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  1. I think I'm on Linux hosting. Below is what my phpinfo page is saying. System Linux lws03.ldn5.groupnbt.net 2.6.18-164.11.1.el5 #1 SMP Wed Jan 20 07:39:04 EST 2010 i686 Build Date Feb 15 2011 20:21:20 Configure Command './configure' '--build=i686-redhat-linux-gnu' '--host=i686-redhat-linux-gnu' '--target=i386-redhat-linux-gnu' '--program-prefix=' '--prefix=/usr' '--exec-prefix=/usr' '--bindir=/usr/bin' '--sbindir=/usr/sbin' '--sysconfdir=/etc' '--datadir=/usr/share' '--includedir=/usr/include' '--libdir=/usr/lib' '--libexecdir=/usr/libexec' '--localstatedir=/var' '--sharedstatedir=/usr/com' '--mandir=/usr/share/man' '--infodir=/usr/share/info' '--cache-file=../config.cache' '--with-libdir=lib' '--with-config-file-path=/etc' '--with-config-file-scan-dir=/etc/php.d' '--disable-debug' '--with-pic' '--disable-rpath' '--without-pear' '--with-bz2' '--with-curl' '--with-exec-dir=/usr/bin' '--with-freetype-dir=/usr' '--with-png-dir=/usr' '--enable-gd-native-ttf' '--without-gdbm' '--with-gettext' '--with-gmp' '--with-iconv' '--with-jpeg-dir=/usr' '--with-openssl' '--with-pspell' '--with-pcre-regex=/usr' '--with-zlib' '--with-layout=GNU' '--enable-exif' '--enable-ftp' '--enable-magic-quotes' '--enable-sockets' '--enable-sysvsem' '--enable-sysvshm' '--enable-sysvmsg' '--enable-wddx' '--with-kerberos' '--enable-ucd-snmp-hack' '--with-unixODBC=shared,/usr' '--enable-shmop' '--enable-calendar' '--with-mime-magic=/usr/share/file/magic.mime' '--without-sqlite' '--with-libxml-dir=/usr' '--enable-force-cgi-redirect' '--enable-pcntl' '--with-imap=shared' '--with-imap-ssl' '--enable-mbstring=shared' '--enable-mbregex' '--with-ncurses=shared' '--with-gd=shared' '--enable-bcmath=shared' '--enable-dba=shared' '--with-db4=/usr' '--with-xmlrpc=shared' '--with-ldap=shared' '--with-ldap-sasl' '--with-mysql=shared,/usr' '--with-mysqli=shared,/usr/bin/mysql_config' '--enable-dom=shared' '--with-snmp=shared,/usr' '--enable-soap=shared' '--with-xsl=shared,/usr' '--enable-xmlreader=shared' '--enable-xmlwriter=shared' '--enable-fastcgi' '--with-pdo-odbc=shared,unixODBC,/usr' '--with-pdo-mysql=shared,/usr' '--enable-dbase=shared' '--with-mcrypt=shared' '--with-mhash=shared' Server API CGI/FastCGI Virtual Directory Support disabled Configuration File (php.ini) Path /etc Loaded Configuration File /web1/user46445/website/cgi-bin/php.ini Scan this dir for additional .ini files /etc/php.d additional .ini files parsed (none) PHP API 20041225 PHP Extension 20060613 Zend Extension 220060519 Debug Build no Thread Safety disabled Zend Memory Manager enabled IPv6 Support enabled Registered PHP Streams https, ftps, compress.zlib, compress.bzip2, php, file, data, http, ftp Registered Stream Socket Transports tcp, udp, unix, udg, ssl, sslv3, sslv2, tls Registered Stream Filters zlib.*, bzip2.*, convert.iconv.*, string.rot13, string.toupper, string.tolower, string.strip_tags, convert.*, consumed On the following page: http://www.ioncube.com/loader_installation.php It details about installation on a Unix Server. I have no idea what this all means. :-/ Installation on a Unix Server If your PHP is not threaded you need a Loader called: ioncube_loader_<os type>_<php flavour>.so If your PHP is threaded you need a Loader called: ioncube_loader_<os type>_<php flavour>_ts.so <os type> will be 'lin' for Intel Linux, 'fre' for FreeBSD, 'sun' for Sparc Solaris, 'ope' for OpenBSD, 'dar' for OSX and 'net' for NetBSD. <php flavour> will be 4.0, 4.1, 4.2 or 4.3 - i.e the first 2 digits of your PHP version. Edit your php.ini file and for non-threaded PHP add: zend_extension = /<path>/ioncube_loader_<os type>_<php flavour>.so and for threaded PHP add: zend_extension_ts = /<path>/ioncube_loader_<os type>_<php flavour>_ts.so Replace <os type> and <php flavour> with whatever is right for your system, and <path> with the path to where the Loader is installed, e.g. /usr/local/ioncube If there are other zend_extension entries in the php.ini file place this new entry before the existing entries. For example, with Linux running PHP 4.1.2 and Apache 1, you might add: zend_extension = /usr/local/ioncube/ioncube_loader_lin_4.1.so For FreeBSD running threaded PHP 4.3.1 with Apache 2, you might add: zend_extension_ts = /usr/local/ioncube/ioncube_loader_fre_4.3_ts.so
  2. Hi, below is the response I've had back from my hosting company: Below is are response from our sys admin team regarding your query:- Each user on the newest system has their own php.ini file and can load extensions, however we would not necessarily support them achieving this. I've found a php.ini in the cgi-bin folder on my web server. Is it as simple as just added code to the php.ini file?
  3. Thanks for your reply bsmither, My install was using both a fresh install and fresh database provided by my hosts www.easily.co.uk I'll send them an email now asking the question regarding the ionCube setup.
  4. I've done a fresh install this afternoon with this message at the start: The following errors were detected: Ioncube Loader is required to use CubeCart 5. This can be configured after setup is complete. Compatibility Check PHP 5.2.3+ 5.2.17 MySQL 4.1+ 5.0.77 GD Image Library Installed cURL Installed IonCube PHP Loader Not Installed I progressed with it saying it can be sorted after the install, I got no errors throughout the install but once completed both the store and the admin page are just blank. Any ideas?
  5. Hi all, At the moment I ship by 'per Item' £1.99 for the UK, But I want to charge £3.95 to Worldwide also. My problem being that shipping by 'per Item' only lets me enter one price, can anyone tell me how to ship per item using two prices? Thanks in advance.
  6. Sorry just seen a post about changing line 118 and I did it and it worked and it went through to Paypal, I put the payment through and once I get sent back to the cubecart screen it said it had failed. But on checking the paypal account the payment was there. Does anyone know why this has done this?
  7. I've setup the IPN at the Paypal end, I've created a test category and test product for a penny. I've tried to put an order through to test my newly setup shop. The order gets to the 'Payment' screen where I select 'Pay via Paypal' which is what I have called to Paypal IPN description and I receive the following error: Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '<' in /web1/user1185/website/shop/modules/gateway/PayPal/transfer.inc.php on line 119 Can anyone help please? Thanks in advance.
  8. Hi, Can anyone tell me if URL masking will affect the shop running? I have www.mydomain.co.uk and I want to forward the domain to www.mydomain.co.uk/shop but will this cause a problem if I use URL masking? Thanks in advance.
  9. I'm trying to install CC4 and receiving a 403 Forbidden error. my site is www.golfgroover.co.uk and the shop is on www.golfgroover.co.uk/shop Can anyone help?
  10. Hello All, Does anyone know if there is a site that generates CC skins, ie put in the colours you want your skin and it'll make the skin for you? I'm looking for a green and yellow skin. Cheers
  11. Why not, it's General Discussion, I want to discuss the tickets.
  12. I had this problem. I was going wrong because I was uploading a .jpg not a .gif Just a thought, but you can't as stupid as me.
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