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Posts posted by bos

  1. (CC6)

    I have been advised to use product code in the product name field. That is, the same name (FOOBAR-SOMETHING-R6) in the both fields. I have had this explained to me several times but it still doesn't make sense. When I browse products on any e-store I'd like to see readable text in the brief overview, like "Samsung 1TB SATA" or "Crucial 2GB memory". Not "SMS-1TB-HD-28737" or "CRU-2GB-D39jf9j". That does definately not make sense to me.

    Been trying to find a FAQ or something for this topic, but I failed.

    So; can anyone explain why I'm supposed to have product code == product name in my store? I just don't get the point of it.

  2. In product list, I rightclick and open 10 products in new tabs to be able to edit them in parallell.


    Editing the first item is fine. Editing the rest gives this message: "Security Alert: Possible Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) or browser back button used." and my edits are gone.

    This is no CSRF, whatever that means, and I really want the ability to edit in parallell, so how do I disable this check?

  3. Alright, point taken.

    But consider this, a real life problem; 100 existing categories (lots of subs). I'm looking for a particular category to see if it exists. If not, I want to add it.

    How do you find (or not)? Clicking through 100 categories? Time consuming. A huge list would allow me to Ctrl+F, or similiar, to find it immediately (given it exists).

  4. CC v6, as the subject suggests.

    I found the links shortly after posting (of course...) but I find those horribly inefficient. For now I have just got ~6 categories, but later on I will have around 100-200 including subs. Clicking around everyone and everywhere just to find a sub feels like tedious work. Is there not a plugin or anything that shows them all in a structured tree for easy re-arrangement?

  5. When browsing in Admin -> Categories, only the top level categories are shown.  I can't even find how to change a sub category.

    Is there a way to enable showing the subcategories as well, preferably in a structured tree or something?

  6. New user here. Did not find answer to this in the wiki, so I'm asking here.


    When adding a new category (and products as well) there's a checkbox "Status" and a checkbox "Visible". The latter is self-explanatory, but not the former. What purpose serves the "Status"?

  7. When adding a product, I can specify whether it's new, used or refurbished in the admin-interface.

    However, this info does not show up for customers. Why?


    How do my customers see the condition of the items?

  8. Even more testing:

    http://store.ribit.se/about-us.html  -> 404

    Reading the rewrite-rule:

         RewriteRule ^(.*)\.html?$ index.php?seo_path=$1 [L,QSA]

    So I'm manually rewriting the URL to:


    Which works.

    And if I rename the keyword "RewriteRule" into "thingamajing", the server says HTTP Error 500. Which means the parser reads the RewriteRule, but somehow does not perform the actual rewrite.

    I don't know what conclusions I can draw from this. Is the Rule broken?

  9.  Been investigating this further now. I sent a mail to the hosting support but they have not yet replied.


    However, to see if the <IfModule ...> in .htaccess was actually running, I entered some gibberish within the if-case and reloaded the page. Got HTTP Error 500 immediately, which means the mod_rewrite is loaded and running (else the if-case would have evaluated to false, no?)


    I'm not into mod_rewrite, but as far as I can understand from .htaccess, it's the last line, the last RewriteRule that handles the case with *.html-files. Somehow this rule breaks, or does not work, since I get 404 for all of them. Since the installation is a fresh one, I surmise the rule itself bears no errors.


    Yet it still induces errors. Somewhere. And I'm not that into WWW-projects that I'm able to track it down either, so I'm still clueless.

  10. A friend of mine recommended CubeCart so installed V6 last night. Works like a charm.


    The hard-links on the storefront ("contact us", "Privacy policy", etc) all points to a *.html-file which does not exist, and the webserver says 404. The default document themselves exists in the admin-interface, but are not shown up.

    The only plugin I've installed is the Kurouto-skin.

    Any suggestions?

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