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Don't Ask

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Everything posted by Don't Ask

  1. Have any one used IKOBO they serve more countries and provide you with adebit card to withdraw cash from.
  2. Well if both the sites are on the same server then your new site is fetching values from the old database. So edit admin/config.php first and change the database values there, now login to the admin section of new site and change site URL and Directory path in Settings section.
  3. Don't Ask


    It's great you got it installed Congrats. And you want to customise it, well there is no tutorial for it, but don't get disheartened, that is why this forum is here. Just ask questions about what you want to do with your store. You want to change look? You want to change colours? You want to change any thing else? Just ask!!!
  4. And does any one here knows that Google has started indexing Flash files too? Can't believe me : Check this link http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&lr=&ie=...+filetype%3Aswf Ok read more about it at http://www.sitepronews.com/index.html This is a daily new link so it may change better grab before it's gone, but still you can have it on there Archieve section I hope.
  5. The best place is this forum itself, just surf see what people are asking, checkout what others are answering and telling. And ask if you think you need an answer, that's the best way around here.
  6. Can you tell if both the copies of your site are using same database?
  7. Another nice tutorial I found at http://www.phpbuilder.com/tips/item.php?id=667 Its about table resizing with screen resolution change and goes like this. Changing the Display dynamically Submitted By: A.K.Deivanaathan Date: 03/01/04 17:12 We might have come across many situations to change the table structure dynamically according to the screen resolution the user has. This can be achieved in many ways. I will discuss here some of the ways which I have worked out. This material considers that the user will be using Tables in their pages. If not then it can be achieved using the Layers (DIV). The first and easiest step is setting the width of the element to 100%. This is the easiest way to dynamically change the size of the user interface. For example <Table width=100% border=0> …. …. </Table> and setting the width of the inner elements in Ratio (%) instead of setting it with Fixed values (Pts – Points or Pxs - Pixels). So what happens is it will fit the screen to the work area, so that even if the user changed his screen resolution the page will fit to that. The problem is, if the user resizes the browser it will mess up the alignment of the table and display the information improperly, when the screen size is lesser. So to avoid this, we can use the other approach. In this approach we will find the users’ Screen width and accordingly set the Width of the table. It will not collide though the browser is resized. The code sample is provided below, …. … <script language=javascript> function ResizeTable(){ var objTable = document.getElementById(“tableidâ€) ; objTable.style.width = screen.width + “pxâ€; } </script> …… …… <body onLoad=†ResizeTable();“> <table id=tableid> … … … </table> </body> </html> This will fit the table width to the resolution the user sets and will avoid the misalignments that occur within the table even if the browser resizes. Hope this will be helpful to everyone.
  8. Strange problem, double check in your profile if you are still have subscription for your desired threads. Forum software sends mail only once, it will not send mail untill you have visited that thread again, so are you sure if that mail had not bounced for some reason.
  9. I am getting proper notification mails. Check your options if you have disabled that option in your profile. And before pressing "Add Reply" button ensure that "Enable email notification of replies?" is checked.
  10. Well my cPanel shows logs of last three days, then there is a provision using "Raw Log Manager" to "Archive Logs in your home directory at the end of each month", so for future you should enable this option. As in current situation where you don't have previous logs, I will try to discuss with my SysAdmins how to get them back. Meanwhile you my try the same within your organization, I mean discuss this problem with your Host or SysAdmins.
  11. This seems to be security problem with server not with Cube Cart, as config file can be edited if only some one has access to it. So better check your server raw access log and see if this file has been touched by some one using ftp or ssh etc.
  12. Hi kencash, What exactly you are trying to achieve. I mean what problem you were facing before you uploaded .htaccess. And did you typed in the exact code taking care that this whole thing is case sensitive. Further it will help if you can tell us more about your server environment in detail.
  13. Just as I was posting the reply to one of the problems, I thought that this could be of help to others too. So if you want to see hidden files on your remote server through Ftp, say you want to view/edit .htaccess, normaly you cant see that it's there. If you are using Cute Ftp, Press Ctr+L and Filter Panel will pop up, there Select "Enable Remote Filter (Server applied Filters)" and type -a in the Remote Filter textbox. Press OK. Now you will be able to see hidden files.
  14. Now this register_globals and session problem is a pain for people around here and it is more for those who do not have control over there server, and there host will not alter these settings, for them. So on Linux server if you are familiar there is a file called ".htaccess" this file can do wonders if you know how to use it. For solving your above problem create a file ".htaccess" put these lines in it php_flag register_globals on php_flag session.auto_start = 1 now put this file ".htaccess" within the root folder on your server, means if you are uploading your files to /public_html/ then upload this .htaccess to the same folder. Before this check if .htaccess already exists, if yes then edit the existing file and put the above code in it. Now register_globas and session are on for you only and this will not affect other users on that machine.
  15. Looking at the recent contribution from brooky[/] about email thing at http://forums.cubecart.com/index.php?showt...st=0entry2711 , I was wondering if php canwork in background, I mean no time outs etc, so again I was searching for solutions and I came across this tutorial http://www.phpfreaks.com/tutorials/71/0.php I think this is a bit advance for dummies like me, but the Gurus can do it easily, or may be brooky will integrate some thing like this into next version of Cube Cart.
  16. I too hope for AngP to get well soon and wish her best of health. Now I realise why I was not feeling good at forums here, as it is now long time I did not received any scolding from her, as it was a regular feature for me in old eStore forums. And I am missing it.
  17. Many times we have been into problem because Cube Cart may not run properly because of register_globals or sessions etc and we don't have access to php.ini to change them as per our needs. So we need alternate methods to set these settings as per our needs, so here is a nice tutorial for it. http://www.phpfreaks.com/tutorials/10/0.php And here is the whole list http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.ini-set.php
  18. Well mtanner28 checkout http://www.wildwestdomains.com/default.aspx it's a godaddy.com sister company for reselling using them you can work as a reseller.
  19. I had a similar but different experience some time back when some one in Lebanon got hold of my Credit Card details and used it on a web hosting company, the guy thought that me being living in India will perhaps give him enough time to get away with it, but he just overlooked the fact that we are the people behind major technologies, so I got hold of this transaction only a few hours later and talked to the hosting company before reporting to the bank. The hosting guy was nice enough to refund the whole amount then and there. I got my money back, and also came to know the name and mail address of the fradulant guy, posted his details at various discussion groups so that people around the world may benefit of it. But still I thought, when that day will arrive when we will be free of thefts and such incidents, and now it's brooky, of all people, who is giving so much to the world is being cheated like this. It's a shame for whoever did this. I am sure that the guy (or persons)responsible are going to read this post, as by nature people do return to there place of crime, and I request them please do not do this again to good people, as there are very few of them left nowdays.
  20. Well it could be better answered at http://www.aprelium.com/forum On the other hand since I have not used this server, but by guessing the common behaviours of web servers, normally web server listen to port based on either IP address or CanonicalName, some examples are Listen Listen 80 ServerName localhost:80 UseCanonicalName Off So check if it is not listening on some specific IP, it should listen to desired port on all incoming request. Win2k & WinXp usually keep the last IP address designated to them by DHCP. So double check if this Abyss Web Server is listening to desired port on all incoming request. Another suggestion try using port 8080 as this is another standard port for HTTP.
  21. So here comes the first in the series. SHTML & PHP -> Embedding PHP with SHTML You can embedd PHP in SHTML pages using the following syntax/code <!--#include virtual="pathto/somefile.php"--> I am posting this small SHTML thing because I remember one of the member asked for similar solution in eStore forums and there the solution was not found at that time. So may be some one will benefit this time.
  22. Well to start again. Sometime back with eStore I started a tutorial post in General Discussion forum, I was scolded by AngP (no hard feelings Ang) for overlooking the Tutorial Section already provided. As told previously all the tutorials, that I posted back there, are not purely by me, they are/could be from other sources but I found them to be of use with eStore/Cube Cart, hence for the benefit of members here I am once again trying to start the tutorial section and invite other members too to post tutorial or link to good tutorial that could be beneficial to CubeCartizens.
  23. Don't Ask


    I think you can mail him the hack or read this http://forums.cubecart.com/index.php?showforum=17
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