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Everything posted by huggettm

  1. the store log does not have an error
  2. i use a symlink folder so images are shared across all websites, i cant view the filemanager - > images from any of them, there are alot of images in the folder
  3. thanks for the quick reply, is that filemanger> images? I get a blank screen - i guess a php memory issue is there a way to do this with mysql?
  4. Hi, is there a maximum amount of files that can be in the filemanager DB? I am using the datapump mod to setup products which works for most of them, but some images are not recognised (see log attached) However all files do exist on the server and can be accessed manually for example https://wonderland-fancy-dress.com.au/store/images/source/AC78778.jpg g7cart.import.jpf3CL.log
  5. I do have delivery estimates disabled. What I want is to add a checkout by paypal button to the cart popup
  6. on clicking "view basket" yes. on "secure checkout", no its takes you to the address entry field
  7. resolved - it was the way excel formatted it.
  8. I am using PayPal Website Payments Pro & Express Checkout integration. with express only enabled? if a customer is not logged in (a new customer), the option to checkout by paypal does not appear until after the address info is asked for
  9. I have uploaded directly to the database and it still comes out like this https://party-fancy-dress.eu/store//cavewoman-kost-m-f-r-erwachsene-weiblich-one-size.html
  10. thank you, is there a way to check?
  11. anyone know how to get cubecart to accept german special characters in the names and descriptions?
  12. Hi, where are language files located for the store text to upload?
  13. Thanks brian, I tried this // Lets try to choose cheapest shipping option // for them if they haven't chosen already if ((!isset($this->_basket['shipping']) && !$digital_only) || (!$offset_matched && isset($this->_basket['shipping']['offset']) && !$digital_only)) { foreach ($shipping_values as $value) { if (!isset($cheapest['value']) || $value['value'] > $cheapest['value']) { $cheapest = $value; } but it makes no difference in the cart view
  14. thank you, that looks good but a bit over the top for what i am trying to achieve
  15. Hi, I have done this on a cc6 store a long time ago and cant seem to recall the method, I would like the cart to display the most expensive shipping first as default instead of the cheapest?
  16. Has anyone changed the checkout proceedure so that alternate checkouts are more easily seen. For example on foundation, you have to go to basket/secure checkout and then only after the fields to enter text for name address etc is the option for paypal checkout (which doesnt need forms) can this be added as a link to the view cart popup?
  17. that doesnt seem to work, have I over simplified it? ah got it, I didnt change the character number after the prefix to 3 in my case: public static function validOrderId($order_id) { if(preg_match('#^[OFD]{3}[0-9]{6}-[0-9]{6}-[0-9]{4}$#i', $order_id)) { return true;
  18. Hi Keat, Thank you much appreciated. so in my case I would also need to change order.class: public static function validOrderId($order_id) { if(preg_match('#^[OFD]{2}[0-9]{6}-[0-9]{6}-[0-9]{4}$#i', $order_id)) { return true;
  19. ah thanks I missed coupons and downloads
  20. ok thank you is there a way to search for the instances of cart_order_id - or is it a manual check of all tables? so far i can see order_history order_inventory order_notes order_summary order_tax cubecart_transactions which would be ALTER TABLE `CubeCart_transactions` CHANGE `order_id` `order_id` VARCHAR(24) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NULL DEFAULT NULL; ALTER TABLE `CubeCart_order_history` CHANGE `cart_order_id` `cart_order_id` VARCHAR(24) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NULL DEFAULT NULL; ALTER TABLE `CubeCart_order_inventory` CHANGE `cart_order_id` `cart_order_id` VARCHAR(24) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NULL DEFAULT NULL; ALTER TABLE `CubeCart_order_notes` CHANGE `cart_order_id` `cart_order_id` VARCHAR(24) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NULL DEFAULT NULL; ALTER TABLE `CubeCart_order_tax` CHANGE `cart_order_id` `cart_order_id` VARCHAR(24) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NULL DEFAULT NULL; ALTER TABLE `CubeCart_order_summary` CHANGE `cart_order_id` `cart_order_id` VARCHAR(24) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NULL DEFAULT NULL;
  21. thank you, so to add a prefix "OFD" the function $this->_order_id = date('ymd-His-').rand(1000, 9999); becomes $this->_order_id = OFD.date('ymd-His-').rand(1000, 9999); ? is there a function to change the order_id in the db, I have just seen it is also in cubecart_transactions also
  22. Hi Brian, yes I have no idea what actually creates the order id to edit it
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