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Everything posted by bsmither

  1. You may need to start with an empty cart. Did you make the edit during an existing shopping basket? If so, then CubeCart is remembering the previous shipping cheapest selection.
  2. You say there is a log entry for Order Confirmation #2017-(whatever) sent to the customer's email address. But the customer has not received it. Any chance this email is in the customer's spam folder? In your hosting account's control panel (Cpanel?), do you have the tool (Track Delivery) that will allow you to test sending an email to the customer's address?
  3. In admin, Email Log, please determine if there are log entries for any email sent to the customer's email address.
  4. Unfortunately, CC4 was not written in the manner that CC5/6-style SEF URLs are now used. Certainly, CC4 can be enhanced to do this, and for CC3, there is/was Ruki's SEO MOD.
  5. Please know that the customer does not get an mail when the order goes to Pending. The only exception is when your store is using the Printed Order Form (POF) and that the POF is set to send a courtesy reminder email.
  6. We are not yet ready to blame CubeCart. For now, view your browser's Print... or Page Setup... dialog window. Double-check the Margins and Header settings. Verify there is no formatting Scaling factor applied.
  7. Simple enough, yes. There is a knowledgebase article on how it is to be done. The upgrade process will convert the database for you. There is no need to upgrade to any intermediary version. If the knowledgebase article doesn't mention it, expect to have a store that looks entirely different - no CC4 skins will work on CC6, and a larger feature set - but no mods applied to CC4 will work on CC6.
  8. In /classes/cubecart.class.php, near line 1676: Find: // Lets try to choose cheapest shipping option // for them if they haven't chosen already if ((!isset($this->_basket['shipping']) && !$digital_only) || (!$offset_matched && isset($this->_basket['shipping']['offset']) && !$digital_only)) { // Scanning for cheapest shipping because shipping has yet to be set and this basket is not digital only. foreach ($shipping_values as $value) { if (!isset($cheapest['value']) || $value['value'] < $cheapest['value']) { // Found a cheaper value! $cheapest = $value; Change the comparison of less than to greater than.
  9. Is your web hosting account running a suPHP or mod_security type of system? If so, it could be that some specific type of data in the POST is triggering a security rule. If PHP is running out of memory or time, then the web server should be reporting a 500 code. The 405 Method Not Allowed response should also include what methods are acceptable. So, enable your browser's diagnostic features and look at the network waterfall. The page request and the server's response will be shown. Here, you will be able to see the response's headers.
  10. Ask your hosting provider for an existing backup of the database. (Hopefully.) I know that the above is a snarky response, but any other source of the lost data is highly improbable that it exists. For example, during development, I have the local environment setup to log just about everything - including the MySQL server. I have configured the database server to log every query to its General Log. Having done that, I can grep for queries that INSERT'd or UPDATE'd data into the tables. Like I said, the availability of that kind of source of data is highly improbable. CubeCart does not exploit the advanced capabilities of the database server. I am not familiar with these capabilities either, but I see references to a transaction queue - or some such - where it seems there is an UNDO process. I may be way off base with that.
  11. https://www.cubecart.com/extensions/plugins/additional-global-product-fields https://www.cubecart.com/extensions/plugins/additional-global-product-tabs https://www.cubecart.com/extensions/plugins/additional-product-fields https://www.cubecart.com/extensions/plugins/additional-product-tabs The above suggest that the additional product fields accept static content. That is, for the product Gizmo-A, the availability date could be "12/17/2017". For Gizmo-B, the data for the additional product field 'availability' could be "Q1 2018". There is the situation where there is a specific lead time, such as three weeks, where the data for the custom field is calculated. So, "Order Today and expect Gizmo-C to arrive 12/07/2017!" where the date is calculated at "today + 3 weeks". I do not know if these plugins can be modified to do calculations.
  12. Please verify the version of CubeCart you are running. Then, examine the contents of the admin file sources/products.import.inc.php. Near line 297, there starts the assembly of an array named $fields. Two of the array elements should be 'digital' and 'digital_path' (just after 'stock_level' and 'stock_warning'). So, for each incoming CSV column, you have a drop-down selector containing all these language phrases. The drop-down list may be quite long. In the list, find Stock Level and Stock Level Warning. What is in the list after those?
  13. I see that as well. But, 90 secs... not that long. Running a few dev versions on an in-house server, 1-3 secs for both frontside and backside. Running a production store on a commercial hosting provider, (relatively) a lot longer for admin pages, but really decent speed on the frontside. (Plus, my email is hosted by the commercial provider, and that is very slow.) So, it may be the server, it may be the pipe from there to here. But I concur that, overall, CC3/4 is wickedly faster than CC5/6.
  14. Download the WorldPay module. It has the basic code for this method of making payment, and is easily modified for the VoguePay data requirements.
  15. This may be the solution you are looking for: https://github.com/cubecart/v6/issues/1771
  16. On first inspection of the module code for WorldPay v1.0.7, I find there is a syntax error that could be causing PHP to crash. Maybe. Maybe not. In the file gateway.class.php, line 27, find this part: ($tis->_module['testMode']) Replace that part with this part: ($this->_module['testMode']) It seems the WorlPay module takes the customer to their website to make payment. As such, the gateway form auto-submits and the customer does not see anything. There are a couple of approaches: 1. Have the browser's diagnostic tools show the "network waterfall" and observe what gets POSTed, 2. Change the transfer submit mode of the module from 'auto' to 'manual'. If you try #2, there will be no Submit button to complete the checkout process. But at least you will be able to have the browser show you the HTML source where the values of the form variables to be POSTed can be examined.
  17. We ask that you create the error log.
  18. Short answer: Use the template variable {$HTML_LANG} for the language being used for this session. Long answer: Having lightly scanned the intent and implementation of hreflang, I will say that a CubeCart installation does not fall within the parameters of how a site is annotated with, nor requires, hreflang. From what I read, if your site has pages in a specific subfolder* for English, another set of pages in a separate subfolder for Spanish, a third set of pages in a subfolder for French, etc, then in each set of pages, common hreflang code should exist that point to the related page in all the other folders. CubeCart does not operate that way. (* It could if there were a URL Rewrite pattern set up in .htaccess that parsed for the country code and rewrote the URL to add the querystring necessary to tell CubeCart what languge pack to switch on and use for that session.)
  19. Welcome Andrewg1639! Glad to see you made it to the forums. On the CSV import, there should be a column named 'digital' and a column named 'digital_path'. CubeCart automatically assumes a product is digital if the value in the column 'digital' is not zero. The value in 'digital_path' must be a path to the file, if necessary, or an empty string. If a custom path is used, then 'digital' has a value of 1. Otherwise, the value is the "file_id" of the related record in the CubeCart_filemanager table.
  20. Welcome son caocao! Glad to see you made it to the forums. One of the differences between CC615 and the latest version is that a lot of XSS deterrence has been implemented. That means for many events, the correct security token needs to accompany the request. If that correct token is not there, the session will get discarded.
  21. There are these: 1. Seems to assume the product will not be added back to inventory: https://www.cubecart.com/extensions/plugins/order-refunds 2. An RMA manager - seems to be informational only - customer relations: https://www.cubecart.com/extensions/plugins/return-merchandise-authorization-rma 3. Establishing store credit as opposed to issuing a refund: https://www.cubecart.com/extensions/plugins/store-credit I would think all the above would solve most of the business process of product returns and dispute resolution. I do not see any solution - again, depends on your choice of business process - that would amend the original order. My experience with online retailers is that annotations are made to the original order and a new sale is made to resolve the issue.
  22. In the Mican folder /js/ edit the file script.js as follows: From: $('#session_action_button, #session_actions').hover(function(){ $('#session_actions').show(); $('#basket_summary').hide(); },function(){ $('#session_actions').hide(); $('#basket_summary').fadeIn(); }); To: $('#session_action_button, #session_actions').hover(function(){ $('#basket_summary').hide(); $('#session_actions').show(); },function(){ $('#session_actions').delay(4000); $('#session_actions').hide('fast'); /* $('#session_actions').hide(); */ $('#basket_summary').fadeIn(); }); Force your browser to reload the page resources (javascript, CSS, etc). This is usually done with CTRL-F5. This change adds a four second delay after moving the mouse out of the trigger area before the links disappear.
  23. Hover the mouse cursor over the [+]. The cursor changes to a finger-pointer. Then try moving the mouse cursor straight down until in-line with the phrase Log Out. The mouse cursor may switch back to an arrow, but the links should remain visible. Then move the mouse cursor straight across to the link. The cursor should change to a finger-pointer again.
  24. There may still be a class method that enforces a cart_order_id pattern.
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