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Everything posted by slic535

  1. hmm, strange! i should have a favicon.ico unless it got erased somehow. it shows a cubecart made fav that says cc?
  2. i use explorer. its still doubled on this side from what i see. http://www.directknifesales.com/out-the-front-knives/double-action/lightning-otf-knives.html#3 put model # in search-- LYSSB1 or LYPSB1 these knives are yellow and should show only two but show 4. LBSS1 is knife #2 and #36 yes i do need to alphabetize. thanks for the reminder
  3. ok, thank you and i am also seeing multiple anchors on many items and categories, not sure if that has anything to do with it. should they be there? i logged out and looked and it was the same. http://www.directknifesales.com/butterfly-knives/heavy-duty-butterfly-knives.html?page=1#box-basket-content http://www.directknifesales.com/butterfly-knives/heavy-duty-butterfly-knives.html?page=1#box-search http://www.directknifesales.com/butterfly-knives/heavy-duty-butterfly-knives.html?page=1#search_form http://www.directknifesales.com/butterfly-knives/heavy-duty-butterfly-knives.html?page=1#validate_search
  4. http://www.directknifesales.com/black-talon-midnight-butterfly-knife-gbs33.html this link is out of stock. i have it showing but it says its in stock http://www.directknifesales.com/butterfly-knives/heavy-duty-butterfly-knives.html at the very bottom, i have it set for desc. it should say out of stock but it doesn't.
  5. no I haven't messed with it. its a fresh update. I found an item that I am out of stock on. when I turn it off so its not showing it still shows . it shows double when turned on. the 2nd double of it wont come off the site, it still shows even when I shut off the main item. it gives me a 404 error http://www.directknifesales.com/lightning-black-d/a-otf-automatic-knife-plain-silver-blade.html works but wont show and is enabled to show http://www.directknifesales.com/out-the-front-knives.html#4 its doubled on this page I think there is a bug. i turned the item on but now it wont show and is doubling another item on that page http://directknifesales.com/lightning-black-otf-d/a-automatic-silver-serr-knife.html doubled on page
  6. I have noticed there is no continue shopping button on checkout. if I want to add something else to the basket I cannot. am I missing something? I am using foundation 6.0.8.
  7. How do you make out of stock items show after the items that are still in stock? I don't want people to have to look at all the out of stock items and in stock items mixed together. I am using 6.0.8 foundation
  8. I have a strange link connecting to my foundation.css file.  its linking to skins/foundation/css/foundation.css how do I find it and delete it?
  9. I am getting an error that the Shop by Category <i class="fa fa-caret-down"></I> is getting an - url is empty status. I am using 6.0.8. any ideas
  10. how do I remove the cubecart link at the bottom of the page? I am using 6.0.8 foundation skin.
  11. I just updated from 5.14 to 6.0.8 and when someone buys something and then decides to buy something else after the first purchase it keeps the first order # and uses it on the second order and the first order disappears from the admin screen. any idea what this is? 123456-789012-3456 when pushed goes to 151102-140704-4276 and shows another customers order with their address to the initial customer. it erased both orders and linked one order to the other order. is this a bug?
  12. 30 minutes after posting this on the forums, whoever or whatever it was decided to fix itself and put the wording back to English. only certain places had scandanavian wording showing in certain spots. very strange!
  13. I was looking at the front of my website at directknifesales.com and I noticed strange wording appearing. is it my browser? the screen flicked and then It happened. any suggestions? did I get hacked? usisng 5.2.14
  14. how do you change the lettering on the front page under categories that says hompage?
  15. I thought that was the string I put in the program a long time ago when I was messing with the google stuff. I guess I was wrong.
  16. the two top strings are not what came with the cubecart program correct?
  17. I didn't see anything in the request log
  18. I took out the top two strings. how would this make it not work?
  19. I took out the string I put in to the js/common.html and it started doing it. I am doing a backup restore at the moment. maybe I erased a symbol or something. what should the strings look like in js/common.html
  20. my checkout to the credit card terminal isn't working correctly. when you goto credit card and it tries to put it through it stays on the screen that say transferring please wait. I have to hit the proceed button to make it go through to the credit card page. im using 5.2.14
  21. i inserted a link somewhere to link back to google. that link is what i have to take back out of the functioning. if it wasn't there before i put it there, will it hurt anything when i get rid of it?
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