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Claudia M

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Everything posted by Claudia M

  1. Hi, I Disabled initial shipping & tax estimates in admin/store settings/features now I'm getting a lot of warnings in my error log. Anything to be concerned with? Thanks in advanced. [18-Mar-2018 10:03:20 America/Louisville] PHP Warning: Shipping not setup or allow no shipping not enabled in /home/claudias/public_html/classes/cubecart.class.php on line 1700 [18-Mar-2018 10:14:57 America/Louisville] PHP Warning: Shipping not setup or allow no shipping not enabled in /home/claudias/public_html/classes/cubecart.class.php on line 1700 [18-Mar-2018 10:18:15 America/Louisville] PHP Warning: Shipping not setup or allow no shipping not enabled in /home/claudias/public_html/classes/cubecart.class.php on line 1700 Also getting this error but I don't know if it's connected. 18-Mar-2018 05:18:07 UTC] PHP Warning: array_merge() [<a href='http://docs.php.net/manual/en/function.array-merge.php'>function.array-merge.php</a>]: Argument #1 is not an array in /home/claudias/public_html/classes/seo.class.php on line 357 [18-Mar-2018 05:57:02 UTC] PHP Warning: Invalid Security Token in /home/claudias/public_html/classes/sanitize.class.php on line 152
  2. This is what I did. Disabled "Disable initial shipping & tax estimates". Then changed Checkout page to look like this. After they put in info it looks like this: But now I get these warnings in my error log. Anything to worry about? [17-Mar-2018 09:52:44 America/Louisville] PHP Warning: Shipping not setup or allow no shipping not enabled in /home/claudias/public_html/classes/cubecart.class.php on line 1700 [17-Mar-2018 09:54:12 America/Louisville] PHP Warning: Shipping not setup or allow no shipping not enabled in /home/claudias/public_html/classes/cubecart.class.php on line 1700
  3. "In admin, Languages, edit the language the store is using, select "Contact" from the drop-down, and scroll to 'email_contact'. Precisely on the phrase email_content, click once. This makes the text entry field editable. Make sure there are four %s placeholders. There may be a small clock icon to the right of the text entry field." I had added fields to the contact form for international shipping, but had deleted them in the contact form when I upgraded. That caused the inconsistency. I didn't remember about having to change it in admin. Thanks, Brian. My contact form is working now.
  4. I just upgraded to 6.1.14 and now I get this red error when I send the contact form. The following errors were detected: There was an error sending your message, please try again. i've tested my email in store settings advanced settings and it did send the test email. I'm using recaptcha 2. PHP mail () function I get this error in debug [Warning] /home/claudias/public_html/classes/cubecart.class.php:1435 - sprintf() [function.sprintf.php]: Too few arguments[Notice] /home/claudias/public_html/classes/seo.class.php:506 - Undefined variable: title All help is appreciated
  5. I want to leave the order number blank, empty, so the customer can put in the order number they want to look up - not like it is in their accounts or linked in the order complete menu where the order number is already there. href="{$STORE_URL}/index.php?_a=vieworder&cart_lookup={$cart_order_id} Is this what I should use?
  6. Hi, I added a "Track Your Order" link to the top of my page using the following: <a class="main-top-bar-txt" href="{$STORE_URL}/index.php?_a=vieworder&cart_lookup">Track Your Order</a></div> and it sends you here: In the browser it reads: https://www.claudiasbargains.com/index.php?_a=vieworder&cart_lookup Anyway, every once in awhile I get this error in my log. Any idea what if anything I should do? I don't know where the } is coming from. [01-Mar-2018 13:55:16 UTC] PHP Warning: Security Warning: Illegal array key &quot;cart_lookup}&quot; was detected and was removed. in /home/claudias/public_html/classes/sanitize.class.php on line 113 Thanks in advance, Me
  7. “ In claudiasbargains.css, line 13, I find that you are overruling cubecart.css, line 111 with respect to background color, from green to white.” I removed that line “That is then overruled by claudiasbargains.css, line 213, still keeping it white.” I changed the background color to white on this because I didn’t want the panels to have that gray like color. If I remove the white color code they will. So what I did was create panel.small and gave it the green color from cubecart.css line 111. Then I went into my skin/template/box.basket and added small after panel like this <div class="hide panel small radius small-basket-detail-container js_fadeOut" id="small-basket-detail"> Is this the way I should do it?
  8. Thanks Brian! I'll implement it asap.
  9. I'm talking about on the small screen - my android phone. I thought this would be more pronounced so the customer could actually see something had been added to their cart. Web address is www.claudiasbargains.com
  10. Based off Cubecart's Foundation skin
  11. What changes would you make to add this feature to a custom Foundation skin?
  12. " id didn't post it.. it captured it in an error log. if it was posted it would be all over your store front for all to see " I meant I posted it here in the forum, so it got some notice like they wanted.
  13. That is so rude!! Bad bot!!! I have the latest version of CC installed - 6.1.13. Is 6.1.14 going to be released soon? " seems like a bot looking for a way in to post crap on a forum " Well it worked. I posted it. Is it ok to clear my log and I don't need to check anything?
  14. In admin/manage hooks/ code snippets there are no snippets that are not suppose to be there.
  15. Look what I found in my error log!!!!!! How did it get there and how do I get rid of it!!!!!! <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252"> </head> [14-Feb-2018 17:40:12 UTC] PHP Warning: Invalid Security Token in /home/claudias/public_html/classes/sanitize.class.php on line 152 [14-Feb-2018 18:00:58 UTC] PHP Warning: Security Warning: Illegal array key &quot;cart_lookup}&quot; was detected and was removed. in /home/claudias/public_html/classes/sanitize.class.php on line 113 [14-Feb-2018 18:38:27 UTC] PHP Warning: Stored session data did not match DB record. Session aborted as possible session hijack. Old IP Address: '' New IP Address: '' Old User Agent: 'Microsoft Office Protocol Discovery' New User Agent: 'IEX' in /home/claudias/public_html/classes/session.class.php on line 702 [15-Feb-2018 02:16:19 UTC] PHP Warning: Security Warning: Illegal array key &quot;Comcast_on_a_silver_platter_ On_December_14,_2017,_the_FCC_killed_net_neutrality_rules__But_do_you_truly_understand_the_global_implications_of_such_a_disastrous_decision? These_laws_guaranteed_equal_access_to_the_web_without_paid_prioritization_fees,_unregulated_bandwidth_throttling,_and_rampant_censorship_from_ISPs__Now_these_laws_are_GONE_ The_cable_companies_are_a_few_short_months_away_from_doing_whatever_they_damn_well_please_with_the_Internet__That_includes_shutting_down_&quot; was detected and was removed. in /home/claudias/public_html/classes/sanitize.class.php on line 113 [15-Feb-2018 02:16:19 UTC] PHP Warning: Security Warning: Illegal array key &quot;blocking_businesses_and_websites_like_yours_if_they_dislike_your_content_ If_you_cannot_afford_to_pay_cable_companies_more_money_for_customers_to_reach_your_business,_prepare_to_close_your_doors_for_good_ We_can_still_defeat_the_evil_FCC,_but_we_NEED_your_help_ Please_review_our_petition,_and_join_MILLIONS_of_net_neutrality_supporters_by_LINKING_to_our_page_from_your_website:_https://www_longlivethenet_com/_ Creating_a_LINK_is_casting_a_vote_for_freedom_of_speech_and_the_free_exchange_of_ideas_on_the_open_internet__Please_vote! Long_Live_The_Internet! Note:_We_are_a_non-profit_organization__We_will_never_place_an_advertisement_on_our_webpage__This_page_was_created_for_one_reason_and_one_reason_only,_to_save_the_Internet_as_we_know_it__Join_the_fight!&quot; was detected and was removed. in /home/claudias/public_html/classes/sanitize.class.php on line 113 [15-Feb-2018 02:16:19 UTC] PHP Warning: Security Warning: Illegal array key &quot;Comcast_on_a_silver_platter_ On_December_14,_2017,_the_FCC_killed_net_neutrality_rules__But_do_you_truly_understand_the_global_implications_of_such_a_disastrous_decision? These_laws_guaranteed_equal_access_to_the_web_without_paid_prioritization_fees,_unregulated_bandwidth_throttling,_and_rampant_censorship_from_ISPs__Now_these_laws_are_GONE_ The_cable_companies_are_a_few_short_months_away_from_doing_whatever_they_damn_well_please_with_the_Internet__That_includes_shutting_down_&quot; was detected and was removed. in /home/claudias/public_html/classes/sanitize.class.php on line 113 [15-Feb-2018 02:16:19 UTC] PHP Warning: Security Warning: Illegal array key &quot;blocking_businesses_and_websites_like_yours_if_they_dislike_your_content_ If_you_cannot_afford_to_pay_cable_companies_more_money_for_customers_to_reach_your_business,_prepare_to_close_your_doors_for_good_ We_can_still_defeat_the_evil_FCC,_but_we_NEED_your_help_ Please_review_our_petition,_and_join_MILLIONS_of_net_neutrality_supporters_by_LINKING_to_our_page_from_your_website:_https://www_longlivethenet_com/_ Creating_a_LINK_is_casting_a_vote_for_freedom_of_speech_and_the_free_exchange_of_ideas_on_the_open_internet__Please_vote! Long_Live_The_Internet! Note:_We_are_a_non-profit_organization__We_will_never_place_an_advertisement_on_our_webpage__This_page_was_created_for_one_reason_and_one_reason_only,_to_save_the_Internet_as_we_know_it__Join_the_fight!&quot; was detected and was removed. in /home/claudias/public_html/classes/sanitize.class.php on line 113 [15-Feb-2018 02:16:19 UTC] PHP Warning: Stored session data did not match DB record. Session aborted as possible session hijack. Old IP Address: '' New IP Address: '' Old User Agent: '' New User Agent: 'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; .NET CLR 1.0.3705; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; Media Center PC 4.0; .NET CLR 2.0.50727)' in /home/claudias/public_html/classes/session.class.php on line 702 [15-Feb-2018 02:16:19 UTC] PHP Warning: Invalid Security Token in /home/claudias/public_html/classes/sanitize.class.php on line 152 [15-Feb-2018 03:02:24 UTC] PHP Warning: Security Warning: Illegal array key &quot;cart_lookup}&quot; was detected and was removed. in /home/claudias/public_html/classes/sanitize.class.php on line 113
  16. You think just a teensy bit easier? LOL Thank you for this. I'll implement it later tonight or tommorow. Super Bowl you know .... Go Eagles!!! And Jack .. 'nuff said.
  17. Be able to change anything in each line like it is now and have a button where you could select all the lines at once if you wanted to, not just one, to change the name given and / or the rate charged - manually, no percentages. Although some people might like the option to change all rates by a percentage.
  18. Now, in my opinion, all this mod needs a an "Edit All" functionally. If you have weights, by ounce and pound, for up to 30 pounds, with 3 different carriers, it gets old clicking the edit button for each one when the time comes to increase or decrease your rates based on the carrier annual rate change. I am very appreciative of the updates made up to now. Thanks again.
  19. Looking at the file I edited in Microsoft Expression Web, you are correct - it did double space. Thanks for explaining that. I'll look for it in the future.
  20. Well ... Once again Brian Thank You!! I have only resorted one zone but wanted you to know it works great! This will also be great if someone wanted to add a different shipping method but wanted to keep all the weights together. Yeah!!!! The only difference is the lines in admin/index.inc.php In /admin/index.inc.php, near line 418, find: My line 835 $rates = $GLOBALS['db']->select('CubeCart_shipping_rates', false, false, 'id'); Change to: $rates = $GLOBALS['db']->select('CubeCart_shipping_rates', false, false, 'sort_order, id'); Near line 197, find: My Line 393 if ($updated) { $GLOBALS['gui']->setNotify($lang['all_in_one_shipping']['notify_shipping_zone_sort_order']); } $GLOBALS['cache']->clear(); // httpredir(currentPage(array('tab'))); } Add after: /**/ //ALTER TABLE `CubeCart_shipping_rates` ADD COLUMN `sort_order` INT(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1' AFTER `item_rate`; $rates_order_update = array(); .............
  21. Thank you Thank You Thank You!!!!! I'll implement this asap.!!!!
  22. Maybe with the next release of the AIOS plugin these features would be nice.
  23. I have Zones for States and Zips. Plus Countries for US territories. Each zone has my rates for USPS Priority, USPS Parcel and Standard Ground (UPS). Except the territories don't have the Standard Ground rates. My worksheet from Excel has the rates in this order: Priority - Parcel - Standard ground, so this is usually the order I use in AOIS making it easy to to just input rates going down the list. Unfortunately, I guess the first time I put in the rates, the State zones show the Standard Ground last. I just wondered if there was an easy way to put them in my correct place in the plugin without having to redo them all. Not that big of a deal - don't go to any trouble with this.
  24. This is what I meant: " For the individual methods in a zone, no, I don't see that happening other than the order that they were entered. " Edit All: " As in being able to edit all the methods at once on a zone by zone basis." Like a checkmark or something that selects all to edit
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