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Posts posted by jka

  1. Claudia, If you have any issues with that module, will be happy to help. There are a couple of steps such as you would need a UPS contract account, API key etc.

    Otherwise its very straight-forward, you will notice a tab shows on the Products page, here you can describe how many boxes, dimensions etc. 

    We have products that are 50lbs as well as 300lbs, this module has so far calculated the shipping costs 100% accurately.

  2. BSmither et-all, You may have pointed me in this direction before but I lost some of the custom formatting after upgrading the site today. How can I increase the font size of "Advanced Search" (its very very tiny) and the size of the basket icon.


    Screen Shot 2017-11-27 at 11.55.32 PM.png

  3. Ah, Bsmither, I should have waited for your wonderful insight as usual before I upgraded a customized site. There was a file with snippet_ and that gibberish code was inside it. Should I just delete it?

    Deleting or renaming that snippet was a lost cause. It got created again.

  4. Thats correct. All it says is that "Your basket is empty". (like normal) and the gibberish on the top doesnt appear once the basket is empty.

    The gibberish line only appears when there is an item in the basket. It doesnt appear when the basket is empty. I went and noticed further that the bad code did not appear when on the payment "gateway" page. 

    Its appear on index.php?_a=basket and index.php?_a=confirm when there is items in the basket.

  5. So, I went into the vanilla skin. Here is what I found in the browser debug mode....

    "�f�z+u��j[��H�����j�[j���-jY����z�ږ��,�@-(.�ǭ���*+�&������i�^��k�Ǭ���z�.�׫Q)����z�ږ珕��y�]jx�zkhʋ�m�$z�h��y�F,�@-+&j�rj�"�p�HK!���LL�m��" = $0



    Screen Shot 2017-11-27 at 6.06.10 PM.png

    One more image ....

    Screen Shot 2017-11-27 at 6.15.23 PM.png

  6. So, I went ahead and renamed the skins/template folder and reuploaded  the templates folder all over again. So its a brand new templates folder. The same gibberish (same content) shows up on the top of the basket and checkout when products are in it. I recently had to update all my admin files for 6.1.4. Any chance this is db related issue where something is corrupted?

  7. I noticed it this morning. On the checkout page as well as basket I see a line of gibberish all the way at the top. Not sure why and where this is coming from. 

    I did a view source and this gibberish is ahead of the 1st line of the code. 

    <!DOCTYPE html>


    Screen Shot 2017-11-27 at 1.09.31 PM.png

    I went into maintenance, cleared all cache etc into sql cache.


    Not sure where this gibberish is generated from but it does not show up on the product pages.

  8. Thanks to BSmither, we found the issue with the Admin module. Went ahead and re-uploaded the admin files. Seems like the upgrade via the admin front end didnt fully update the admin files.


  9. So I added 

    GLOBALS['debug']->debugMessage('The HOOK_TAB '.' '.$GLOBALS['hook_tab_content'].'.');

    under products.index.inc.php

    This is the result .. It just returns Array

    Debug Messages:
    [0] The HOOK_TAB Array.

  10. BSmither et-all,

    We are trying to trouble-shoot a newly added plugin. We verified ...

    1. the plugin is enabled
    2. the hooks are enabled.
    3. the db table also show the hooks_name set to '1'

    However the hooks functionality is not working. Any guidance to debug the hook whether it is loading and add debug messages? This is in the admin/product screen.


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