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Posts posted by fldavidallsop

  1. Can someone take a look at the skin demo preview on the extension marketplace.

    I have noticed that the JavaScript on our skin demo breaks when being viewed via the CubeCart marketplace preview (works fine everywhere else), this error seems to be in relation to the iframe which is being used for the demo preview window.

    If you go to the direct link of the demo there are no console errors. If you do this via the marketplace preview link you get the attached errors.

    I have also looked at this for a few other skins published by other developers and similar console errors occur.

    On a side note but equally as important if you try the marketplace preview on an actual mobile device (rather than resizing your desktop browser) the media queries a lot of these skins are using aren't kicking in, again if you go to the direct URL to the skins they work fine. So marketplace customers aren't getting a true demo of the responsive functionality of the skins for sale.

    If you need any further information please let me know.


  2. Great to hear that this worked for you, I will raise this as a bug and include this fix in the next release.

    Hopefully the bug tracker is working for you now, any ideas like the one suggested please feel free to add into my bug tracker as a feature request.

    It may not be quite as simple as including the code in another file as some variables only work on specific pages.

    Have a good evening,


  3. Hi - sorry to hear you are having a problem with our bug tracker, I can see you have registered on there - is the issue with not receiving the email confirmation link to validate your account? If so I have just resent the confirmation link to you.

    Even if you can't get on to the bug tracker you can always receive support using my direct email address which you will find in the readme file for the skin :).

    I scan these forums fairly regularly and have just seen this one, hopefully we can get it solved for you right now.

    Open up skins/cleanskin/templates/content.receipt.php and around line 38-45 you should see the following code: 

    {if !empty($DELIVERY.date)}
    	{$LANG.orders.shipping_date}: {$DELIVERY.date}<br>
    {if isset($DELIVERY.url)}
    	{$LANG.basket.track}: <a href="{$DELIVERY.url}" target="_blank">{$DELIVERY.method}</a>
    	{$DELIVERY.method} {$LANG.orders.shipping_tracking}: {$DELIVERY.tracking}

    Replace all of that with the following code:

    {if !empty($DELIVERY.date) && $DELIVERY.date!=='0000-00-00'}
    	{$LANG.orders.shipping_date}: {$DELIVERY.date}<br>
    {if !empty($DELIVERY.url)}
    	{$LANG.orders.shipping_tracking}: <a href="{$DELIVERY.url}" target="_blank">{$DELIVERY.method}{if !empty($DELIVERY.product)} ({$DELIVERY.product}){/if}</a>
    {elseif !empty($DELIVERY.tracking)}
    	{$LANG.catalogue.delivery_method}: {$DELIVERY.method}{if !empty($DELIVERY.product)} ({$DELIVERY.product}){/if}<br>
    	{$LANG.orders.shipping_tracking}: {$DELIVERY.tracking}

    You may need to rebuild your cache after this, once done check the result and let me know if fixed, if so I will include this in the next release.

    Please remember to let me know about your issue with the bug tracker as I want to ensure this is fixed.

    Any further questions drop me an email or reply here.

  4. Hi bsmither please drop me a PM and I can send you a dev copy of the skin and if it is a skin issue then we can work together to fix it.

    I am pretty sure the code for facebook was untouched when building the skin.

    If anyone else believes they have found a bug or wants to raise a feature request please do so at http://bugs.davidallsop.com/

    PS, there are no plugins or hooks which are needed to run alongside Clean Skin.

  5. You can submit a feature request for this on http://bugs.davidallsop.com and we'll look at adding it into a later version.

    Currently the skin only shows ratings on the product page.

    Try adding related code from the product page template to the category template to get the result you want, remember to take into account all the responsive break points when adding the associated styling.

  6. For clean skin the product image sizes need to be the same otherwise a larger height image will cause the next row to be out of position.

    See the readme for the recommended size.

    The fix above will make all your image heights the same but they may end up skewed, for the best quality use the same image size across all products.

    Also applying the height fix above could cause a problem with responsive unless you apply some extra rules.

  7. I have discovered a similar thing last night on a CubeCart installation, some of the links are to a wig website too.

    CubeCart are investigating, but I need to send further information.

    This is on v5.2.17 (latest v5).

    Google security has picked up links back from over 1000 CubeCart powered websites too which appear to have the same issue.

  8. Just to check, if someone wants to enter a product description with HTML formatting (like most people do) they should be populating the short description and leaving the main product description blank?

    Seems strange as most people use the main product description textarea and the expected result would be the entered content (plain or rich text) appearing on the product page.

    I just want to confirm this before updating documentation related to product descriptions.

  9. I have recently found out that when users contact via the marketplace contact button any web addresses and email addresses are stripped from the email I receive.


    This makes it very hard to help users as I have to explain this and get them to email me direct.


    Pretty much everyone who needs help is going to want to send you a link to their website.


    Can this restriction be removed?

  10. Many thanks for the information bsmither.

    Is this worth flagging as a potential issue/bug? I see it that way because the website user/store owner is expecting CubeCart to output all results on a page=all for sale items and search results but it is only outputting 100 results max? What are your thoughts...?

  11. Is there a limit to the amount of sale items which can be displayed at once?

    I have a client who has over 350 sale items which you can access through the pagination on the sales page, however when they use the 'view all' link which is usually included on a product category, only approx 100 of the sale items are displayed.

    I know in the foundation skin the 'view all' link has been replaced by the 'view more' link, just wondering if there is an overall limit in CubeCart for the amount of sale items on one page.

  12. I am thinking that this is a  PayPal issue and maybe something has changed on the PayPal account, all previous orders to when this starting occurring had 2 transaction lines and the new ones have multiple lines.

    Although the original order transaction log seems strange anyway as it is determining that the transaction ID has been used before.

    What do you think? I am going to check if anything has changed on the PayPal account. Just a note that this is the standard PayPal gateway.

    Transaction Log Before


    Transaction Log Now


  13. As far as I can see HTML is stripped from the output for the standard product description and HTML is allowed for a short description - why is this case? If this is intentional why include the WYSIWYG editor for the long description field?

    At present if someone wishes to enter HTML in the product description (which is quite common for bold, colours, etc) then they must use the optional short description.

  14. I have a v5 running the latest version and the order statuses are reverting back to processing shortly after marking as complete.

    I can see the revert in the order status history.

    Can anyone help with this?

    Thinking maybe it is a PayPal issue?

    I am seeing this PHP error:

    06-Nov-2015 12:14:44 UTC] PHP Warning: Invalid Security Token in /home/t7nw3vb9/public_html/classes/sanitize.class.php on line 120
    [06-Nov-2015 13:30:44 UTC] PHP Warning: implode() [<a href='http://docs.php.net/manual/en/function.implode.php'>function.implode.php</a>]: Invalid arguments passed in /home/t7nw3vb9/public_html/classes/order.class.php on line 494
    [06-Nov-2015 19:21:25 UTC] PHP Warning: implode() [<a href='http://docs.php.net/manual/en/function.implode.php'>function.implode.php</a>]: Invalid arguments passed in /home/t7nw3vb9/public_html/classes/order.class.php on line 494
    [06-Nov-2015 19:47:50 UTC] PHP Warning: implode() [<a href='http://docs.php.net/manual/en/function.implode.php'>function.implode.php</a>]: Invalid arguments passed in /home/t7nw3vb9/public_html/classes/order.class.php on line 494

  15. I have been reviewing 6.0.6-6.0.8 and I need a couple of questions answering:

    Estimate Shipping - content.checkout.medium-up.php

    On the foundation checkout medium/small template files I am seeing code for estimate shipping, but I can't find a marketplace plugin or option in the  admin area for this - can you explain what this is used for currently?

    Product - content.product.php

    I am seeing some new classes of 'absolute' being added upon {if $value.absolute_price == '1'}, why? 

  16. I think there maybe an issue with the contact form on the market place as I have also had two emails I have replied to which were submitted through that form, the second saying they hadn't received a reply the first time.

    The best solution right now is to contact me direct on my email address on the skin listing.

    Although I haven't been around under this username I have been working with CubeCart for the past five years, I was part of the Toucan Web Design team who put together the crosshatch skin a few years ago and I've worked on over 200 v3-6 websites.

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