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Posts posted by bsmither

  1. Also, with respect to the web page, as delivered to the visitor, containing a link to 'Gravatar' to fetch the gravatar image of each of the product reviewers, the skin has a 'config.xml' file with this statement (in context):


    If the <gravatar_ajax> node is not present, add it where shown. Change the true to false. Have CubeCart clear its internal cache.

    OR... In admin Store Settings, Features tab, Reviews section, for "Enable Product Reviews/Comments", choose "Enabled (Gravatar Disabled)".

  2. What could be done, to survive upgrades, is to write a code snippet that will register a Smarty output filter (changes the rendered template output prior to actually releasing the output) that preg_replaces any string that has:

    googleapis.* type='text/css'

    with a blank line.


  3. If interested, please read:

    No joke: Cloudflare takes aim at Google Fonts with ROFL
    Website fined by German court for leaking visitor's IP address via Google Fonts

    Personally, I have evaluated the "Open Sans" font from Google as being completely unnecessary at this time.

    Perhaps, in the distant past, some browsers did not have a complete set of symbols for the entire UTF codepoints (which, if so, will show as black diamonds or upside down question marks). Perhaps, at that time, CubeCart's decision to pull in a font from a third-party was to solve that issue.

    In the Foundation skin template 'element.css.php', delete line 1 - the <link> statement.

  4. In the Foundation skin template element.product.vertical_gallery.php, use the following (make a backup of the existing file):

    <ul class="small-block-grid-1 medium-block-grid-2">
    <div class="row">
       <div  class="medium-3 columns thinpad-right off-canvas-for-small vertical">
          <div id="scrollUp" class="scroller"><svg class="icon"><use xlink:href="#icon-angle-up"></use></svg></div>
          <ul class="{if !is_array($GALLERY) || count($GALLERY) < 2}hide-important {/if}clearing-thumbs small-block-grid-1" id="scrollContent" data-clearing>
             {foreach from=$GALLERY item=image}
             <li><a href="{$image.source}" class="th"><img src="{$image.small}" data-image-swap="{$image.medium}" data-caption="{$PRODUCT.name}{if !empty($image.image_tags.title)}: {/if}{$image.image_tags.title}" class="image-gallery" alt="{if isset($image.image_tags.alt) && !empty($image.image_tags.alt)}{$image.image_tags.alt}{else}{$image.name}{/if} - {$LANG.catalogue.click_enlarge}"{if isset($image.image_tags.title)} title="{$image.image_tags.title}"{/if}></a></li>
          <div id="scrollDown" class="scroller"><svg class="icon"><use xlink:href="#icon-angle-down"></use></svg></div>
       <div class="small-12 medium-9 columns text-center nopad small-centered">
          <a href="#" class="open-clearing" data-thumb-index="0"><img src="{$PRODUCT.medium}" alt="{if isset($PRODUCT.image_tags.medium.alt) && !empty($PRODUCT.image_tags.medium.alt)}{$PRODUCT.image_tags.medium.alt}{else}{$PRODUCT.name}{/if}"{if isset($PRODUCT.image_tags.medium.title)} title="{$PRODUCT.image_tags.medium.title}"{/if} id="img-preview"></a>
          <p class="show-for-small-only">{if is_array($GALLERY) && count($GALLERY) > 1}{$LANG.catalogue.tap_gallery}{else}{$LANG.catalogue.tap_enlarge}{/if}</p>
    <div class="row">
       <div class="small-12 columns thinpad-left">
          {include file='templates/element.product.options.php'}
          {include file='templates/element.product.review_score.php'}
          {include file='templates/element.product.call_to_action.php'}


  5. To answer the social media icon question, in admin, Store Settings, General tab, delete all the entries in the Social Account section. (This is actually in reference to CC654 - I haven't explored CC655 yet.) Have CubeCart clear its internal cache.

    In admin Store Settings, Locale Settings section, make sure Default Language is set to what you want (English (US)?).

    Next, in admin, Administrators, edit your admin profile. Select as your personal Default Language what you want (English (US)?).

  6. The part in red is informational. It is not a response to any offense. It is very much like a sign on the door of a business: No Smoking. It is there to inform you, regardless whether you are or are not a smoker.

    I do see the User/Pass part of the conversation. but secureserver.net is not agreeing to what they should be.

    If you copy/pasted the username and/or password into these fields, the copy may have grabbed an invisible tab or newline character. So, blank those fields and then manually type in what they should be.


  7. Then I wonder how the test succeeded. Looking again at the conversation of the test, I see that there is no part that says, "Give me your Username," and "Give me your Password." Strange.

    Anyway, in Store Settings, Advanced tab, for the "Use SMTP Authentication (Normally Required)", select Yes.

    Then fill in the SMTP Username and SMTP Password fields.

    Test. In the test response conversation, make sure there is a part that the Client sends to the Server a (possibly hashed) username and a (possibly hashed) password. But DO NOT post what those values are, here in the forums!

  8. It is the whole reported number as the percentage, that is, for you, 7.00 (do not include the actual percent character).

    If you are experiencing this in CC654, please know that several stores are experiencing tax calculation issues.

    The solution at present is to make an edit to the following file:

    /classes/cart.class.php, line 1203, remove the line:


    The value $37.90 is 3X what the tax should be, thus somewhere, somehow, CubeCart is running $179 through the tax calculator three times. (Personally, I have not discovered why, but the programmers imply this should be the fix.)

    • Like 1
  9. My feeling is that there is a new or newly revealed systemic issue in the CC654 code, meaning whether it is a "clean" install or an "upgrade", the end result will be the same.

    Which is to say, an upgrade is actually a whole-cloth replacement of all the system files and the Foundation skin.

    I do not think it likely that there is a new incompatibility between CC654 code and any module, especially where tax calculations are concerned.


  10. When viewing a list of products in a given category, when that list is in 'grid' view, the product name (title) is truncated to 38 characters (including spaces), followed by a three-dot character (ellipsis). The same applies to the listing on the homepage.

    Using a programmer's text editor, please edit these files:

    content.homepage.php, near line 29:
    <h3><a href="{$product.url}" title="{$product.name}">{$product.name|truncate:38:"&hellip;"}</a></h3>
    <h3><a href="{$product.url}" title="{$product.name}">{$product.name}</a></h3>
    content.category.php, near line 137:
    <h3><a href="{$product.url}" title="{$product.name}">{$product.name|truncate:38:"&hellip;"}</a></h3>
    <h3><a href="{$product.url}" title="{$product.name}">{$product.name}</a></h3>

    Have CubeCart clear its internal cache (in admin, click the "Clear Cache" button at the upper-right corner).

  11. This reminds me of a conversation on these forums that discussed where, if an email template does not have a version ready for use for a given language, or if the language needed for the email has not been installed or enabled, then the email process falls apart.

    Please verify that the email to be sent for a cancelled order has the appropriate template has a version for the language used by the order.


  12. There are two approaches: replace the file /classes/gd.class.php with the file found in CC653, or visit your site's control panel and manage the extensions installed in PHP. Enable 'EXIF' (and 'MBSTRING' if not already) to the group of enabled extensions.



  13. This must be the case where CubeCart uses part of the regular product Description to serve as the Short Description, when there is nothing entered as an actual Short Description. When CubeCart does this, the <style> tags are stripped off, leaving the CSS content, which is now visible.

    Please try entering some simple plain information in the product's Short Description text editor. Then Save and have CubeCart clear its internal cache.


  14. Go to admin, Maintenance, Database tab. Scroll to the table CubeCart_geo_country. Make note that there are zero records.

    Obtain the following file from a stock download of CubeCart and load it into a text editor: /setup/db/install/data.sql

    Then, in admin, Maintenance, Query Database (Advanced), take note of the Query box. You will be pasting a lot of lines in here.

    From the file, starting at about line 507, there will be 243 lines (all the way to the bottom of the file, don't miss getting all of the last line) that needs be copied to the system's clipboard, then pasted into the Query box. Then click Go.

    Note: I haven't actually done this, so, be prepared if this does not go as desired. The only table being affected is CubeCart_geo_country which holds all the country names.


  15. Then there is a possibility that your products or services might be illegal in certain counties/countries. There must be the means to enable/disable sales and shipping (a feature of the extensions) accordingly.

    In admin, Store Settings, Features tab, Misc section, "Allow delivery to non-invoice address" is not checked. I think this is the setting that forces the delivery address to be the same as the billing address.


  16. It will take a lot of work.

    Also realize that some credit card processors want want to verify billing address data with the card's bank - a means to prevent fraud. (I have no idea how PayPal handles this.)

    But that would be when CubeCart is communicating with the payment processor, not when the customer is sent directly to the processor.

    Still, a lot of work.

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