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Everything posted by convict

  1. You are welcome :dizzy:
  2. convict

    PHP Include?

    Jus paste content of this document to a template.
  3. Seems to be mod Buy and More Buttons Disabled is applied bad. Your Buy --> More--> Buy Buy --> More--> Buy Buy --> More--> Buy Buy --> More--> Buy belong to products in list.
  4. You are welcome. Keen eye LOL, two on side :(
  5. You are welcome :(
  6. convict

    PHP Include?

    Try this or this. Hope this will make sence.
  7. Just visit cubecart.org you find something you would like.
  8. Gateway no Affiliate. confirmed.php is the right one.
  9. You posted this somewhere and solved long time ago by yourself, didnt? ADDED: You have a typo here <!--[[if lte IE 7.0]>, the right is <!--[if lte IE 7.0]> and all will be fine.
  10. Upload issue probably. Try to reupload affected file from CubeCart Installation package.
  11. You are right about indexes however mysterious negative stock issues is an another issue.
  12. convict

    PHP Include?

    Version of Xtemplate system used in CubeCart 3.0.x doesnt support this in template. You have to use additional template variable with content of the desiderd file in appropriate php file. Add this new template variabale to a template.
  13. You are welcome ;)
  14. You are close to the final solution. "Parse" is the magic word to 'execute' appropriate content assigned to template variable and template content. You may parse piece of template content or whole template it depends to what part of template is parsed. Be aware, BOX templates are a piece of main-global template :(
  15. convict

    Payment fee

    Every e-commerce product has own advantages and disadvantages. You do know another product as better as CubeCart. Its easy to say another is better you dont know CubeCart and its advantages . Lot of free mods here and cubecart.org is the best place to discuss about. If you would like to have everything for free, Open-source world is the right way even.
  16. LOL You are welcome :(
  17. Seems to be permission issue perhaps no current dir in include path.
  18. skins/<your-skin>/styleTemplates/content/viewProd.tpl REMOVE <strong>{LANG_DIR_LOC}</strong> {CURRENT_DIR} skins/<your-skin>/styleTemplates/content/viewCat.tpl REMOVE <div><strong>{LANG_CURRENT_DIR}</strong> {CURRENT_DIR}</div>
  19. You have to use modified version of cart code in another php in the same time.
  20. Order status must be in "Processing". Using PayPal IPN Order status goes to Processing if a payment is sucessful automaticaly. If you change status manualy message appears "The status of this order has been changed successfully. At this stage you can send your customer an email invoice and access to download digital products. To do this Click Here".
  21. convict

    Payment fee

    This is not such simple thing. Just do apply paymet fees into product prices :)
  22. Please post any error message.
  23. convict

    PHP Include?

    What would you like to include to?
  24. Use &amp; instead of & in Texas A&M, Cards & Games, Displays & Supplies. Clean design + clean code (ampersand is not such error but why don't be at 100% clean? )
  25. convict

    Time Setting

    Go to admin control center, General Settings, Time & Date. There is a Time Offset item. Put here time difference in seconds.
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