Here's the code from line 110 to line 155
## If version is less then 4 or 5 try to fix database encoding
if (!$_SESSION['setup']['db_converted'] && version_compare($current, '5.0.0', '<')) {
/* ########################
## Following code based on;
## Migrating MySQL Data to Unicode
## Thanks to Davey Shafik
## ######################## */
$tables = $db->getRows();
foreach ($tables as $table) {
## Get Schema
if ($schema = $db->misc('SHOW CREATE TABLE '.$table['Name'])) {
## Fix Schema and Create Temp Table
$find = array("latin1", $table['Name']);
$replace = array("utf8", $table['Name'].'_utf8');
if($db->misc(str_replace($find, $replace, $schema[0]['Create Table']))) {
if ($db->misc("SHOW TABLES LIKE '".$table['Name']."_utf8'", false)) {
## Copy Data
$db->misc('INSERT INTO '.$table['Name'].'_utf8 SELECT * FROM '.$table['Name']);
## Deleting Original Table
$db->misc('DROP TABLE '.$table['Name']);
## Renaming Temporary Table
$db->misc('ALTER TABLE '.$table['Name'].'_utf8 RENAME TO '.$table['Name']);
$_SESSION['setup']['db_converted'] = true;
## Updates from version 3
if (!$_SESSION['setup']['config_converted'] && version_compare($current, '4.0.0', '<')) {
## Version 3: Upgrade config data
$config_string = $db->select('CubeCart_config', array('array'), array('name' => 'config'));
if ($config_string) {
$old_config = unserialize($config_string[0]['array']);
foreach ($old_config as $key => $value) {
$new_config[base64_decode($key)] = stripslashes(base64_decode($value));
$db->update('CubeCart_config', array('array' => base64_encode(json_encode($new_config))), array('name' => 'config'));
$_SESSION['setup']['short_lang_identifier'] = $new_config['defaultLang'];
unset($old_config, $new_config, $config_string);