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Everything posted by convict

  1. Yes it is already covered. For anyone having such issue using 4.1.0, 4.1.1 please do this fix open YOUR-ADMIN-FOLDER/sources/filemanager/language.inc.php SEARCH FOR # $saved[$def][$key] = htmlspecialchars(stripslashes($value), ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8'); # $saved[$def][$key] = stripslashes($value); $saved[$def][$key] = nl2br(html_entity_decode(stripslashes($value))); REPLACE WITH $string = html_entity_decode(stripslashes($value)); if (!strstr($_POST['identifier'], 'email.inc.php')) { $string = nl2br($string); } $saved[$def][$key] = $string;
  2. Cubecartforums.org is the right place to post your request.
  3. Try to copy your current database to a new one on the same server current one resides. Do use myPHPadmin. It should help you. Then do upgrade on the DB copy you created DO NOT perform any action on live database!
  4. This happens if user's basket is not empty - it keeps the previous content order id included. Version 4 has just another checkout logic to prevent such issue. If customer's basket is not emptied properly such issue will occurs allways once customer returns 'in time'. If you would like to unset session as you mentioned it doesn't help you when customer doesn't log off which is the main matter in this case. You should force script to empty customer's basket. May be best when php session is gone OR browser is closed. Right not explicit decision.
  5. MySQL server name is incorrect. You have to use domain name (localhost mostly) or IP address instead of "ACD-Tuning".
  6. FYI CubeCart 4 upgrade feature upgrades from ANY CubeCart 3.0.x release! Upgrade to the latest version 3 release [3.0.17] is NOT REQUIRED.
  7. And then doing that receives a message which says, "There are no products in this category." You should apply the code replacement first I posted above :P
  8. Please correct the link first, current one is to CC3 related.
  9. 1) Yes it could be 2) Yes it is hh/mm/ss 3) This is a random number There is a function in a order class which generates order no.: classes/cart/order.php function mkOrderNo() { $this->cart_order_id = date("ymd-His-").rand(1000, 9999); return $this->cart_order_id; } Your requirement: $this->cart_order_id = date("mdy-His-").rand(1000, 9999); I dont suggest you to change it to local time if you use DST (Daylight Saving Time)
  10. Please do use admin Maintenance > Thumbnails to rebuild your thumbnails.
  11. convict

    Image Folder

    Yes, please do use FTP client OR your site control panel File Manager.
  12. You solved it alone becasue you switch SEO to OFF then to ON - you empty the cache the bad link was to SEO related you already upgraded. :w00t:
  13. This was in helpdesk solved - products index.inc.php has not been upgraded.
  14. The answer is very simple - you use (old) MySQL version < 4.1. Try to run the compatibilite test (compat-test.php) to see the result.
  15. Products already related by purchase. If you would like to relate it manually custom code is required.
  16. Well there is next quick hack to leave the option to see appropriate category prods: $productListQuery = sprintf("SELECT C.cat_id, C.productId, I.productCode, I.quantity, I.description, I.image, I.price, I.name, I.popularity, I.sale_price, I.stock_level, I.useStockLevel FROM %1\$sCubeCart_cats_idx AS C INNER JOIN %1\$sCubeCart_inventory AS I ON C.productId = I.productId WHERE I.disabled = '0' AND C.cat_id = %2\$s GROUP BY I.productId %3\$s", $glob['dbprefix'], $db->mySQLSafe($_GET['catId']), $orderSort); REPLACE WITH if (isset($_GET['catId']) && is_numeric($_GET['catId'])) $productListQuery = sprintf("SELECT C.cat_id, C.productId, I.productCode, I.quantity, I.description, I.image, I.price, I.name, I.popularity, I.sale_price, I.stock_level, I.useStockLevel FROM %1\$sCubeCart_cats_idx AS C INNER JOIN %1\$sCubeCart_inventory AS I ON C.productId = I.productId WHERE I.disabled = '0' AND C.cat_id = %2\$s GROUP BY I.productId %3\$s", $glob['dbprefix'], $db->mySQLSafe($_GET['catId']), $orderSort); else $productListQuery = sprintf("SELECT * FROM %1\$sCubeCart_inventory %2\$s", $glob['dbprefix'], $orderSort); Well if you want to see all prods just use link http://your.store.tld/index.php?_a=viewCat :w00t:
  17. Google Chekout is an alernate checkout, Website PayPal PRO too thus the same page shown. Website PayPal PRO has two additional 'standard' gateways and the PayPal IPN is the standard gateway too. Standard gateways are on the STEP3 page shown.
  18. OK ... So what would be the old way of doing it without nesting them? Anyone? Thanks Temporary tables AND/OR php loop.
  19. You can't use nested SQL query because of old MySQL version.
  20. Version 4 has as the same TAX feature as the version 3 in taxes + additional ones. The TAX setting label in general settings is changed to "Add sales tax to customers who qualify?" version 3 has "Include tax in prices?" Since 4.1RCx you can set on admin product details page "Prices include Tax". This is to checkout page related and works if "Add sales tax to customers who qualify?" is set to YES. Feel free to request the feature like on kronium.cz in bug tracker.
  21. Yest that is correct Yes but manually: classes/cart/order.php move this // if order is completely digital send digital file and keep status as complete $this->digitalAccess(); after $mail->send(array($this->orderSum['email']), $config['mailMethod']); in case 2 section - this sends the download links once order status changes to Processing. Never tried but should work Have to tried first may be a optionable things in admin area probably.
  22. You can add flash to the description area without any modification your request required. That means custom mod is required to replace image code with flash realted one.
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