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  1. We've moved it to a different server, running Apache, and it was working initially........and it's stopped again, with the same error, where the admin page just times out. EDIT: It's randomly started working again.
  2. Does Litespeed make a difference? I've tested the site on a server running Apache 2.4, and it works fine, but on the large server running Litespeed, is where we are having the issues.
  3. We switched to PHP5.4 as a test, as that is what the old server was using. PHP Multibyte IS INSTALLED on PHP5.6 (and it also is on PHP5.4), I've already explained that it wasn't originally set up in 5.4 as that version of PHP wasn't initially available. [PHP Modules] bcmath calendar Core ctype curl date dom ereg exif fileinfo filter ftp gd gettext hash iconv imagick imap ionCube Loader json libxml mbstring mcrypt memcache mhash mysql mysqli mysqlnd openssl pcntl pcre PDO pdo_mysql pdo_sqlite Phar posix readline Reflection session SimpleXML soap sockets SPL sqlite3 standard timezonedb tokenizer wddx xml xmlreader xmlwriter xsl Zend Guard Loader Zend OPcache zip zlib [Zend Modules] Zend Guard Loader Zend OPcache the ionCube PHP Loader
  4. Does the table storage engine matter? I've just checked, and the site having issues is using InnoDB for most of the tables, where the one that is working is using MyISAM for most of them.
  5. The mb_strtolower errors were also from when I initially switched it to PHP5.4, as php-mbstring wasn't enabled in PHP5.4 initially.
  6. Those errors were from when we switched to PHP 5.4 as this wasn't set up previously on the server. The issue happens in all versions of PHP. The site loads fine, I have created a customer account, can browse around the site etc OK. When you go to the admin section, the page loads initially, allowing you to enter the username and password. If you out the wrong credentials in, it tells you so. However, when you enter the correct credentials, it starts to load, but never completes. It's just times out. This is the actual issue we are seeing. The server runs multiple websites, from WordPress, to xenforo to Prestashop, and no other sites on there have any issues. This is a newly migrated site to this server.
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