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Claudia M

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Everything posted by Claudia M

  1. Hi, I am trying to add additional fields to the contact form. I can get them to show up in the contact form, but when it is sent I the email does not include the fields I just added. Here is an example of what I have done. Any ideas how I can receive the information in the email? Thanks in advance. /classes/cubecart.class.php Line 1431 in the private function _contact() { $mailer->addReplyTo($_POST['contact']['email'], strip_tags($_POST['contact']['name'])); $mailer->Subject = html_entity_decode(strip_tags($_POST['contact']['subject']),ENT_QUOTES); $mailer->Body = sprintf($GLOBALS['language']->contact['email_content'], $_POST['contact']['name'], $_POST['contact']['email'], $department, html_entity_decode(strip_tags($_POST['contact']['enquiry']),ENT_QUOTES)); $mailer->Shiptoname = strip_tags($_POST['contact']['shipto_name']); $mailer->shiptoaddress1 = $_POST['contact']['shipto_address1']; $mailer->shiptoaddress2 = $_POST['contact']['shipto_address2']; $mailer->shipto_town = $_POST['contact']['shipto_town']; $mailer->shipto_state = $_POST['contact']['shipto_state']; $mailer->shipto_country = $_POST['contact']['shipto_country']; $mailer->shipto_postalcode = $_POST['contact']['shipto_postalcode']; $mailer->shipto_other = $_POST['contact']['shipto_other']; foreach ($GLOBALS['hooks']->load('class.cubecart.contact.mailer') as $hook) include $hook; // Send Added this to the language/en-US.xml ( I put all my edits in this file – put all from the above /classes/cubecart.class.php ) <group name="email_en"> <string name="email_macro_shipto_address1"><![CDATA[The first ship to address of the customer asking for an international shipping quote.]]></string> <string name="shipto_address1"><![CDATA[Ship to Address1]]></string> </group> modified the skin/content.contact.php by adding the following - put all from the above /classes/cubecart.class.php <p>{$LANG.common_en.intl_ship} </p> <div class="row"> <div class="small-12 columns"> <div class="row"> <div class="large-3 columns"><label for="shipto_address1" class="t5 bold right inline show-for-medium-up">{$LANG.email_en.shipto_address1}</label></div> <div class="small-12 large-8 left columns"> <input type="text" name="contact[shipto_address1]" id="shipto_address1" value="{$MESSAGE.shipto_address1}"placeholder="Shipping Address 1"></div> </div></div> </div>
  2. Hi, How can I make the mini basket that pops up closable with an X rather than just fade away? Remove the arrow but keep the location the same. Thanks in advance!
  3. I placed a test order in my store today and did not pay for it. When logged in as the test customer I went to order history and was shown the options: complete payment – cancel order – view details. I had removed reorder as I sell mostly one off items. Anyway, I clicked cancel order and got the red error message – The following errors were detected: Your order has been cancelled. Is there anyway to remove the first line, The following errors were detected:, as this is really not an error. Customer chose to cancel the order. Also can a popup, or something, be added saying something like are you sure you want to cancel this order before it is actually cancelled. Give the customer a little extra thought time before cancelling the order. Thanks for any and all help
  4. Hummm ... It's still not showing on my phone until I refresh the page.
  5. I am using a VERY modified custom Foundation skin. When I upgraded to 6.1.7 I noticed that the product page was really different, with additional templates, etc. BSmither had given me some code to make my gallery photos go horizonally across the page which I want to keep. Therefore, I just copied the skin/content.products.php from the 6.1.5 and pasted it into my 6.1.7 upgrade. All other files in the skin are from the 6.17 upgrade. Everything worked fine. Today I decided to go ahead and modify the additional files: element.product.horizontal_gallery and element.product.call_to_action before I upgraded to 6.1.8. Everything is working as it should except on small displays the main image does not show until your refresh the page. I don't think customers would know to refresh the screen. Any thoughts and help is greatly appreciated. Here's a link if someone wants to look at the page source - https://www.claudiasbargains.com/itt-brown-vintage-rotary-dial-desk-telephone.html Claudia
  6. Thank you all. This information is good to know and very interesting
  7. Thanks so much, but I know how to do that. I fact I've moved alot to en_US. My problem is the coding doesn't show any $LANG. so I wasn't sure what to change. It just says {$CHECKOUT_BUTTON} Here's the code: <button type="submit" name="proceed" id="checkout_proceed" class="button success nobr right g-recaptcha"{include file='templates/element.recaptcha.invisible.php'}>{$CHECKOUT_BUTTON} <svg class="icon"><use xlink:href="#icon-chevron-right"></use></svg></button> I was able to change it in admin/settings/languages/checkout secure_checkout. Thank you. But I wonder why there isn't a $LANG. in the code?
  8. Hi, Where can I change the wording "secure checkout" on checkout button in the checkout page. Thanks in advance, Claudia
  9. I don't know. Al just told bsandall to use recaptcha2 for now. See the first page of this post.
  10. You asked: Does it work if person registers as they fill out order information, or do they have to register and then add to basket? ..... I was filling out the contact and billing info after pressing the secure checkout button on the mini basket. It did not work and I got the error messages. I have not tried from the register button. I've turned recaptcha off for now until this is fixed.
  11. Ok I spoke way to soon ... I'm having the same issue as bsandall in the first post. Getting the error message: The verification code was incorrect. Please try again. Also when I reentered the password, but not the email I get the error message: %&;s ( or something close to that) is not a correct email.
  12. I am sorry bsandall ... I was just looking at page 2 of this post. Hope you get it resolved!
  13. I've been playing around with this and this is what I have. Changed #333333 to #CCCCCC (the color I want). Looks okay except on small displays it looks like a square not a pyramid. @media only screen and (min-width: 40.0625em) { .tooltip > .nub { border-color: transparent transparent #CCCCCC transparent; top: -10px; } .tooltip.tip-top > .nub { border-color: #CCCCCC transparent transparent transparent; bottom: -10px; top: auto; } .tooltip.tip-left, .tooltip.tip-right { float: none !important; } .tooltip.tip-left > .nub { border-color: transparent transparent transparent #CCCCCC; left: auto; margin-top: -5px; right: -10px; top: 50%; }
  14. I previously added but it didn't work. .has-tip.tip-left, .has-tip.tip-right { background: #CCCCCC; float: none !important; } There's no button mentioned in the code I'm using {foreach from=$CHECKOUTS item=checkout} <div class="row"> <div class="small-12 columns text-right pad"><span data-tooltip aria-haspopup="true" class="has-tip" title="Checkout quickly and easily using your secure PayPal Account">?</span> {$checkout}</div> I'll kep messing around and post here if I come up with something - unless you think of something else first. Thanks, Claudia
  15. Hi, I just added a tooltip for my PayPal button on the checkout page. Works as I want, but, I changed the background color of the tooltip box from stock but the little arrow on the top left of the box is still dark - not the same changed color. How do I get the arrow to match the tooltip box? Thanks in advance for all help, Claudia
  16. Let this be a learning lesson to everyone that modifies their own code. The reason my invisible recaptcha didn't work - I had made changes to my content.checkout page and forgot to put the highlighted portion back: It seems to be working now. <button type="submit" name="proceed" id="checkout_proceed" class="button checkout right nomarg-bottom g-recaptcha"{include file='templates/element.recaptcha.invisible.php'}>{$CHECKOUT_BUTTON} <svg class="icon"><use xlink:href="#icon-chevron-right"></use></svg></button> I'm sorry I bothered everyone with this - but on a happy note Dirty Butter told me how to disable guest purchases! Please resolve this
  17. Thanks, I think I will do that. I reverted to Recaptcha 2 for now and it seems to be working.
  18. Very, very modified Foundation. Yes, I got the new key from Google. I wish this would work, it's nice that customers don't have to "select squares with signs". I leave sites that make me go thru all that.
  19. I had a new customer try to place an order today and they couldn't complete payment and for some reason her email was not saved. The order is set to pending. I tried to go thru the steps of placing an order as a new unregistered customer and got stuck at the checkout button. When I pressed it nothing happens. Im using CC6.1.7 and invisible Recaptcha
  20. My PayPal is working fine - but i use Pro. Thanks for telling me about the V6 foundation page. How handy is that!!!
  21. I haven't changed my custom skin at all. Should I? I'll look into the PayPal patch. Thanks, Rosemary
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