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Jan T

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  1. 'Sme again! After waiting a couple of hours, I reset the SMTP with authentication, saved, tested, and then tried the contact form again. Success! I did a test print order and then received the confirmation email. Julie is going to send a small PayPal order but we expect all will be well. Thanks again for your great helpful ideas. Jan T
  2. Hi again. All the SMTP settings failed. PHP Mailer worked. Julie replied to the text message. Thanks for all your help.
  3. Hi Brian Here's the section in the file: // Send if ($mailer->Send()) { $GLOBALS['gui']->setNotify($GLOBALS['language']->documents['notify_document_contact']); httpredir('index.php'); } else { $GLOBALS['gui']->setError($GLOBALS['language']->documents['error_document_contact']); $GLOBALS['gui']->setError($mailer->ErrorInfo); } } } // Display form Attached the error screen
  4. Just these all on one line. Brackets is on Windows 10 too. mor10 from Lynda.com recommended it and I like it.
  5. Hi and thanks I edited the file in Brackets, uploaded it, and now a new error message: SMTP connect() failed with a link to the github repository for PHP Mailer. https://github.com/PHPMailer/PHPMailer/wiki/Troubleshooting Now what? Jan T
  6. Hi Dirty Butter, The store has been in place online using CubeCart since 2010. Emails are sent to and fro all the time. All the products are sold by Julie online, no physical store. So what you suggest can surely not be the problem?
  7. Hi guys I have read and reread posts about the Contact Form, tried some things, and still get this response when clicking the submit button. Solution?
  8. Hi Miriam You can change this in the common.css file in your skin. The rule to change is [ #subcategories > div.subcategory ] You can change the margin right to leave some space between the images. Hope this helps.
  9. HI Options usually implies that there is a change (+/-) in the cost when choosing the option. That's why it shows the '+' sign. Does your price change if the product is red? If not, then use '0.00' for the price in the options. Then it will show + 0 and no change will happen to the price on the order. Hope this is what you wanted.
  10. I'm having strange shifting of the page content to the right when I click a link. Happens intermittently... If I click again it slips back to the correct places. Here's a printscreen
  11. Thank you, thank you, thank you! Looked all sorts of places in the templaters and xml files. Read your info, fixed in 2 seconds.
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