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Everything posted by Claudia

  1. It's just the error log in file manager in cPanel, viewed as ASCII text, with very long lines, viewed in a browser. I just click the view button. In edit, whem I could click it, I would just select all and delete the files, emptying the log. I don't want to delete the whole file. I thought I saved and cleared the cache when I upgrade the PayPal extension. I'll try again.
  2. My error log in cPanel is at 2.14MB. A LOT of PHP warnings are this one about applepay. Yes I have the current version of PayPal installed. The log is so huge the edit button does not respond and I cannot clear the log, I can just view it. Further, I don't know if anything is really harmful or just because of PHP 8. I know you guys have your hands full with this, but this is really annoying. [30-May-2023 14:35:42 America/Louisville] PHP Warning: Undefined array key "applepay" in /home/xxxx/public_html/modules/plugins/paypal_commerce/paypal.class.php on line 425
  3. How is it decided in what order the tabs are shown in Products Admin, or Orders admin? I added a new tab after General but it is showing last. Shows: General - Description - Orders - Pricing - Categories Options - etc..... - Venue Info I want: General - Venue Info - Description - Orders - Pricing - Categories Options - etc..... Thanks for any and all help
  4. Made changes now I get this [21-Apr-2023 10:06:46 America/Louisville] PHP Warning: Undefined array key "HTTP_USER_AGENT" in /home/xxxxxx/public_html/classes/user.class.php on line 719
  5. Thanks Brian! "You have a busy site" Most of it is probably me adding new products. LOL
  6. I keep getting these 2 PHP Warnings in my error log. Just today (19th) over 200 of them [19-Apr-2023 08:58:18 America/Louisville] PHP Warning: Undefined array key "HTTP_USER_AGENT" in /home/xxxxxx/public_html/classes/session.class.php on line 676 [19-Apr-2023 08:58:18 America/Louisville] PHP Warning: Undefined array key "_g" in /home/xxxxxx/public_html/classes/ssl.class.php on line 39
  7. Thank you! Thank You! Thank You! Hey if you get a chance read my "About Us" page.
  8. Not to shoot a dead horse but, I was checking out my search (searched "dog") and noticed that the same thing as above happened in the search. I got stuck on page 1 even if I clicked page 3 - for example. I upgraded to 6.5.1 and the same thing. I tried to check with Foundation but its pagination isn't the same as mine so I really couldn't. I compared files and all look ok. I like the layout of the search as it is and have no plans to use Elasticsearch. Any ideas? https://www.cambargainstore.com search for dogs
  9. Thanks Brian .... That was very interesting information. Glad for the knowledge!
  10. Github only shows 3 files. I have not a clue what I'm suppose to do with the Epoch Time
  11. Could I just change the three files that are changed in 6.5.1 without doing and actual upgrade?
  12. I tried twice but all I got was a blank screen with the spinning thing
  13. I just uploaded the file above and it all works now. How could my code get so messed up when I didn't change anything in the file? Thanks for all you do Brian.
  14. Lines 1785 - 1864 public function searchCatalogue($search_data = null, $page = 1, $per_page = 10, $search_mode = 'elastic') { $per_page = (!is_numeric($per_page) || $per_page < 1) ? 10 : $per_page; $GLOBALS['debug']->debugMessage('At '.__METHOD__.', line ('.__LINE__.'), $page is '.$page.' and $per_page is '.$per_page); if (strtolower($page) != 'all') { $page = (is_numeric($page)) ? $page : 1; $limit = sprintf('LIMIT %d OFFSET %d', (int)$per_page, $per_page*($page-1)); } else { $limit = 'LIMIT 100'; } $GLOBALS['debug']->debugMessage('At '.__METHOD__.', line ('.__LINE__.'), $page is '.$page.' and $per_page is '.$per_page); $original_search_data = $search_data; /* Allow plugins to add to conditions and joins or change the search_data Where conditions may be added to the $where variable and must be self contained (e.g. no AND prefix or suffix) since they will be ANDed together below $where[] = "I.price > 100"; Joins may be added to the $joins variable - keep in mind the need for unique table aliases as appropriate $joins[] = "`plugin_myPlugin` as P ON P.`product_id`=I.`product_id` AND P.`my_field`='some_value'"; The only guaranteed table alias is I for CubeCart_inventory G for CubeCart_pricing_group CI for CubeCart_category_index C for CubeCart_category */ if($search_mode == 'elastic') { if($GLOBALS['config']->get('config', 'elasticsearch')=='1') { $es = new ElasticsearchHandler; $es->query($search_data, false); $result = $es->search($page, $per_page); $pids = array(); if($result) { foreach($result["hits"]["hits"] as $hit) { array_push($pids, $hit['_id']); } } $this->_category_count = $result["hits"]["total"]["value"]; if(!empty($pids)) { $this->_category_products = $GLOBALS['db']->select('CubeCart_inventory', false, array('product_id' => $pids)); $this->_sort_by_relevance = true; } else { $this->_elasticsearch = false; return $this->searchCatalogue($original_search_data, 1, $per_page, 'fulltext'); } } else { return $this->searchCatalogue($original_search_data, 1, $per_page, 'fulltext'); } } else { $where = array(); $joins = array(); foreach ($GLOBALS['hooks']->load('class.catalogue.pre_search') as $hook) { include $hook; } $sale_mode = $GLOBALS['config']->get('config', 'catalogue_sale_mode'); if ($sale_mode == 2) { $sale_percentage = $GLOBALS['config']->get('config', 'catalogue_sale_percentage'); } $user = (array)$GLOBALS['user']->get(); $group_id = 'WHERE group_id = 0'; if (($memberships = $GLOBALS['user']->getMemberships()) !== false) { $group_id = 'WHERE '; foreach ($memberships as $membership) { $group_id .= 'group_id = '.$membership['group_id'].' OR '; } $group_id = substr($group_id, 0, -4); } if (strtolower($page) != 'all') { $page = (is_numeric($page)) ? $page : 1; $limit = sprintf('LIMIT %d OFFSET %d', (int)$per_page, $per_page*($page-1)); } else { $limit = 'LIMIT 100'; } // Presence of a join is similar to presence of a search keyword if (!empty($joins) || is_array($search_data)) {
  15. code in cubecart class is the same Aromatherapy First Page GET: 'Before Sanitise:' => 'seo_path' => aromatherapy 'After Sanitise:' => '_a' => category 'cat_id' => 55 Debug Messages: [0] At Cubecart::_category, line (883), $page is 1 and $catalogue_products_per_page is 48 [1] At Catalogue::searchCatalogue, line (2121), $page is 1 and $per_page is 48 [2] At Catalogue::getCategoryProducts, line (801), $page is 1 and $per_page is 48 [3] At Catalogue::getProductData, line (1112), $page is 1 and $per_page is 48 Page 2 GET: 'Before Sanitise:' => 'seo_path' => aromatherapy 'page' => 2 'After Sanitise:' => '_a' => category 'cat_id' => 55 'page' => 2 Debug Messages: [0] At Cubecart::_category, line (883), $page is 2 and $catalogue_products_per_page is 48 [1] At Catalogue::searchCatalogue, line (2121), $page is 1 and $per_page is 48 [2] At Catalogue::getCategoryProducts, line (801), $page is 1 and $per_page is 48 [3] At Catalogue::getProductData, line (1112), $page is 1 and $per_page is 48 View All GET: 'Before Sanitise:' => 'seo_path' => aromatherapy 'page' => all 'After Sanitise:' => '_a' => category 'cat_id' => 55 'page' => all Debug Messages: [0] At Cubecart::_category, line (883), $page is all and $catalogue_products_per_page is 48 [1] At Catalogue::searchCatalogue, line (2121), $page is 1 and $per_page is 48 [2] At Catalogue::getCategoryProducts, line (801), $page is 1 and $per_page is 48 [3] At Catalogue::getProductData, line (1112), $page is 1 and $per_page is 48 Forget the above. The debug code didn't take Forget the above. The debug code didn't take View all: GET: 'Before Sanitise:' => 'seo_path' => aromatherapy 'page' => all 'After Sanitise:' => '_a' => category 'cat_id' => 55 'page' => all [0] At Cubecart::_category, line (883), $page is all and $catalogue_products_per_page is 48 [1] At Catalogue::searchCatalogue, line (1788), $page is all and $per_page is 48 [2] At Catalogue::searchCatalogue, line (1796), $page is all and $per_page is 48 [3] At Catalogue::searchCatalogue, line (1788), $page is 1 and $per_page is 48 [4] At Catalogue::searchCatalogue, line (1796), $page is 1 and $per_page is 48 [5] At Catalogue::searchCatalogue, line (2122), $page is 1 and $per_page is 48 [6] At Catalogue::getCategoryProducts, line (801), $page is 1 and $per_page is 48 [7] At Catalogue::getProductData, line (1112), $page is 1 and $per_page is 48 First Page GET: 'Before Sanitise:' => 'seo_path' => aromatherapy 'After Sanitise:' => '_a' => category 'cat_id' => 55 Debug Messages: [0] At Cubecart::_category, line (883), $page is 1 and $catalogue_products_per_page is 48 [1] At Catalogue::searchCatalogue, line (1788), $page is 1 and $per_page is 48 [2] At Catalogue::searchCatalogue, line (1796), $page is 1 and $per_page is 48 [3] At Catalogue::searchCatalogue, line (1788), $page is 1 and $per_page is 48 [4] At Catalogue::searchCatalogue, line (1796), $page is 1 and $per_page is 48 [5] At Catalogue::searchCatalogue, line (2122), $page is 1 and $per_page is 48 [6] At Catalogue::getCategoryProducts, line (801), $page is 1 and $per_page is 48 [7] At Catalogue::getProductData, line (1112), $page is 1 and $per_page is 48 Second Page GET: 'Before Sanitise:' => 'seo_path' => aromatherapy 'page' => 2 'After Sanitise:' => '_a' => category 'cat_id' => 55 'page' => 2 Debug Messages: [0] At Cubecart::_category, line (883), $page is 2 and $catalogue_products_per_page is 48 [1] At Catalogue::searchCatalogue, line (1788), $page is 2 and $per_page is 48 [2] At Catalogue::searchCatalogue, line (1796), $page is 2 and $per_page is 48 [3] At Catalogue::searchCatalogue, line (1788), $page is 1 and $per_page is 48 [4] At Catalogue::searchCatalogue, line (1796), $page is 1 and $per_page is 48 [5] At Catalogue::searchCatalogue, line (2122), $page is 1 and $per_page is 48 [6] At Catalogue::getCategoryProducts, line (801), $page is 1 and $per_page is 48 [7] At Catalogue::getProductData, line (1112), $page is 1 and $per_page is 48
  16. Looking at the first page of aromatherapy: GET: 'Before Sanitise:' => 'seo_path' => aromatherapy 'After Sanitise:' => '_a' => category 'cat_id' => 55 Debug Messages: [0] At Cubecart::_category, line (883), $page is 1 and $catalogue_products_per_page is 48 [1] At Catalogue::searchCatalogue, line (2114), $page is 1 and $per_page is 48 [2] At Catalogue::getCategoryProducts, line (801), $page is 1 and $per_page is 48 [3] At Catalogue::getProductData, line (1112), $page is 1 and $per_page is 48 Looking at the second page of aromatherapy: GET: 'Before Sanitise:' => 'seo_path' => aromatherapy 'page' => 2 'After Sanitise:' => '_a' => category 'cat_id' => 55 'page' => 2 Debug Messages: [0] At Cubecart::_category, line (883), $page is 2 and $catalogue_products_per_page is 48 [1] At Catalogue::searchCatalogue, line (2114), $page is 1 and $per_page is 48 [2] At Catalogue::getCategoryProducts, line (801), $page is 1 and $per_page is 48 [3] At Catalogue::getProductData, line (1112), $page is 1 and $per_page is 48 Looking at the view all page of aromatherapy: GET: 'Before Sanitise:' => 'seo_path' => aromatherapy 'page' => all 'After Sanitise:' => '_a' => category 'cat_id' => 55 'page' => all Debug Messages: [0] At Cubecart::_category, line (883), $page is all and $catalogue_products_per_page is 48 [1] At Catalogue::searchCatalogue, line (2114), $page is 1 and $per_page is 48 [2] At Catalogue::getCategoryProducts, line (801), $page is 1 and $per_page is 48 [3] At Catalogue::getProductData, line (1112), $page is 1 and $per_page is 48
  17. This is what I get: [0] At Cubecart::_category, line (883), $page is 1 and $catalogue_products_per_page is 48 [1] At Catalogue::searchCatalogue, line (2114), $page is 1 and $per_page is 48 [2] At Catalogue::getCategoryProducts, line (801), $page is 1 and $per_page is 48 [3] At Catalogue::getProductData, line (1112), $page is 1 and $per_page is 48 I changed the amount per page to 48 because people couldn't see items after the first page of 12 if there are more that 12 items in that category
  18. Does it have something to do with this? Search Returns Page 1 Results Regardless of Specified Page Number in Certain Cases #3066. If so this has been going on a long time. https://github.com/cubecart/v6/issues/3066
  19. Is this what you are looking for? [0] At Catalogue::searchCatalogue, line (2114), $page is 1 and $per_page is 48 [1] At Catalogue::getCategoryProducts, line (801), $page is 1 and $per_page is 48 [2] At Catalogue::getProductData, line (1112), $page is 1 and $per_page is 48 I changed the products per page from 12 to 48 in skin config and admin to show more products
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