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Posts posted by SergeiG

  1. 1 hour ago, keat said:

    In store settings/advanced, enable debugging.

    Place a dummy order and check the debug log in the bottom of your browser to see if there are any errors being displayed.

    In the file root of your store create a file named   ini-custom.inc.php    and paste the following code inside.

    # Custom initialization commands
    # Filename: ini-custom.inc.php
    # File location: main CubeCart folder

    ini_set('memory_limit', '256M');
    ini_set('max_execution_time', '60');
    ini_set('error_log', 'error_log');
    ini_set('log_errors', 'on');



    try to place another dummy order, and then check error.log in the file root of your store.


    Big thank you for the advice about debugging mode. It didn't help, but will be useful in future.

    I found the reason of this issue - during changes in additional language file I loose 'email_ru_RU.xml' file, as the result, when a customer (who uses this language) made an order, the engine couldn't create an email.

    It's absolutely my fault, however a situation, when one or several language files aren't exist, requires two solutions:

    1) Error message in log-file

    2) An attempt to send an e-mail by usage a default (english) language.

  2. Hello!

    Today I found that customers don't receive any emails about their orders, I also don't receive any confirmations about new orders. 

    I don't have any clue where this issue can be.

    1) During making a test order I didn't receive any errors on a front-end side. 

    2) 'E-mail' log doesn't show that any e-mails were send. (!!!)

    3) 'Error log' is clear for ''admin" and "system" tabs

    4) Test e-mail from "Store settings/Advanced" are sent and came to me without any issues.


    Last changes which I made before this issue happen:

    - #1630 was deployed

    - 'Sender's Email Address' was changed in "Store settings/Advanced".


    I replace modified order.class.php by original version from 6.1.5 pack, clear cache at the back-end. It doesn't help.


    When I change status to "Processing" - nothing happen. If after that I change a status back to "Pending" then "New order" e-mail goes to an admin, but "Order confirmation" e-mail isn't send to a customer.

  3. On 5/26/2017 at 2:50 AM, keat said:

    I used this in 6.0.10 for a while, it may still work in later versions.


    in classes/cubecart.class.php


    $GLOBALS['smarty']->assign('LATEST_PRODUCTS', $products);


    $lp_rand_keys = array_rand($products, 6); // Make sure there are 3 or more 'featured' products
    foreach ($lp_rand_keys as $rand_key) $lp_rand_products[$rand_key] = $products[$rand_key];
    $products = $lp_rand_products;
    $GLOBALS['smarty']->assign('LATEST_PRODUCTS', $products);


    This will limit the amount of 'latest products' to 6 (so change if you require more), and then with each page refresh, those 6 products will change randomly.


    Not my work by the way, so I can't take any credit.

    Great thank you! It works absolutely fine!

  4. On 5/28/2017 at 2:07 AM, Gigi71 said:

    Did anyone ever find a fix for this? I am having exactly the same issue (on CC6.1.8) when entering an email address mailing list subscription box in the footer - after clicking the "Subscribe" button, I get a screen scroll up, no information/error messages, and no e-mail added in the mailing list on admin side.

    Hello! As I know, this issue haven't been solved yet. From my perspective, it takes time because only small number of users meet this issue and it difficult to developers reproduce in their environments.

  5. 2 hours ago, Dirty Butter said:

    Yes, I just re-read my suggestion and realized it didn't make sense. Take Latest off any you don't want to Feature. Then change the wording for Latest.


    6 hours ago, keat said:

    If we want to promote any particular products, then we do what DB has suggested.

    rather than using 'Latest Products' to display the latest products, we use it to display products that we wish to promote.

    In the languages section change the wording of 'Lastest Products' to 'Anything You want'

    Then anything you wish to display in this area just ensure the 'Include in latest products' check box ticked.

    Thank you for advice, I almost complete this way of realization my idea. However, there is one huge difference between these two lists which I wanted to use - the feature list isn't stable, it changes randomly. 

  6. 12 minutes ago, Dirty Butter said:

    Store Settings>Features tab>Misc near the bottom of the page

    I don't think any emails go to the customer until it's at Processing, but I wouldn't swear to that.

    Thank you. This setting controls sending an email to admin, but not to a customer.

    Due to numbers of vanishing goods in a initial confirmation emails I want to change a process logic by following way:

    1. A customer lefts an order and receives a message on a screen, that the order is accepted and the customer will receive after additional checks

    2. Stock updated, an admin receives an email about new order

    3. An admin changes status from Pending to Processing and after that a customer receives a confirmation email.

  7. @bsandall, @Dirty Butter, @bsmither

    I would extremely appreciate if you help me to finish this integration. I investigated the commit 985a842 to the story #1449 (https://github.com/cubecart/v6/commit/985a842f57c852970b8fb55e1527b20cf64a9a5f) and did changes in next files:

    cubecart.css - add lines according to the commit;

    2.cubecart.js - add lines according to the commit;

    content.product.php - I took the version from this commit, but just removed all '-' signs.

    All files are attached. As a result, I have a vertical gallery, however it works a little bit incorrectly - when I open a product page at the first time I don't see the main image, it appears when I reload page (by pressing F5). Screenshots are attached









  8. 49 minutes ago, Al Brookbanks said:

    In your stores settings when is the stock change time? Settings >> Stock (Tab) >> General Stock Settings >> "Reduce stock levels"

    If it is set to pending then the stock won't change when the order status changes to Processing. If it is at Processing then something does seem wrong. 

    Right now it's set to "Pending". And I did manual changes while an order had a pending status (step 2).

  9. 22 minutes ago, bsandall said:

    I have a clean copy of CubeCart on my local computer. I registered as a new customer and clicked the 'Subscribe to newsletter' box - my account info shows me as subscribed. I can unsubscribe and re-subscribe with no issues.

    Could you perhaps outline the steps you are taking on your end to receive the errors you have mentioned? If we can reproduce it, we can fix it.

    Right now I repeat next steps:

    Download CubeCart 6.1.7, install it (without mistakes) on clean environment, open home page, input e-mail into "Mailing List", press Subscribe.

    The result - a screen scroll up, no information/error messages, no e-mail in the mailing list on admin side.



  10. 20 hours ago, bsandall said:

    Ah, I thought you had updated from 6.1.5 to 6.1.7.

    Unfortunately there were a lot of skin changes between those versions, including to the JS and CSS files.

    Your best bet will be to update to 6.1.7 - pretty much all of the issues have been resolved by now and, while 6.1.8 has not yet been released, you can get all of those fixes by downloading the latest code from GitHub and updating manually.

    Alternatively, you can try to piece together the changes that were made and replicate them on your 6.1.5 skin, but if you plan on updating your store to later versions of CubeCart you may not find this to be a good use of your time.

    Unfortunately, a frontend feature of adding users to mailing list stopped to work after upgrade on the 6.1.7 version, so I returned to 6.1.5. If the mailing list feature will work in 6.1.8 version I immediately made an upgrade.

    May you write names of JS and CSS files which are connected with the gallery feature?

  11. 6 hours ago, Dirty Butter said:

    Al closed this as NOT being reproducible. I'll test again. Please do so as well.

    I checked in 6.1.5. Here is the result.

    Precondition inventory:

    Item 1 - 10 pcs. / Item 2 - 10 pcs.

    Step 1. Online order for Item 1 - 1 pcs.

    Result inventory:

    Item 1 - 9 pcs. / Item 2 - 10 pcs.

    Order Status - Pending

    Step 2. Manual changing in the backend. Change q-ty of Item 1 from 1 pcs to 2 pcs. Add Item 2 - 1 pcs. Press Save button

    Item 1 - 9 pcs. / Item 2 - 10 pcs.

    Order Status - Pending

    Step 3. Change status from Pending to Processing.

    Item 1 - 9 pcs. / Item 2 - 10 pcs.

    Order Status - Processing

    Step 4. Change status from Processing to Complete.

    Item 1 - 9 pcs. / Item 2 - 10 pcs.

    Order Status - Complete

  12. 1 minute ago, bsandall said:

    You shouldn't copy anything; instead, look in content.product.php on line 24 - change that from horizontal_gallery to vertical_gallery.

    In the version 6.1.5 there is not this line, at least in my version of the content.product.php

    I have this code:

             <div class="small-5 medium-7 columns">            
                <a href="#" class="open-clearing" data-thumb-index="0"><img src="{$PRODUCT.medium}" alt="{$PRODUCT.name}" id="img-preview"></a>
                {if $GALLERY}
                <ul class="clearing-thumbs small-block-grid-3 medium-block-grid-5 marg-top" data-clearing>
                   {foreach from=$GALLERY item=image}
                   <li{if $image@total lt 2} style="display:none"{/if}><a href="{$image.source}" class="th"><img src="{$image.small}" data-image-swap="{$image.medium}" data-caption="{$PRODUCT.name}{if !empty($image.description)}: {/if}{$image.description}" class="image-gallery" alt="{$LANG.catalogue.click_enlarge}"></a></li>

  13. Hello!

    I'm trying to add a vertical gallery, which was presented in 6.1.7, to a site worked on 6.1.5.

    I triyed to copy a piece of code from element.product.vertical_gallery.php (lines 13-27) to content.product.php . The result is blank page. As I understand, some classes (or may be more) are defined and described in other files of 6.1.7 release, however my knowledge of the CubeCart engine isn't enough to understand all interactions.

    Could somebody be so kind to help me with this task?

  14. 49 minutes ago, bsandall said:

    There is a bug in the foundation skin that prevents the 'More' button from being hidden - see this PR for how to fix it.

    'hide-for-small-up' means that the element will be hidden for all window sizes of small or larger. However, as you noted, this means it will not display for mobile, which defeats the purpose - you should indeed change it to 'hide-for-medium-up' or your mobile users will not have any way to paginate.

    One other thing - this line:

    <div class="hide-for-medium-up" id="ccScrollCat">{$category.cat_id}

    The {$category.cat_id} should be removed or you will have a seemingly random (to the customer) number show up just above the 'More' button. Removing this does not appear to have any effect on the button's functionality.

    Thank you! It works fine!!!

  15. 1 minute ago, Dirty Butter said:

    Without doing anything to comment out the section - what happens on mobile? Do you see More and Pagination on small?

    All scenarios:

    1) Original file version:

    • Desktop - More
    • Mobile - More

    2) Unhided traditional pagination/ No add "hide-for-small-up" to the class attribute

    • Desktop - Pages numbers and More
    • Mobile - More

    3) Unhided traditional pagination/ Add "hide-for-small-up" to the class attribute (I checked two classes - "hide-for-small-up" and "hide hide-for-small-up". Same results)

    • Desktop - Pages numbers and More
    • Mobile - More

    4) Unhided traditional pagination/ Commented bottom sections

    • Desktop - Pages numbers
    • Mobile - nothing

    Actually, the name 'hide-for-small-up' sounds strange, according to logic it should be 'hide-for-medium-up' or 'show-for-small-up'.

  16. 21 hours ago, Dirty Butter said:

    Sorry. I added this thread link to the GitHub post.

    In the meantime try commenting out this whole section and see what happens:

    {* Add "hide-for-small-up" to the class attribute to not display the more button *} 
       <div class="hide-for-small-up" id="ccScrollCat">{$category.cat_id}</div>
       {if $page!=='all' && ($page < $total)}
       {$params[$var_name] = $page + 1}
       <a href="{$current}{http_build_query($params)}{$anchor}" data-next-page="{$params[$var_name]}" data-cat="{$category.cat_id}" class="button tiny expand ccScroll-next">{$LANG.common.more} <svg class="icon"><use xlink:href="#icon-angle-down"></use></svg></a>
    <div class="hide-for-small-up" id="lang_loading">{$LANG.common.loading}</div>


    I have tried to comment whole this piece. It gives positive and negative results:

    1) Positive. At desktop - no 'More' button, everything is fine

    2) Negative. At mobile version I don't have any tools to reach the next page. 

    Which file should contain a description the 'hide-for-small-up' class? 

  17. 8 minutes ago, bsandall said:

    It controls all of that stuff, yes, so you are faced with an unfortunate choice: either stop tracking stock while waiting for this issue to be sorted or you have the possibility of weird order emails showing up.

    The first choice is fixable via SQL, though due to some issues where stock level does not go back up (which you have noticed in another thread), your stock levels are probably wrong anyway.

    Stock warning levels are responsible for the messages you see in the admin panel when you are running low on stock of an item.

    If you go with the first choice, make a note of the last order prior to updating your products' use_stock_level setting. Once the issue gets sorted and you re-enable it (run the same query but change the 0 to 1, assuming all of your products use stock levels), you can run a query to find out how many of each product was sold between now and then and another to adjust the stock levels.

    If it comes to that, I can post the SQL for such queries here.

    Thank you for advices. Right know I would prefer to control stock automatically (I have too much goods by 1 item), but if I find that number of broken letters is too high, I'll follow your advice and disable it.

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