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Everything posted by bsmither

  1. Where are you searching? If using the flyout that appears at the upper-left corner, the text entry field for searching on customers does not accept parentheses.
  2. In admin, Store Settings, Layout tab, there is "Product List Sorting" that will set the default sort for simple search results, and a category's list of products. Sale Items have a default sort of sale price, and Latest Products have a default sort of last modified time.
  3. On the Overview tab, at the bottom, there is a Shipping Information -- which also includes the payment gateway. (At least CC652 does - I haven't checked what CC6114 shows.) Shows in the Transaction Logs tab. That points to a problem (yet to see if it has been fixed) in the Order class, as opposed to a problem in the PayPal module - whether it be PayPal Standard or PayPal Commerce. How long ago did this particular order happen? Today? Last month? Last year?
  4. I do not know why the PayPal Commerce module accepts the customer's PayPal data and overwrites existing CubeCart's customer data. It's not a bug. As for the missing gateway data item in the Orders list, having brought that order up for editing, is it also missing on that order's Overview tab? Is it also missing on that order's Transaction Logs tab?
  5. I am not sure if this is related, but see (I hope these web addresses show -- replace the h??ps with https): h??ps://forums.cubecart.com/topic/58031-paypal-phone/ h??ps://forums.cubecart.com/topic/58078-customers-phone-numbers-are-corrupting-since-new-update/
  6. Please see Github issue #3375. I would tell you how to fix it, but new security measures implemented on these forums prevent me from posting lines of code. So, in the file mentioned in the Github issue, find lines 17 and 18. Remove the leading spaces in front of the script tag and the EOT; statements.
  7. As best I can determine, there are about three areas in the code that affect the page=all situation on the storefront. None actually stop CubeCart from delivering all pertinent records. But these changes do implement a new pagination sequence on the storefront and a per page selector - the selections of which can be customized. Let's look at the skin's config.xml file: <products>, <perpage> array. Note that the last array element is (probably) set to an amount equal to 96. More <perpage> elements can be added - an amount equal to 192, for example. (Have CubeCart clear its internal cache if this file gets changed.) The first area in the code is the element.paginate.php skin template. In the various skin's that were published with and for CC5, there is code to show a 'All' link when the Smarty variable {$view_all} is true. For Foundation (the only skin published with CC6), that 'All' code was commented out, showing instead a drop-down selector listing the various <perpage> amounts. In CC652, that commented out 'All' code was removed. Should the visitor want to see more products per page, using the drop-down selector is how it is done. Should the store owner want to have a 'All' pseudo-capability, add a <perpage> element with an amount equal to some large number - 192, for example. As was mentioned, be sure the environment that hosts your site is capable. (And, if the page is to show a couple dozen rows of product panels, look into implementing a "lazy-load" of product images.) The second area is in the database class, pagination function. In CC6410 and CC652, when calculating the pagination data for the skin's element.paginate.php template, if there should be page=all in the link, then the data given to the template will be changed to page=1 and per_page=X where X is the last <perpage> amount - 192, for example. So, if there are less than this amount to show, there will be no pagination, thus, a 'All' pseudo-capability. Note that this pagination function still provides a true (default) or false value to the Smarty variable {$view_all}, for CC5 skins, or any skin that really wants to have this in the pagination string. The third area is in the catalogue class, searchCatalogue function. This function returns search hits, products on sale, and products belonging to a given category. If page=all is found here, CubeCart sets a hard limit of 100 records to be returned from the database for sale items and search hits. For products belonging to a given category, the getCategoryProducts function will not use page and per_page when page=all, thus all pertinent records are returned. Lists in admin have also, recently, adopted this paradigm.
  8. https://github.com/FortAwesome/Font-Awesome/tree/master/svgs/solid
  9. Using a programmer's text editor, open the file icon-sprites.svg. Find: <svg display="none" version="1.1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <defs> Add after: <symbol id="icon-play" viewBox="0 0 384 512"> <path d="M73 39c-14.8-9.1-33.4-9.4-48.5-.9S0 62.6 0 80V432c0 17.4 9.4 33.4 24.5 41.9s33.7 8.1 48.5-.9L361 297c14.3-8.7 23-24.2 23-41s-8.7-32.2-23-41L73 39z"/> </symbol> Save. In the template BRANCH code: Find: <use xlink:href="#icon-angle-right"></use> Replace with: <use xlink:href="#icon-play"></use>
  10. The greater-than symbol is the closing angle of the first part of the <a> tag. Everything after that, up to the second half of the <a> tag, </a>, is the "friendly-text" seen as the link. It will become apparent when you collapse the multiple lines into one line, if you so choose.
  11. Find this: <li {if isset($BRANCH.children)}class="has-sub-cbd"{/if}> Change to: <li {if isset($BRANCH.children)}class="has-sub-cbd"{/if} style="position: relative;"> The following will certainly affect cat_id=40. What happens when you want special styling for a dozen more? <a href="{$BRANCH.url}" title="{$BRANCH.name}" {if $VNB_CBD_BRANCH.cat_id == '40'} class="pad-bottom" {else} class="vm-box-link-cbd" {/if} > {$BRANCH.name} {if isset($BRANCH.children)} <svg class="icon icon-x1 has-sub-arrow-cbd"><use xlink:href="#icon-angle-right"></use></svg> {/if} </a>
  12. Find: <ul class="vm-top"> For all the <li> that is a direct child, change to: <li style="position:relative;"> These <li> tags may also have the attribute, class="has-sub-cbd" but I cannot find a CSS rule with that name. Find the CSS rule .vnb-sub-cbd, and make sure it has position: absolute; Add this to the rule: top: 15px;
  13. Yes. I am currently trying to find a SVG symbol script for a right-triangle. Interesting. One can try to add a style attribute with the value coming from a detail of the category. Do you still use the Meta-Keywords detail on the Search Engines tab? The programmers took out the text entry field for entering keywords, but the database column is still there. As such: <a style="background-color:{$category.seo_meta_keywords};"> where for this category, 'seo_meta_keywords' would be green or #aacc99. (Keep all the other stuff in the code, just add a dedicated style attribute.)
  14. For styling children, find the current CSS rule '.vnb-sub-cbd'. Note the current background and border styles. This affects the overall list group. These stylings can be changed. Find the current CSS rule 'a.vm-box-link-cbd'. This affects each individual list item. Create a new CSS rule: .vnb-sub-cbd a.vm-box-link-cbd { } The stylings here affect only the sub list items. The "icon-sprites.svg" file resembles an XML file. Because this file is "included" into a Smarty template (as opposed to having the browser fetch it as a page resource, like an image file), the CubeCart programmer's took the opportunity to add some Smarty comment tags -- which invalidates the strict structure of a SVG file. Therefore, do not try to view this file in a web browser.
  15. For the right-angle, there is no separate icon image file, per se. What is in the code is a symbol from the "icon-sprites.svg" file, within which there are only about two dozen symbols. The <svg> tag has been given the class 'has-sub-arrow-cbd', which this CSS rule simply positions the symbol. I am not sure how you are having a problem with small displays. I ask that you describe what you see on a small screen. I see a 'hamburger' menu icon at the top, next to the shopping cart and search icons. Clicking the menu icon causes a slide out showing the top level categories. No hovering will have sub-categories appear.
  16. Personal observations, using Win7, Waterfox Classic + NoScript: There seems to be timeouts - likely "cookie expires" timestamps. If requesting another forum page within so many (just a few) minutes, the forum appears straight-away. After (I'm guessing 15 minutes) of no access, CloudFlare will interdict. (This will cause problems with certain forum functions - especially any AJAX-powered features. For example, after a long delay, one begins writing a response in the Quick Reply box. The editor's toolbar will be missing. Using a second browser tab, requesting a forum page will get fresh cookies.) Then, maybe after a few days(?, with maybe not detecting mouse cursor movements), the "I'm Human" checkbox will be played.
  17. A 'throbber' (spinning circle) that does not go away indicates that the javascript that is supposed to cancel the throbber and make the browser proceed to the next step, has crashed, failed to start, or failed to load. Failing to load could be caused by a browser extension that prohibits fetching javascript from non-whitelisted sources. While stuck on the CloudFlare page, examine the browser settings menu for a "Developer" section, then view the browser 'console'. It will indicate the cause of being stuck on the CloudFlare page.
  18. Having looked into the DreamWeaver BOM issue, it seems that, if the documentation agrees with the version of DreamWeaver you are using, there is a default setting that can be established for when one is editing a PHP code file. Also, each editing session can have some sort of document properties set for that session.
  19. Wow! Really messed that one up. It's in /classes/cubecart.class.php, line 893. Note: I would discourage using DreamWeaver to edit PHP code files. I do not know about the latest versions, but earlier versions insisted on prepending the "byte-order-mark" to files -- which will cause strange errors.
  20. Using a programmer's text editor, please make this edit. In /classes/catalogue.class.php, near line 893: From: $GLOBALS['catalogue']->searchCatalogue((int)$_GET['cat_id'], $page, $catalogue_products_per_page); To: $GLOBALS['catalogue']->searchCatalogue($_GET['cat_id'], $page, $catalogue_products_per_page); The variable $_GET['cat_id'] could actually contain the value 'sale'. Should this text value be cast to a numerical type, it equals 0, for which there is nothing to be found. The use of (int) was added in an attempt to solve some other problem.
  21. Please see the Github issue #3204 for what is happening with ucwords(). The MySQLi Exception is strange, but maybe it was just a one-time glitch. Other undefined keys are from adding or updating items in an existing order's shopping basket where those items do not have any options assigned (or might not have the web form element to assign any options). Ignore the rest.
  22. A closer study of the first error listed above has been posted in the Github: In orders.index.inc.php line 307, when the admin is reviewing an order where that order may have been administratively created, there may not be any serialized data held in CubeCart_order_summary, 'basket' column. If not, $basket_array will be false.
  23. The first one (orders.index.inc.php line 307) is when the admin is reviewing an order, and that order was created with a product(s) (or services or giftcards) that does not have any weight specified - not even zero weight. The problem is not that the shopping basket does not contain a weight value, but that PHP 8 has decided to issue a warning when code is trying to access the weight element in an array where it doesn't exist. The rest is caused by the Dashboard wanting to fetch the latest news from the RSS server located at the forums. As you may have noticed, @Al Brookbanks has implemented (again) Cloudflare's 'Anti-Bot' protection mechanism ("Verifying your site is secure."). This interferes with every ancillary function of the forums, from getting user profile popups, to ajax-requested 'mentions' list, to re-editing code windows, etc, to fetching the RSS feed. One can cancel the request to the RSS server in admin, Store Settings, Layout tab, "Default RSS URL for Admin Dashboard" by deleting the URL found there -- if not knowing about the Latest News is OK with you.
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