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Posts posted by bsmither

  1. It is strange that Cubecart_filemanager.md5hash (of your installed database) has no index currently assigned to it.

    The upgrade sequence against the database added a UNIQUE index to this column at the CC654 version.


  2. CubeCart's admin, Maintenance has a hard-coded list of what CubeCart expects the database structure (its "schema") to look like. That hard-coded list has Cubecart_filemanager.md5hash having a UNIQUE KEY index.

    So, to quiet the orange warning, the database table CubeCart_filemanager should have a matching UNIQUE KEY index applied against the 'md5hash' column. Applying any other kind of index will not quiet the orange warning.



  3. I haven't experimented with this, so I do not know all the setup required, but a Promotional Code can be created with a Fixed Price value. At the bottom of the "New Promo Code" form is a GC Conversion option.

    Find an order made by the winner and use that order number (standard order format - not custom format) for the conversion field. Supposedly, the balance of the "coupon" will be retained for future purchases.



  4. So far, this is the best I could come up with:

    Using Smarty syntax to break apart the tag 'script':
    {'var x="Hello.";'}

    It's fugly as sin, and will require the admin to know about this trick, and to manage the quotes appropriately.


  5. I have been scouring the CKEditor code and, while I haven't found it just yet, I believe they decided in the recent releases that script tags will not be allowed at all - no matter what! But the visual result is confusing.




  6. Using a programmer's text editor, edit the file /includes/global.inc.php.

    Find the lines that are currently something like:

    $glob['adminFile'] = 'admin_aBcDeF.php';
    $glob['adminFolder'] = 'admin_tUvWxY';

    And change to:

    $glob['adminFile'] = 'admin.php';
    $glob['adminFolder'] = 'admin';


    Then, you must actually change the admin script file name and the admin folder name to match.

  7. In admin, Email Templates, click the "Email Templates" tab (between "Email Contents" tab and "Import/Export" tab).

    Click the Edit icon for "Default Emails".

    As of CC648, the editor has switched to use ACE (as opposed to CKEditor). The ACE editor is a pure "Code" editor.

    So, on the "HTML Content" tab, find the HTML in the code that you want to edit. Do the same on the "Plain Text Content" tab.

    There is a Test button to see what the result will look like.

    (You might see some extraneous content below the editor window. I think you can ignore that for now.)

  8. Please try this:

    Create a new file named ini-custom.inc.php and have as its contents:

    $glob['cid'] = true;

    Place it in CubeCart's main folder (same place where ini.inc.php is at).

    Since ini-custom.inc.php is not a file that comes with CubeCart (but will be used by CubeCart if found), this file will not be overwritten on an upgrade.


  9. Please examine the file /includes/ckeditor/config.js, and determine if this line appears exactly as follows:

    config.protectedSource = [/{\S*?.*?\S}/g];

    If so, then this could be related to #3573, where a meta tag (well, possibly others) has been determined to be illegal. But I do think script tags are legal.

    If not, then review the Github issue #3427.

    • Like 1
  10. There is this:


    From what I can tell, the list of suggested products will appear on the View Product page.

    (Be sure to get confirmation from the publisher that there is a version of this plugin compiled for the version of PHP you are running.)

  11. Would this be the image assigned to the actual category? And are you referring to the Foundation skin?

    If so, the space allotted for that image is 720px wide, to fit a re-sized image that would otherwise show at 800px.

    The question is then, is your source image big enough? (CubeCart's re-sizing of the source image does not make re-sized variants bigger.)


  12. Try $style = $GLOBALS['gui']->getStyle(); and $skin = $GLOBALS['gui']->getSkin(); returns the name of the folder of the skin.

    However, the results are for the session in PHP in which is relative to the visitor, whether that be you or a customer. Which is to say, if the customer has chosen to view the site in a skin different than the default, or different than the skin you choose to view the site, the results will be different.

    In the rare instance where there is more than one administration skin, $GLOBALS['config']->get('config','admin_skin') will have the folder name of the admin skin.

  13. I answered this question just a few days ago. But I cannot find that conversation.

    In admin, Product Options, Add a new group using the type "Textbox (Single Line)". Give an appropriate description (optional - only the admin will see this) and a Name. Save.

    In admin, Products, bring a product up for editing.

    On the Options tab, Add New Option, select the name of the textbox from the drop-down. Here, you can also specify a price differential.

    CubeCart does not yet have the code to dynamically add/display follow-on options based on some other option or option combination.


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  14. I have no real experience with SpamAssassin, but I would consider Support's assertion as being likely.

    From what I found:
    Multiple instances of word[s] + hexadecimal hash

    And the actual regex that defines that, I suppose, depends on the version of Spam Assassin in use.

    So, one can try rephrasing the message such that the order number is at the end of the sentence with punctuation on either side:
    <p>The following order has been cancelled: {$DATA.cart_order_id}.</p>


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