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Everything posted by djcaseanova

  1. I just got an order and used the waterfall network tool. Go figure the order did not have an issue this time, it went back to the orders page instead of the dashboard. I will use the waterfall tool on each order until I get it to do the redirect. How do I save the information from the waterfall tool in Firefox (my default browser). I can't seem to find an export log or save log anywhere.
  2. I am not familiar with Network Waterfall. So, I created an order manually (which is what I did yesterday and thought all was good) and it acts normally. I went into the store and went all the way up to creating a cart and placing the order, but I did not PAY for the item. The only payment option is Paypal. I went back into the admin, and did what I normally do with the orders and it went back to the order list. For some reason, it has been every order that has been placed and paid for. I can not duplicate it and I don't get enough orders to test right now. Any ideas?
  3. Well, I was wrong, this is NOT resolved. I have no other tabs or windows open and when I changed the status of an order to complete, it went to the dashboard again. My process is change the order status from processing to order complete, then clicking on the delivery tab and inputing the tracking and dispatch dates and hitting save. Once it loads, it's loading to the dashboard, but all the information has been saved correctly in the order page.
  4. Thanks bsmither.... most of my modifications originated with your help and assistance! Trying to preserve as much as possible with minimal disruption to avoid having to go back for your help again when posts get lost in the void here on the forums.
  5. What's the best way to save modified files when upgrading? For instance, every time I upgrade I am finding at least a handful of files I have to go back in and re-code to get my store back up and running the way I want. Most are admin dashboard/order features. I see there is never any change logs available showing what files have been edited, but I would assume that if the file has been overwritten then it had a change to it. How can I go about making the code changes as seemless as possible??? Thanks!!
  6. Thanks. Upgraded to 6.0.8 and it seems to have fixed the problem. Good to know though! I had never run into that before having multiple tabs open for the admin except for when adding products.
  7. After upgrading, I am still unable to save manually created orders. I tried reinstalling, still a no go. Clicking the 'save' buttons does nothing. Dead buttons. RESOLVED: SORRY, found a solution. .js file for whatever reason did not update. Working now.
  8. When I update an order status and save it it redirects me to the dashboard (If I remember correctly). However, I would like it to redirect me to the order page that shows ALL my orders (completed, processing, etc.). Is there an easy way to do this? Thanks!
  9. Getting notices on my admin about upgrading to 6.0.8, and I see a download link on cubecart.com to verify it's a legit upgrade, but there is no release information that I can find about it on the forums or announcements? What's changed? What's upgraded?
  10. The direct link for the "Fix" is here. Although it doesn't specifically mention coupons, this fix had global issues apparently. Please pay close attention to what you're suppose to remove and replace. https://github.com/cubecart/v6/commit/198f6dffbf56f96605a7e7be704b34602cc2ba37 admin/skins/default/js/plugins/jquery.autocomplete.min.js FIND: (function(j){var q=13;var n=9;var e=27;var g=37;var l=38;var i=39;var r=40;var o=8;var k=46;function a(t){j("#info").append(f(t)+"<br>")}function d(v){var x=-1;var s=-1;if(typeof v.selectionStart!="undefined"){x=v.selectionStart;s=v.selectionEnd}else{if(document.selection&&document.selection.createRange){var w=document.selection.createRange();var t;try{t=w.duplicate();t.moveToElementText(v)}catch(u){t=v.createTextRange()}t.setEndPoint("EndToStart",w);x=t.text.length;if(x>v.value.length){x=-1}t.setEndPoint("EndToStart",w);s=t.text.length;if(s>v.value.length){s=-1}}}return{start:x,end:s}}function c(t,s){t.focus();if(t.setSelectionRange){t.setSelectionRange(s,s)}else{if(t.createTextRange){m=t.createTextRange();m.moveStart("character",s);m.collapse();m.select()}}}function b(u){var s=[];for(var t=0;t<u.length;t++){if(u[t].id!=undefined&&u[t].value!=undefined){u[t].id=u[t].id+"";u[t].value=u[t].value+"";if(u[t].info!=undefined){u[t].info=u[t].info+""}s.push(u[t])}}return s}function h(t){if(t==undefined||!t){return""}return t.replace("\\","\\\\").replace("*","\\*").replace(".","\\.").replace("/","\\/")}function f(t){if(t==undefined||!t){return""}return t.replace("&","&amp;").replace("<","&lt;").replace(">","&gt;")}function p(t){if(t==undefined||!t){return""}return t.replace(/^\s+/g,"")}j.fn.autocomplete=function(s){return this.each(function(){var x=(j(this).attr("rel").length>0)?j(this).attr("rel"):false;var H=(j(this).attr("id").length>0)?j(this).attr("id"):false;var V=j(this);var K=j(this).get(0);if(!V.is("input:text,input:password,textarea")){return}if(!s&&(!j.isFunction(s.get)||!s.ajax_get)){return}if(V.attr("jqac")=="on"){return}V.attr("jqac","on");V.attr("autocomplete","off");s=j.extend({delay:500,timeout:5000,minchars:3,multi:false,cache:true,height:150,autowidth:false,noresults:"No results"},s);V.keydown(function(X){switch(X.which){case q:if(!W){return true}else{B()}return false;case e:A();return false}return true});V.keypress(function(X){switch(X.keyCode){case q:case e:return false;case l:M(X.keyCode);return false;case r:if(!W){C(Q())}else{M(X.keyCode)}return false}return true});V.keyup(function(X){switch(X.which){case q:case e:case g:case i:case l:case r:return false;default:C(Q())}return true});var T="";var z=0;var O=[];var D=0;var W=false;var S=false;var t=false;var u=false;var v=false;var I=false;var P=V.css("z-index");function Q(){var Y=V.val();if(s.multi){var aa=d(K);var Z=aa.start;for(;Z>0&&Y.charAt(Z-1)!=",";Z--){}var X=aa.start;for(;X<Y.length&&Y.charAt(X)!=",";X++){}var Y=Y.substr(Z,X-Z)}return p(Y)}function w(Z){T=Z;if(s.multi){var ac=V.val();var ab=d(K);var aa=ab.start;for(;aa>0&&ac.charAt(aa-1)!=",";aa--){}var Y=ab.start;for(;Y<ac.length&&ac.charAt(Y)!=",";Y++){}var X=ac.substr(0,aa)+(aa>0?" 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REPLACE ABOVE CODE WITH: (function(j){var q=13;var n=9;var e=27;var g=37;var l=38;var i=39;var r=40;var o=8;var k=46;function a(t){j("#info").append(f(t)+"<br>")}function d(v){var x=-1;var s=-1;if(typeof v.selectionStart!="undefined"){x=v.selectionStart;s=v.selectionEnd}else{if(document.selection&&document.selection.createRange){var w=document.selection.createRange();var t;try{t=w.duplicate();t.moveToElementText(v)}catch(u){t=v.createTextRange()}t.setEndPoint("EndToStart",w);x=t.text.length;if(x>v.value.length){x=-1}t.setEndPoint("EndToStart",w);s=t.text.length;if(s>v.value.length){s=-1}}}return{start:x,end:s}}function c(t,s){t.focus();if(t.setSelectionRange){t.setSelectionRange(s,s)}else{if(t.createTextRange){m=t.createTextRange();m.moveStart("character",s);m.collapse();m.select()}}}function b(u){var s=[];for(var t=0;t<u.length;t++){if(u[t].id!=undefined&&u[t].value!=undefined){u[t].id=u[t].id+"";u[t].value=u[t].value+"";if(u[t].info!=undefined){u[t].info=u[t].info+""}s.push(u[t])}}return s}function h(t){if(t==undefined||!t){return""}return t.replace("\\","\\\\").replace("*","\\*").replace(".","\\.").replace("/","\\/")}function f(t){if(t==undefined||!t){return""}return t.replace("&","&amp;").replace("<","&lt;").replace(">","&gt;")}function p(t){if(t==undefined||!t){return""}return t.replace(/^\s+/g,"")}j.fn.autocomplete=function(s){return this.each(function(){var x=(j(this).attr("rel").length>0)?j(this).attr("rel"):false;var H=(j(this).attr("id").length>0)?j(this).attr("id"):false;var V=j(this);var K=j(this).get(0);if(!V.is("input:text,input:password,textarea")){return}if(!s&&(!j.isFunction(s.get)||!s.ajax_get)){return}if(V.attr("jqac")=="on"){return}V.attr("jqac","on");V.attr("autocomplete","off");s=j.extend({delay:500,timeout:5000,minchars:3,multi:false,cache:true,height:150,autowidth:false,noresults:"No results"},s);V.keydown(function(X){switch(X.which){case q:if(!W){return true}else{B()}return false;case e:A();return false}return true});V.keypress(function(X){switch(X.keyCode){case q:case e:return false;case l:M(X.keyCode);return false;case r:if(!W){C(Q())}else{M(X.keyCode)}return false}return true});V.keyup(function(X){switch(X.which){case q:case e:case g:case i:case l:case r:return false;default:C(Q())}return true});var T="";var z=0;var O=[];var D=0;var W=false;var S=false;var t=false;var u=false;var v=false;var I=false;var P=V.css("z-index");function Q(){var Y=V.val();if(s.multi){var aa=d(K);var Z=aa.start;for(;Z>0&&Y.charAt(Z-1)!=",";Z--){}var X=aa.start;for(;X<Y.length&&Y.charAt(X)!=",";X++){}var Y=Y.substr(Z,X-Z)}return p(Y)}function w(Z){T=Z;if(s.multi){var ac=V.val();var ab=d(K);var aa=ab.start;for(;aa>0&&ac.charAt(aa-1)!=",";aa--){}var Y=ab.start;for(;Y<ac.length&&ac.charAt(Y)!=",";Y++){}var X=ac.substr(0,aa)+(aa>0?" ":"")+Z+ac.substr(Y);V.val(X);c(K,aa+Z.length+(aa>0?1:0))}else{K.focus();V.val(Z)}}function C(aa){if(aa.length<s.minchars){A();return false}if(s.cache&&aa.length>z&&O.length){var X=[];for(var Y=0;Y<O.length;Y++){var Z=new RegExp("("+h(aa)+")","ig");if(Z.exec(O[Y].value)){X.push(O[Y])}}T=aa;z=aa.length;O=X;y(O);return false}else{clearTimeout(v);T=aa;z=aa.length;v=setTimeout(function(){O=[];if(j.isFunction(s.pre_callback)){s.pre_callback()}if(j.isFunction(s.get)){O=b(s.get(aa));y(O)}else{if(j.isFunction(s.ajax_get)){A();I=setTimeout(N,s.delay);s.ajax_get(aa,E,x)}}},s.delay)}return false}function E(X){R();O=b(X);y(O)}function N(){if(!t){t=j('<div class="jqac-menu"><div class="jqac-loading">Loading</div></div>').get(0);j(t).css("position","absolute");var X=V.offset();j(t).css("left",X.left+"px");j(t).css("top",(X.top+V.height()+2)+"px");if(!s.autowidth){j(t).width(V.width())}j("body").append(t)}j(t).show();setTimeout(R,10000)}function R(){if(t){j(t).hide()}clearTimeout(I)}function y(Y){if(W){j(W).remove()}R();F();W=j('<div class="jqac-menu"></div>').get(0);j(W).css({position:"absolute","z-index":P,"max-height":s.height+"px","overflow-y":"auto"});S=j("<ul></ul>").get(0);j(S).css("list-style","none").css("margin","0px").css("padding","2px").css("overflow","hidden");var ac=new RegExp("("+h(f(T))+")","ig");for(var aa=0;aa<Y.length;aa++){var ad=new String(Y[aa].value);var Z=f(ad).replace(ac,"<em>$1</em>");var ab=j('<span class="jqac-link">'+Z+"</span>").get(0);if(Y[aa].info!=undefined&&Y[aa].info!=""){j(ab).append(j('<div class="jqac-info">'+Y[aa].info+"</div>"))}j(ab).attr("name",aa+1);j(ab).click(function(){B();$('#sidebar_contain input[type="submit"]').prop('disabled', true);$('#sidebar_contain input[type="submit"]').hide()});j(ab).mouseover(function(){U(j(this).attr("name"),true)});var X=j("<li></li>").get(0);j(X).append(ab);j(S).append(X)}if(Y.length==0){j(S).append('<li class="jqac-warning">'+s.noresults+"</li>")}j(W).append(S);var ae=V.offset();j(W).css("left",ae.left+"px");j(W).css("top",(ae.top+V.height()+2)+"px");if(!s.autowidth){j(W).width(V.width())}j(W).mouseover(function(){F()});j(W).mouseout(function(){J()});j("body").append(W);if(j.fn.bgiframe){j(W).bgiframe({height:W.scrollHeight})}if(W.scrollHeight>s.height){j(W).height(s.height);j(W).width(j(W).width()+20)}D=0;u=setTimeout(function(){A()},s.timeout)}function B(){if(D&&O[D-1]){var X=O[D-1];
  11. All fixed up! Thanks!
  12. Tried it on multiple items. Items for sale, items not on sale. When I type an item and it loads the item, the save button disappears (before hitting the add button) and even if I delete the item, the save button never returns. It's only when I refresh the page will the save button come back, but will not allow me to save the coupon if an item is added. I am using a commercial skin, Galaxy X. I wonder if that's the issue?? However, I don't believe the skin impacts the admin area at all.
  13. This may or may not be a known issue or bug, but I went to create a coupon for a customer specifically good on a certain item. When I ADD an item, the "Save" button disappears. This happens with all items. Anyone know what's going on with this? Thanks! Version 6.0.7
  14. Correct. That's why I am thinking I should upgrade now instead of playing with V5. I'd assume support for V5 would eventually come to a close once V6 gets further along.
  15. Thanks. I am having an epiphany as we speak..... may just be better to upgrade to V6 and get it over with. I will eventually just didn't want to do it right away without knowing that all my v5 work will carry over.
  16. I have 5.2.16 and I noticed that there is an upgrade available to 5.2.17 When I am in my admin control panel, the only upgrade the CP offers me is to Version 6. I am not entirely sure I want to jump to V6 yet. Why is there not an option to go to 5.2.17?? Also, more importantly, where are the instructions for manually upgrading to 5.2.17 and is there a changelog available? I would like to see what's new so that I can make sure my store isn't going to come crashing down!!! Thanks!
  17. HTML coding was fine and it turns out not to be an issue with CC. Just found out that my host (dreamhost) was in the process of moving my servers to new SSD drives. So for a while I had access to two servers (unknown to me) and was logging in to the old one trying to upload the new images. But as it turned out CC was live on the other server. It wasn't until I FTP'd in to the new server address and uploaded the new images that they started working. I am really disliking my host these days but they are cheap! Grrr
  18. I am having a problem now with images on my homepage documents. I have not had this problem before. When I am editing the homepage document using either the editor or direct coding in the source editor, I can not seem to get images to work properly. These are newly uploaded images to a specific directory I have for the homepage graphics. The images I have in there (jpgs, pngs, etc) when I first built the site work and still work. However, newly uploaded images will NOT show up at all. I get a broken image icon...... Anyone have any ideas?? All of the permissions are the same for the graphics and folders. Nothing has changed that I can think of. I have refreshed cache and still nothing.
  19. Well, refundable deposits, ability to charge for loss/damage, insurance, etc. the need for viewable and useable credit card information, drivers license information. Because prices for rentals isn't globally the same, they'd have to change per item. Would also be nice to have a separate tab or page for "rentals" along side of the purchase side of the store. Possibly a completely different section in the admin area as well that's for rentals only. separate inventory, separate rental history, but using the same customer database.
  20. A built in rental interface would be nice. An option for someone to "rent" an item with rental prices, etc. This is something that I've been looking for since 2013 to be added or developed for CC!
  21. Bsmither! Is there a way to add the "Sale Price" next to the retail price in this same fashion and make it editable?
  22. I have not purchased it yet. If this is in fact something that can be done with the mod, I am all about it and will purchase it. But quite frankly, emails can get sticky sometime if there is a failure in the email servers, etc. If we can get it to work, I am definitely interested in trying.
  23. Thanks bsmither, I saw that mentioned before. However, it appears to be just an email system. I am trying to avoid having the emails back and forth. So essentially, I am looking for something that can be tied in to the cart automatically. If someone submits an offer, the admin can accept or decline the offer or counter offer. If they accept, essentially it creates a cart for them with the corrected price, etc. I understand this is probably something that needs to be rooted into the cubecart system and may not be able to be accomplished by a plugin. But it would be nice. A couple of images from eBay's system from the customers end. eBay's make an offer option is quite nice actually, are you familiar with that?
  24. I am currently trying to hunt down a "Make Offer" extension. Basically, I sell items that have enough markup that would allow me to negotiate on prices. Instead of being on the phone or back and forth through emails, it would be nice to have an extension that could be turned on that would allow a store admin to select items they would want to allow people to make offers on. If a customer clicks on "make offer" instead of 'add to cart' then they would be presented with an offer box that would ask quantity, price, etc. and it would be sent to the admin to simply do one-click acceptance, declines, or counter offers. Maybe even have it set to automatically accept offers above a certain amount. IF something like this exists.... PLEASE let me know!
  25. Well, not necessarily. There have been some firefox updates that have caused me some problems as well. Lately, I have been having updating issues within firefox and cubecart. Items aren't being saved. When I hit save there are occasions where it takes me back to the product page and the item I just saved is not in existence! I have yet to experience it with another browser.
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