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Everything posted by convict

  1. Just a notices: - well made site however designed for IE - FF has a couple of little problems especially with footer on page you droped a link, footer is over video link . Middle box is too tall for FF - content overflow. - why dont you use JS for expanding category links too? BTW good modified skin for this mod, hope a licensed copy :lol:
  2. He has got a good teacher :blink:
  3. Yes, yes PM sent too :P
  4. Open viewCat.tpl in your skins/your-skin/styleTemplates/content folder and remove <a href="index.php?act=viewCat&catId={TXT_LINK_CATID}" class="txtDefault">{TXT_CATEGORY}</a> :unsure:
  5. We all are and I am here to help too, just dont hide your question :unsure:
  6. Add 10 Site Documents in Admin Control Panel :)
  7. CubeCart.org - estelle's free mod :)
  8. Order status still pending? what is the version of CC?
  9. Muslimin you are on the right track I wrote this post just 2 mounths ago :o
  10. You have to add admin files too (admin/modules/gateway/your gateway dir/index.php [and logo]) This is the only way to activate new gateway.
  11. Is the order stored into DB? Seems to be NOT. Did you get admin order email?
  12. CubeCart classes are the heart of this great php app. :o
  13. Paul, try to read a quick explanation how the whole parsing works :o
  14. Just open language/en/lang.inc.php and search what you are looking for :)
  15. convict

    Clix Galore

    The solution seems to be like Printer Form gateway does - write affiliate code direct to ipn.php but not, this is quite another process as customer has.
  16. What about to use tradeDoubler? We can discuss more in details, just drop me PM.
  17. Dont you have folder includes and then content? includes/content in your CubeCart folder there is a file logout.inc.php
  18. You are welcome :D
  19. Remove <!-- BEGIN: option --> and <!-- END: option --> Template section OPTION is not parsed.
  20. "Countries" and "County/State/Zone" are related. County table contains a countryId to know what conty belongs to country. If you select a country, county drop down box is full of country counties if any If you have deleted some Country which has Counties, nothig happens if you dont need this country, in other case you are in trouble especialy you are not sure what country is missing. Counties here are for different taxes, fees mainly.
  21. Great! Have you tried to delete space before and after IMG tag? As far as i know this trick helps alomst in any case For all white space issue browsers helps this (99%): Do not use any space or line break just before and after <IMG> tag.
  22. Of course that works only you have ALL categories in proper format in place.
  23. Thats not so easy, you need a categories tree completely. Have look at CubeCart.org forum :)
  24. Dont mention it, this is old known IE issue in CC v3 :)
  25. DB schema with initial DB content is in CC package: upload/install/db/schema.inc.php Restoring depends to how many countries you want to get back. IF few just rip appropriate INSERT lines like $db->misc("INSERT INTO `".$_POST['dbprefix']."CubeCart_iso_countries` VALUES (238, 'ZM', 'Zambia', 'ZMB', 894);"); make proper SQL, run it in MyPhpAdmin .... ----------------------------------------------- IF all, prepare and upload sritpt like this: <?php include_once("includes/ini.inc.php"); include_once("includes/global.inc.php"); include_once("classes/db.inc.php"); $db = new db(); // rip all countries, counties lines here like $db->misc("INSERT INTO `".$_POST['dbprefix']."CubeCart_iso_countries` VALUES (1, 'AF', 'Afghanistan', 'AFG', 4);"); $db->misc("INSERT INTO `".$_POST['dbprefix']."CubeCart_iso_countries` VALUES (2, 'AL', 'Albania', 'ALB', 8);"); $db->misc("INSERT INTO `".$_POST['dbprefix']."CubeCart_iso_countries` VALUES (3, 'DZ', 'Algeria', 'DZA', 12);"); . . . . . ?> Empty CubeCart_iso_countries(counties) table contents and run your script. Hope all is clear :)
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