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Posts posted by Noodleman

  1. in the newer versions you also need to adjust the javascript within the admin skin as there is a limit defined there. Previously the limit was only server side, now it does client and server side checks.

    clear your browser cache or hard refresh (CTRL F5) after making the change.

    From memory, I think it's in dropzone.js

  2. Log into your hosting control panel and look for the error logs. The warning you've posted isn't going to cause the white screen as it's only warning. There should be rows for Errors.

    Sometimes hosting companies write an error log to a text file which you can find on your server using FTP. each hosting provider tends to do it a little differently.

    On the flip site, it's an odd warning.

  3. that's odd, as the file name in your error belongs to a Havenswift module. it's possible you had it installed at one time then removed it and the hook is invalid. when you delete the module CubeCart doesn't actually remove the hooks. In this case it needs to be deleted from the database. CubeCart_hooks, find the one in question and remove it. :)



  4. It's a havenswift module, and the error is from a hook which used to be there, but isn't anymore.

    You can manually delete the hook from the database, or disable it via "Manage hooks" in the admin area. If a hook is removed, CubeCart doesn't clean it up. Ideally CubeCart should check if a file exists before it tries to include it. If it doesn't exist, auto disable the hook



  5. Just because a minority do something, doesn't make it OK. However, that being said  it's up to each store owner to make a moral and informed decesion about what they do, and don't do, thus pointing it out. I am aware of some stores/people having their accounts revoked whilst others have been OK. it's a gamble.



  6. it's against the PayPal usage policy to mark up your fee to cover their fee.

    But yes, I've seen a module which solves this issue by appening a fee of x% to the cart total and adding it as a line item to the order. I don't agree with it on the grounds that PayPal can suspend your account for it.

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