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Everything posted by roban

  1. All in style.css .txtDefault, a.txtDefault, a.txtLink, a.txtLocation { font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; color: #0E51A3; text-decoration:none; } a.txtDefault:hover, a.txtLink:hover, a.txtLocation:hover { font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; color: #FF3300; text-decoration:none;
  2. you can get it from cubecart.org as stated in the posts above
  3. please post the contents of your includes/global.inc file
  4. You can ask members to PM you for the links.
  5. Is the file name out at the server fckeditor?? What does this mean? The filename at cubecart.org is fckeditor. Very simple, get it; upload it.
  6. This has been covered before. Try a search of the forums. I believe the answer has to do with editing the options in your database but I seem to recall an easier answer to this.
  7. Your shop seems to be there http://splishsplashbb.com/shop/
  8. Stephanie, Please download the latest version of fckeditor from cubecart.org. Just do a search for it and you'll find it easily enough. Upload it to your server overwriting the existing files. I think this will fix your problem. Also you can see if your permissions are set correctly.
  9. sorry M8 I'm going to have to edit your links. This post can be construed as 3rd party advertising and as such it is against our rules.
  10. What is it you want to do? Install Cube Cart or populate a database? If you have created an empty database it will be populated when you install Cube Cart. You have to upload all the files within the uploads folder to your server. The best way to do this is via ftp. Upload the files to your root directory or whatever directory you want your store to be in. The open your favorite web browser and type the url of your store like this:http://www.your store.com/install or if your store is in a different directory let's say the directory is named 'store' it would be http://www.your store.com/store/install to initialize the installation routine. Then just follow the prompts and enter the information when asked. If you just want to populate a database and have the sql file containing the database tables you can do that through your hosting control panel in phpMyAdmin.
  11. You can create your own. Look at the Killer skin. Remove the nav tabs by deleting the references to them in layout.css for instance: .topCatsTabLeft { background-image: url(../styleImages/backgrounds/catTabLeft.gif); background-repeat: no-repeat; width: 7px; } .topCatsTabMid { background-image: url(../styleImages/backgrounds/catTabMid.gif); background-repeat: repeat-x; } .topCatsTabRight { background-image: url(../styleImages/backgrounds/catTabRight.gif); width: 7px; background-repeat: no-repeat; Then change the css for the nav text as in: .txtCat { font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 11px; font-weight: bold; color: #FFFFFF; text-decoration: none; Just a little idea of what you can do or to ad your gif in index.tpl: <div id="topHeader"> <div id="sessionBox"> <div style="padding: 15px 8px 15px 15px; margin: 0px;"> {SEARCH_FORM} {SESSION} </div> </div> </div> <img src="http://www.the link to your image here"> <div id="subSurround"> Something like that. You'd need to play around with the code to make it work the way you want it.
  12. You can go online without paying for mods and have a great store and sell lots of items and you can do it all for the price of web hosting, providing of course that you have a product that people want to buy. Cube Cart is free to use and there are plenty of free mods that a lot of well-intentioned folks have worked long hours to provide for your, or anyone elses pleasure. Yes, you are right. Cube Cart is expensive if you only want to use the commercial mods. It is, however, less expensive than the alternatives. Unfortunately one has to invest money to make money. It's the way of the world M8. I had a CC store online and only paid $30.00 total for mods over a period of 2 years. If you can't earn that much from your store than go the free route.
  13. You can map an image and each 'hot spot' on the image that links to a page can also have an 'alt' text which IS search engine friendly. I use Mapedit for this. It is not a free program but well worth the $$ if you want to have a mapped image.
  14. Your center column is pushing the right column out. What is it you'd like someone to tell you about this? Did you want your cubecart site to look like the site you're designing for your friend? What is the navigation.gif?
  15. You need a designer and cubecart.com is not a design forum. I suggest posting at cubecart.org where the artsy crowd hangs out.
  16. The best way to do this is by ftp. You can right click on a file or directory and choose CHMOD and tick off the boxes to change permissions
  17. your language/en/home.inc file is probably set to 777 and should be set back to 755
  18. Why do you drive on a parkway and park on a driveway
  19. pear/tmp 777 images/upload directory 777 global.inc 644 You might also make language/en/home.inc 777 just for testing
  20. Both can be done in viewProd.tpl. Visit www.vitaminlink.net/cart and you'll see I've moved my add to basket to the top. Here's part of the code: <!-- BEGIN: view_prod --> <div class="boxContent"> <!-- BEGIN: prod_true --> <!-- <strong>{LANG_DIR_LOC}</strong> {CURRENT_DIR} --> <p class="notify">{CART_FEEDBACK}</p> <form action="{CURRENT_URL}" method="post" name="addtobasket" target="_self"> <p> <strong>{LANG_PRICE}</strong> {TXT_PRICE} <strong> Vitaminlink Price: </strong> <span class="txtSale"><strong>{TXT_SALE_PRICE}</strong></span> </p> <ul> <li class="bulletLrg"><a href="index.php?act=taf&productId={PRODUCT_ID}" target="_self" class="txtDefault">{LANG_TELLFRIEND}</a></li> </ul> <!-- BEGIN: prod_opts --> <br /> <strong>{TXT_PROD_OPTIONS}</strong> <table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="3"> <!-- BEGIN: repeat_options --> <tr> <td><strong>{VAL_OPTS_NAME}</strong></td> <td> <select name="productOptions[]"> <!-- BEGIN: repeat_values --> <option value="{VAL_ASSIGN_ID}"> {VAL_VALUE_NAME} <!-- BEGIN: repeat_price --> ({VAL_OPT_SIGN}{VAL_OPT_PRICE}) <!-- END: repeat_price --> </option> <!-- END: repeat_values --> </select> </td> </tr> <!-- END: repeat_options --> </table> <!-- END: prod_opts --> <div> {TXT_INSTOCK}<span class="txtOutOfStock">{TXT_OUTOFSTOCK}</span> <strong>{LANG_PRODCODE}</strong> {TXT_PRODCODE} <!-- BEGIN: buy_btn --> <div style="position: relative; text-align: right;">{LANG_QUAN} <input name="quan" type="text" value="1" size="2" class="textbox" style="text-align:center;" /> <a href="java script:submitDoc('addtobasket');" class="txtButton">{BTN_ADDBASKET}</a> </div> <!-- END: buy_btn -->
  21. Put your banner code: <!-- Start of ukbanners code --> <p align="center"> <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="468" border="0"> <tbody> <tr> <td><iframe marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" src="http://www.ukbanners.com/cgi/banners.cgi?i=1;account=B93007;page=1" frameborder="0" width="468" scrolling="no" height="60"></iframe></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a href="http://www.ukbanners.com" target="_parent"><img height="14" alt="website promotion" src="http://www.ukbanners.com/ukbannersbar.gif" width="468" border="0"/></a></td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </p> <!-- End of ukbanners code --> before the last </body> tag in index.tpl
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