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Posts posted by roban

  1. Upload the image (I am using visa.jpg as an example)to your store.

    add this to: skins\your skin\styleTemplates\global\index.tpl just after the last </div> and before </body> <div align="center"><img src="http://www.yoursite/visa.jpg"></div>

    Assuming you want it centered. If not change "center" to "left" or "right".

    As to the category text, what skin are you using?

  2. You should be able to do this using javascript and using includes\boxes\searchForm as your reference. I don't have time to work this out but would look something like:

    <form action="http://www.yoursiteaddress/includes/boxes/searchForm.php"


    The whole thing might look something like:

    <form action=""http://www.yoursiteaddress/includes/boxes/searchForm.php" "


    <div id="Layer9" style="position:absolute; width:274px; height:18px; z-index:9; left: 650px; top: 244px;">

    <p><span class="style25">Quality</span> <span class="style9">Products at</span><span class="style25"> Affordable</span> <span class="style9">Prices</span> </p>


    <div align="justify">

    <table width="385" height="28" border="0"

    cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">

    <tr><td width="385" height="30" valign="top" bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><p align="top" style="margin-top: 2; margin-bottom: 2"><font face="Arial"><span class="style9">search</span>

    <input type="text" name="search" size="10">

    </font><select name="way" size="1">

    <option value="any">Any Words</option>

    <option value="all" selected>All Words</option><option value="exact">

    Exact Phrase</option>


    <font face="Arial">

    <input type="submit" value="Go" name="B1">






    This would give the option to search with 'all words' or 'any words'

  3. Go to skins/classic (or whatever skin)/styleTemplates/boxes/categories.tpl. You will see this code at the top...(code might vary depending on what skin).

    <!-- BEGIN: categories -->

    <div class="boxTitleLeft">{LANG_CATEGORY_TITLE}</div>

    <div class="boxContentLeft">


    <li class="bullet"><a href="index.php" class="txtDefault">{LANG_HOME}</a></li>

    Change {LANG_CATEGORY_TITLE} to anything you want. Leave out the { }

  4. Do it this way:

    In skins\your skin\styleTemplates\global\index.tpl at the bottom between the last </div> and before </body> add your text. If you want it centered, do this:

    <font size="-1"><div align="center">your text</font></div>

    You can change the font size to anything you want. I used "-1" to make it small.

  5. A simple search would have resulted in this:

    Go to skins/classic (or whatever skin)/styleTemplates/boxes/categories.tpl. You will see this code at the top...(code might vary depending on what skin).

    <!-- BEGIN: categories -->

    <div class="boxTitleLeft">{LANG_CATEGORY_TITLE}</div>

    <div class="boxContentLeft">


    <li class="bullet"><a href="index.php" class="txtDefault">{LANG_HOME}</a></li>

    Replace "index.php" with "http://www.yoursite".

  6. Hello Again Roban,

    Just wanted to say that the redirect works a treat, one other point - I set my store up as cubecart, is it going to be a real pain to change this now to say cart or store?



    You're going to have to change your paths and everything that points to 'cubecart' to 'cart'. Hopefully you can do this on your host's control panel. Everything in your db that points to 'cubecart' will have to be changed as well.

  7. I have to say I am very confused by your problem and what you actually want. The 'HomePage' tab IS your CC home page. What url did you link as your home page. My 'Home Page' tab used to link to http://www.vitaminlink.net/cart/index.php. It now links to http://www.vitaminlink.net which has a 301 redirect to http://www.vitaminlink.net/cart. So in effect it links to http://www.vitaminlink.net/cart.

    Is it the index.php part you want to get rid of? If so, you have been given the correct syntax.

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