[0] - offsets[0]); this.offsetY = (pointer[1] - offsets[1]); } } } Event.stop(event); } }, update: function(event) { if (this.active) { if (!this.dragging) this.dragging = true; this.draw(event); if (Prototype.Browser.WebKit) window.scrollBy(0,0); Event.stop(event); } }, draw: function(event) { var pointer = [Event.pointerX(event), Event.pointerY(event)]; var offsets = Position.cumulativeOffset(this.track); pointer[0] -= this.offsetX + offsets[0]; pointer[1] -= this.offsetY + offsets[1]; this.event = event; this.setValue(this.translateToValue( this.isVertical() ? pointer[1] : pointer[0] )); if (this.initialized && this.options.onSlide) this.options.onSlide(this.values.length>1 ? this.values : this.value, this); }, endDrag: function(event) { if (this.active && this.dragging) { this.finishDrag(event, true); Event.stop(event); } this.active = false; this.dragging = false; }, finishDrag: function(event, success) { this.active = false; this.dragging = false; this.updateFinished(); }, updateFinished: function() { if (this.initialized && this.options.onChange) this.options.onChange(this.values.length>1 ? this.values : this.value, this); this.event = null; } });
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