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Posts posted by bsmither

  1. First, have you told us what the Admin, View Products, EditProduct page for your candle says about the "Stock Level"? Higher than zero?

    Next, because these are apparently custom "Image Not Available" images, are you sure you put the correct image in the appropriate skins folder?

    "Temp008/styleImages/nophoto.gif" on the product page, and

    "Temp008/styleImages/thumb_nophoto.gif" on the front page.

    Where's the "thumb_zerostock_nophoto.gif" image?

    You might also be working with a third-party mod because I'm not familiar with CC being able to overlay (or edit) a product picture with a humongous red "Sold Out" banner.

    By the way, yours is one of the more intriguing skins I've seen. Kudos.

  2. It seems that you have some redirection going on.


    GET /loja/admin HTTP/1.1
    Host: www.loja69.com
    HTTP/1.x 301 Moved Permanently
    Location: http://www.loja69.com/loja/admin/
    GET /loja/admin/ HTTP/1.1
    Host: www.loja69.com
    HTTP/1.x 302 Found
    Location: /admin/index.php?&ccUser=

    You see how the 302 response gives to the browser the address based on the root of your site, as opposed to the subfolder "loja".

    And I am giving you a ccUser cookie, so there might be an issue with the contents of your global.inc.php file.

  3. ...the additional rows of products that are below the first row mash in with the row above it...

    In IE (hopefully 7 is the same as 6), click View on the menu bar, then Text Size, then select "Smaller". See if the text lays out better. My initial impression is that IE shows unspecified by size fonts bigger than FF.

    In /skins/Killer/styleSheets/style.css, look at around line 142 and 147. Add a font size in points and see if that will lock the lettering to a size that won't cause problems.

  4. But I don't have a clue which tables and which columns to edit.

    OK, well, failLevel is in the _admin_users table, third column from the last. blockTime is next to it. There should be at least one row in this table - you.

    If you don't see these columns in the _admin_users table, then maybe your SQL client manager program (phpMySQL, for example) may have "pre-dropped" tables prior to the script putting them back in place.

    Look for these columns. You can set the values for that row in those columns to 0.

  5. Hopefully, you've renamed or removed the "install" folder or the upgrade.php file.

    In your admin pages, have you put any information in there that might be more than expected?

    --Such as HTML code where there's no indication that it's allowed? (Like, in the Meta Description, Meta Keywords, or Browser Title?)

  6. Before doing any mods, the recommended procedure is to back up your current store. But what I did was to copy the entirety of the "store" folder to "store1". I made a few changes to some files in the "store1" version, nothing serious, then swapped the folder names: "store" to "store-orig", and "store1" to "store".

    But now the script (includes/content/index.inc.php) cannot find "language/en/home.inc.php". It's there and has 644 permissions. It also cannot find "classes/cart.php", but it's there and has 644 permissions.

    What could copying a root-level folder to a copy of itself, then renaming the copy to the original folder name cause this kind of problem?

    Might it have something to do with any kind of server-based code optimizer or server-level cache system?

  7. I am new to cubecart, and I have problems.

    Help us help you by always including relevant information about your system and how you installed your software.

    1. What operating system are you running on your server and did you install it yourself.

    2. What version of PHP is on that server and did you install it yourself.

    3. What version of MySQL is on that server and did you install it yourself.

    4. What version of CubeCart is on that server and did you install it yourself.

    5. How did you transfer the files to the server: ftp? drag-n-drop at the server box? some sort of hosted web space control panel?

    6. Did the install routine finish successfully? (Probably yes.)

    7. What did you do, if anything, between the successful install and the first time you tried to see your new store in a web browser.

    From this information, we can start asking some better targeted questions.

  8. I've upgraded from 3.0.11 to 3.0.17...

    *backing up the existing dB as an uncompressed SQL file

    *dropping the tables from the dB

    *uploading and overwriting all the .17 "upload" folder but the skin folder

    *importing the tables from the original dB back into the server

    I've seen sage advice regarding updating: if you don't have the "changed files only" package, then a true and proper install is necessary, even if one presumes the differences between versions might not warrant it (because, invariably, you're wrong).

    Then you can compare your skins files. Then you can import your tables from the SQL script created from the backup. If the script is accepted by the SQL parser properly, the script will just add the data to the already existing, up to date table structures, leaving blank data in the new columns.

    So, presuming the "hack attack" prevention measure is a new feature past version .11, then the admin users that get added from the SQL script (your backup), won't have the "log attempt" count (I believe that would be the failLevel) and the "wait ten minutes" delay (I believe that would be the blockTime).

    So I think overwriting a complete store with a complete "install package" without running the installer that creates the current version database structure was the wrong way to go - if that's what you did.

  9. I would have to install [gd].

    In PHP, the PHP.INI file has a list of "Dynamic Extensions". Look for the line that says ";extension=php_gd2.dll" (for Windows) or ";extension=php_gd2.so" (for Unix) and uncomment that line. Then restart your webserver in order to restart your PHP.

    If you are compiling your own custom build of PHP, there's a command line switch to build GD support directly into PHP during compile time.

    To determine if you currently have gd support active, create a file with:


    Put it on your server and ask for that file via a web browser. If GD support is available, there will be a GD section in the results table.

  10. ...upgraded from MySQL 5.0.27-standard-log to 5.0.41-community-nt.

    When you upgraded, did you make a note as to whether you invoked "strict mode" or not?

    Right now, I am studying CC3.0.16 code (and third-party mods using a 'black-box' technique) to determine if there are any problems when using MySQL in Strict mode.

    Based on your reply, I'll add your comments to my list.

    Error 1366 is kinda common in this situation, especially if you get "comma-comma for column..." indicating an empty string or null numeric value.

  11. And use what instead?

    I think there's a mod for that at cubecart.org. Maybe establishing a permission for non super-admins to use the FCKeditor.

    Otherwise, you can globally search for the word FCKeditor and comment out the PHP block wherever you find it.

    For example, /admin/products/index.php, look for:

    		$oFCKeditor = new FCKeditor('FCKeditor');

    and wrap /* */ around everything between the start/end php tags.

    Haven't tried this myself - backup your store first.

  12. I was just trying to adjust some settings...

    Are you sure you have CubeCart? Because my package doesn't have a 'lang' folder, nor 'settings.inc.php', under 'admin', besides not having 'English.inc.php' anywhere.

    Maybe these files and folders were added from a mod?

  13. CC 3.0.16 works under PHP 5.1.2 while under PHP 5.2.3, it doesn't (according to my experiments).

    I still have all the wrappers around the function definition blocks, and I'll test with original files shortly.

    Can we get a poll started as to what's the latest version of PHP that CC 3.0.16 successfully runs under?

  14. Why not put in a support ticket...

    Would if I could.

    I went ahead and wrapped each function definition block in a if (!function_exists()) test. I don't get any more Fatal Errors..., I don't get anything at all. Just Firefox burning up 15% CPU power waiting for the host to deliver something.

    I'm going to see if I can find a PHP 5.1.2 installation package and see if that makes any difference.

  15. I've noticed that the code in 3.0.16 has include_once() most everywhere except in almost all the files in the admin folder.

    I'm trying to troubleshoot a "Fatal Error: Cannot Redeclare unsetGlobals ..." error immediately after I successfully log in.

    So far, if I put a echo"Hello";die(); before line 29 in the login.php, I get the Hello. If I put it after line 29, I get the Fatal Error. So somehow, ini.inc.php is getting called twice - which it is, once through admin/index.php and again through admin/login.php.

    My research suggests that PHP 4 doesn't care. And CC3.0.15 with PHP 5.1.4 seems to be working fine (installed on a dev server). But on another dev server (WinXPSP2 with Abyss Web Server X1 v2.4) running CC3.0.16 and PHP 5.2.3, I get these Fatal Errors.

    So, examining the code and placing echo/die at places where I want the thing to stop in the admin section, I see lots of include() and very few include_once().

    Before I do a global replace of include("../includes/ini.inc.php") with include_once, I would like to know if the programmers had a specific reason to keep the include() construct instead of universally changing it to include_once(). And is there any comment as whether this global replace will even work?

    Other research suggest wrapping (something like) IfExists("unsetGlobals") around the function declaration, but that only solves that function - until the next is stumbled upon. Wouldn't using include_once() be the more elegant programming fix?

    Now, I realize I have yet to discover the exact reason why I am having this problem: code changes in the PHP engine, Zend optimization, CC 15 vs 16, or the fact that it's July in Colorado -- I don't know.

    ...a global replace of include("../includes/ini.inc.php") with include_once...

    Well, that didn't work. Still got the fatal error.

    So I commented out line 29 in login.php and didn't get the error for unsetGlobals. But I did get another Fatal Error: Cannot redeclare detectssl() in /includes/functions.inc.php.

    Will keep on experimenting.

  16. decided to install a fresh CubeCart.

    In this fresh installation, (page 3 of the install script) did you keep the checkbox setting to "Drop existing tables?"

    I don't think I'm wrong when I say that (due to personal experience), with this box checked, existing tables with the same name are deleted and fresh, empty tables are created.

    At least you don't get server or script errors saying "Unable to access database."

  17. <?

    php $glob['dbdatabase'] = 'virtual_lifestyles_com';

    I don't have an answer for you, but why is 'php' on the line below the 'script begin' delimiter?

    Did this get pasted into your message exactly as it is in the file? If so, maybe you should fix it so that it reads:



    I honestly don't know if PHP would make a fuss about this.

  18. The problem is that everything was ok before 1000 categories and when I added 700 more...

    View Products from admin panel [is bad.]

    Just a few thoughts:

    Maybe the problem happened "around" the 1000th category (or sub-category), but not exactly at the 1000th. I do see anything that would limit the drop-down box to 1000 entries.

    In /admin/products/index.php, line 347, a query is pulling three columns from the _category table, then in line 373, a list of OPTION statements is being built from the rowset. And apparently that's where the code generation stops.

    If you are still having this problem, what we need to see are the last few lines of the web page source that was delivered to your browser. (View Source in your browser.) I'm thinking the last line will contain a clue as to what's stalling the PHP of your store's delivery of the page's HTML.

    If you are, in fact, receiving the entire page, then look for the string of OPTION tags in the source. There might be about a thousand of them!

    I'm going to make a gentleman's wager that one of your category names has an illegal character. If so, then what you are seeing might be a problem with your browser's inability to make sloppy guesses as to what it should do. IE6 was reasonably good this, maybe IE7 not so much.

  19. Is it possible to assign multiple parents to a sub category? Some sub categories have the same parent.

    Do you actually mean to say that some subs have multiple parents in your source data?

    The table column _category.cat_father_id is an integer value (0 = top-level category). To have multiple parents, you would need to change the datatype of this column to... well, I'm not an expert on MySQL, so I don't know if there's a column datatype of array, or if it needs to be text.

    Then, there's line 52 in viewCat.inc.php that has a SELECT statement that's looking for a single value, not an array or comma separated list.

    On the category page that lists all products in that category, at the top, there's a "breadcrumb" feature. This is built by code in the functions.inc.php file, getCatDir(). I haven't figured out that function but I'm sure that having multiple parents is going to break this. I suppose you could comment out line 235 in viewCat.inc.php to inhibit this function. You might also need to do something about line 19 in viewCat.tpl.

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