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Everything posted by Ausy

  1. http://www.cubecart.com/contact-us
  2. You must make sure that you upload the following files in BINARY mode with your ftp client. admin_enc_ion.php admin_enc_zend.php index_enc_ion.php ined_enc_zend.php
  3. You have to ask your new host for a dedicated IP, this they can do but will likely make a small charge. The SSL price is reasonable and if you buy from the new host they will help with install. To point your DNS you need control over your domain names, if control is with your previous host then you need to ask them to either transfer the domain to your new host or point it to the new host name servers. It’s worthwhile opening an account where you can control all your domains independent of hosting. PayPal Pro is very easy to set up in CC4. http://www.cubecart.com/PayPal-UK-Integration/
  4. Its not possible.
  5. Use wordpad to read it.
  6. There should be a read me file in the package, instructions on how to install are there. When you say "go to the directory" can you explain a little better, have you actually installed the software onto your server?
  7. Best to ask over at cubecartforums.org, you will find lots of help there. http://www.cubecartforums.org/index.php?
  8. Afaik your licence only allows one live store.
  9. Very nice job!
  10. For HTTPS Root Relative Path: just try putting / unless your store is placed in a folder in your root.
  11. You will need the old database, that is where all your product and customers are stored. Will your old host not help?
  12. Problems may be caused by an old version of Zend installed on your server, have a word with your Host and tell them the problem, alternatively use ioncube instead, but only if this is installed on your server.
  13. With your FTP program you should be able to change the upload method to Binary, what FTP program do you use?
  14. Did you upload admin_enc_ion.php and admin_enc_zend.php in BINARY mode, if not re upload them.
  15. Glad you fixed it, and really your host should provide the latest versions of php so I would nagg them to do it.
  16. Sounds like you created a new account but you probably already have one, use the forgot my log in details link and enter the email address that you used originally. The system will send you your log in details, once you log in you will be able to download the new version.
  17. Ausy

    SSL Problem...

    You need the cubecart config tool, upload it to your where you site is hosted and navigate to it via your web browser, then change the SSL setting to 0 Link to the tool below http://support.cubecart.com/index.php?_m=d...cid=0&nav=0
  18. Head over to http://www.cubecartforums.org/ under commercial mods V3
  19. Ausy

    SSL Help Please!

    Configuration looks OK. Could be to do with Htaccess file if you use seo, re create the the file after changing to the new ssl, make sure you backup before any changes.
  20. Is this a new install?
  21. At the top menu, transfer, transfer type, select binary and re upload the two files.
  22. Have you definately use BINARY mode to upload, zend should work fine on your host. Try ioncube. Edit the global.inc file in the includes folder. $glob['encoder'] = 'zend'; Change to $glob['encoder'] = 'ioncube';
  23. If this doesnt work use ioncube.
  24. Ausy

    SSL Problem

    Did you have SEO enable before enable SSL, if so try it with SEO off.
  25. Have you made any alterations or mods, or is it a fresh install? If fresh it may be a file corruupted on upload, try re uploading the files.
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