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Claudia M

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Everything posted by Claudia M

  1. I have followed the post to add radio button on checkout instead of the dropdown. I got it to show but it is not auto updating when I change the shipping product. See below. It won't auto update to Priority when it is selected. When I click "Continue to Secure Checkout" it does show the updated shipping amount, but I want it to update as soon as the new shipping is selected. Thanks for any and all help. here is my code change in content.checkout-medium-up: {if isset($SHIPPING)} <tr> <td colspan="4"> <span class="txt pad-top">Select your shipping method </span><br /> <span class="txt-med" style="font-weight:normal; padding-bottom:0.625rem!important;"> This may change when your actual delivery address is known</span> <ul class="no-bullet center" style="margin-top: 0rem!important;margin-bottom: 0rem!important;"> {foreach from=$SHIPPING key=group item=methods} {foreach from=$methods item=method} <li class="prod-details-li-txt-last"> <input name="shipping" type="radio" value="{$method.value}" id="{$method.value}" {$method.selected|replace:'selected':'checked'}><label for="{$method.value}">{$method.display}</label> </li> {/foreach} {/foreach} </ul> </td> <td class="bgw">{$LANG.basket.shipping}<br /> and here is the change I made in js/2.cubecart Line 82: $(".autosubmit select, .autosubmit input[type='radio']").not('.nosubmit').change(function() { $(this).parents(".autosubmit").submit();
  2. That was my question. They weren't take at exactly the same time. They are from different customers and one order is complete (shows All in one shipping) and the other customer is processing (shows Shipped Via: ). Should I put a class="txt" href="{$DELIVERY.url}" target="_blank">{$DELIVERY.product}</a> in the tracking section too?
  3. in the code above - $LANG.orders_en.shipped_via - I added that to the english language file to say "Shipped Via" instead of Delivery Method
  4. I'll just keep an eye out for more of them. Keep an eye out - that may hurt a liitle. LOL
  5. Both images are from when I log in as the respective customer. Two different customers. This is there order history - click view details. Sure, Brian, send me the code!!
  6. The USPS and First Class are names of zones in the All in One Shipping plugin I created. This is the only shipping I use. Here is what I have in content.receipt {if !empty($DELIVERY.url)} <div class="row"> <div class="small-6 medium-3 columns pad-bottom bold">{$LANG.orders_en.shipped_via}:</div> <div class="small-6 medium-9 columns pad-bottom "><a class="txt" href="{$DELIVERY.url}" target="_blank">{$DELIVERY.product}</a></div> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="small-6 medium-3 columns pad-bottom bold">{$LANG.orders_en.tracking_info}:</div> <div class="small-6 medium-9 columns pad-bottom"><a class="txt" href="{$DELIVERY.url}" target="_blank">{$DELIVERY.url}</a></div> </div> {elseif !empty($DELIVERY.tracking)} <div class="row"> <div class="small-6 medium-3 columns bold">{$LANG.catalogue.delivery_method}:</div> ( Can change this to {$LANG.orders_en.shipped_via} ) <div class="small-6 medium-9 columns">{$DELIVERY.method}{if !empty($DELIVERY.product)} ({$DELIVERY.product}){/if}</div> Is this what I need to change? If so how. </div> <div class="row"> <div class="small-6 medium-3 columns bold">{$LANG.orders_en.tracking_info}:</div> <div class="small-6 medium-9 columns"> <a href="{$DELIVERY.url}" target="_blank">{$DELIVERY.url}</a></div> </div> {/if}
  7. I thought I had the words All In One Shipping removed from my store everywhere. But I logged in as a customer who's order is processing and there it is! If the order is complete it shows like I want. How can I fix this. Thanks for any and all help.
  8. It shows &#34;> in the customer name and company name and customer address. Same places that "> shows up in admin order summary. What is the wen page?
  9. I'm beginning to think the customer must have added the "> My test order and the order I just received did not show the "> and all info was correct. Quite concerning about my admin info in their account though. I noticed if you go to my login page in the store front my admin user name and the dotted out password showed in the boxes instead of email (required) password (required). I removed my stored password in Firefox and it quit showing my info so maybe it was just like that on my computer. Would like to know how my admin info got in their customer account.
  10. Sorry, I forgot to add the conversation I had with Brian. You may not need this, but here it is. I was able to do this in other versions of CC6 but not in 6.15. I want ALL wording of All in One Shipping removed from every part of my website including emails. For the most part I have done this - except for the Order History page .. Pending, etc.. It shows like this now: (I want the USPS: priority to show as that is my name in AIOS. I want the All in One Shipping removed). I have disabled shipping groups. Thanks in advance for any help. The database table CubeCart_order_summary collects two pieces of data about the shipping: the 'ship_method' and the 'ship_product'. The 'ship_method' contains the name of the folder of the shipping module, or the name of the 'class' in the module's shipping.class.php file. In my database table, I see variances of these names having underscores, and some having spaces instead of underscores. The 'ship_product' has the value entered in the module's Name field, if present. The All in One Shipping module has on its Zone tabs, a Method name, which is what I see as being used as 'ship_product'. The "Order History" page? This would be in admin, having clicked the Edit icon of an order, giving the Order Summary screens? Then, on the History tab, there is no mention of the shipping module used. However, on the Overview and Delivery tabs, there is a Shipping Information block of data. The Shipping Method is listed here as is the Shipping Product. From the Customer's perspective, their Account pages have an Order History list. Clicking View Details of an order shows the shipping that was used. The skin templates content.receipt.php and print.receipt.php have the following: <td>{if !empty($order.ship_method)}{$order.ship_method|replace:'_':' '}{if !empty($order.ship_product)} ({$order.ship_product}){/if}{else}{$LANG.basket.shipping}{/if}</td> Change to: print.receipt <td>{if !empty($order.ship_product)}{$order.ship_product}{else}{$LANG.basket.shipping}{/if}</td> That worked for the print.receipt but for the content.receipt it needs to be this: <td>{if !empty($SUM.ship_product)}{$SUM.ship_product}{else}{$LANG.basket.shipping}{/if}</td>
  11. Yes it was the varchar 128 character password. I don't know what long hash means. The salt is not the same. I'm not sure what you are looking for in the Cubecart_order-summary. Are you talking about my admin order screen. If so that is where I first found the "> in the address. In looking at the page source in the Delivery address tab in admin / orders for this person this is what I see. The ... is me removing their personal info. the info shown in company name is as is. <div><label for="ajax_title">Title</label><span><input type="text" id="ajax_title" name="customer[title]" value="L......" class="textbox billing"></span></div> <div><label for="ajax_first_name">First Name</label><span><input type="text" id="ajax_first_name" name="customer[first_name]" value="L..." class="textbox billing required"></span></div> <div><label for="ajax_last_name">Last Name</label><span><input type="text" id="ajax_last_name" name="customer[last_name]" value="...&#34;>" class="textbox billing required"></span></div> <div><label for="sum_company_name">Company Name</label><span><input type="text" id="sum_company_name" name="customer[company_name]" value="&#34;>" class="textbox billing"></span></div> <div><label for="sum_line1">Address</label><span><input type="text" id="sum_line1" name="customer[line1]" value="... RD&#34;>" class="textbox billing required"></span></div> <div><label for="sum_line2"> </label><span><input type="text" id="sum_line2" name="customer[line2]" value="" class="textbox billing"></span></div> <div><label for="sum_town">Town/City</label><span><input type="text" id="sum_town" name="customer[town]" value="...." class="textbox billing required"></span></div> <div>
  12. In looking in myphphadmin database customers I found that this person plus another customer had the password that is the same as my admin password! I used Firefox Web Tool to examine the code and didn't see anything wrong with it. I also created a "new customer" and placed an order it the "> didn't show
  13. I received an order today and this showed in admin order summary. Under Order Summary the customers name looked like this. I wouldn’t think they would type it in like that. Of course they used their real name I just changed it for security. Note the "> Customer Name"> Company (this was blank)"> Street address"> Hiram, Ohio 44234 I’ve checked files but don’t see any bad code. Any specific ideas where to look? Also turns out their email does not exist and was returned. The payment with PayPal went thru without a hitch. Should I worry – not a large order.
  14. This is what I did: REMOVE ALL IN ON SHIPPING FROM DROPDOWN SHIPPING ON CHECKOUT PAGE In Admin - Store Settings - Features Check "Disable Shipping Groups" in admin/skins/default/templates/orders.index.php Line 207-209 and 305-307: Comment out shipping method (it would have shown All in One Shipping) <!-- <div><label for="sum_ship_method">{$LANG.orders.shipping_method}</label><span><input type="text" id="sum_ship_method" name="summary[ship_method]" placeholder="{$LANG.orders.shipping_method_eg}" value="{$SUMMARY.ship_method}" class="textbox"></span></div> --> admin/skins/default/templates/orders.print.php Line 87 - 89 Comment out Shipping Method Removes the Shipping Method from packing slip - would have shown All in One Shipping And Brian gave me this: REMOVE AIOS FROM PAYPAL EMAILS Hi, When a customer pays with PayPal Express Checkout it shows Postage: All in One Shipping. Anyway to show shipping_product instead of shipping_method (if that is what it is using)? Thanks for all help, Claudia In the code for the PayPal_Pro-1.0.8 Plugin, please find in the file website_payments_pro.class.php, near lines 269 and 442: html/modules/plugins/PayPal_Pro/website_payments_pro.class.php CODE From: 'L_PAYMENTREQUEST_0_NAME'.$i => 'Postage: '.$this->_basket['shipping']['name'], To: 'L_PAYMENTREQUEST_0_NAME'.$i => 'Postage: '. ((!empty($this->_basket['shipping']['product'])) ? $this->_basket['shipping']['product'] : $this->_basket['shipping']['name']), There is no way I can test this, so be careful.
  15. I am setting up new zones in the All in One Shipping module so I can use zip codes. Example: Zone 2 (This is the name I gave in AIOS) is for the states kentucky and indiana. I just now created a Zone 2 Zips to show the zip codes for Zone 2 based on the UPS zone chart (for zip codes). I have the “Use first matching zone only” set in the AIOS module, but it is still giving me rates for both zones. I need it to show the rates for the zip code. If zip code is not available then go to the state zone. Here is the AIOS debug info: - Postcode range search: 42100 - 42799 (MATCHED!) >>> Shipping zone [ID 46] matches the delivery address! Use this zone for shipping calculations. Looking for first matching zone of best match (instead of searching for all matching zones - see AIOS module settings) Zone 2 [Zone ID 1] --- Country matched and state/province matched! [IN, KY] >>> Shipping zone [ID 1] matches the delivery address! Use this zone for shipping calculations. Looking for first matching zone of best match (instead of searching for all matching zones - see AIOS module settings) and at the bottom: FINAL SHIPPING OPTIONS FOR THIS ADDRESS AND BASKET USPS: First Class: 3.18 USPS: Priority: 6.55 USPS: Parcel Select Ground: 6.55 UPS Standard Ground: 13.04 USPS First Class: 3.18 Thanks, Claudia
  16. I use this plugin. Works great! https://www.semperfiwebservices.com/automatic-social-media-posts-cc6-plugin.html
  17. Well, now that you say it that makes sense Brian. Thank you, it worked. By the by, the S wasn't capitalzied.
  18. The main folder is "modules". In that are the 2 folders "plugins" and "Shipping". I'm referring to Noodleman's UPS Advanced Module
  19. I don't use UPS that much so I don't know if I want to go to the expense. Just wanted to give customers the option. The only problem I'm having is I can't figure out how to initially upload the plugin in my store. Claudia
  20. Hi jka ... I actually downloaded that yesterday and was going to install it but couldn't figure out how. There are 2 folders. Plus no instructions came with the download. Glad to know it works good.
  21. I have that installed too. I really wish someone would upgrade this USPS plugin to use commerical rates and dimensional weight. The UPS plugin needs some work too.
  22. Thank you some much for looking into this. I'm sure other people would be interested in this too.
  23. Hi, I just intstalled the USPS shipping module and noticed it is only offering retail rates. Is there anyway to change this so it will only offer the commercial based rates. Also where is the rate option for Parcel Select? Also how do you get it to give the correct rates on an oversized package? Thanks in advance! Claudia
  24. I just tried to search for " cat figurine " in my store and it brought up 5 pages of items, most of which have nothing to do with cat figurines. No new error though. And never had a error in the error log I created. Except for styling, my content.search is the same as Foundations. Don't know if it makes a difference, but I don't use any of the stock Manufacturer stuff in CubeCart or Foundation.
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