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  1. When an order is placed three emails are generated. The customer receives a 'Thank you for your order' and an Order Confirmation and the shop owner receives a New Order notification. It is an intermittent problem but with increasing frequency these emails are sitting in the email log with an 'x' against them. When I press the Resend they are sent without a problem. I have contacted my hosting company and they cant find any trace. Can somebody advise where I could look to diagnose the problem? Many thanks.
  2. Hello, Afther make the update from version 6.1.13 to 6.1.14 with the Kurouto skin I have the follow problem, by one of my clients. Whe you double clik on the source image inthe product page, the image go not to BIG image. The image stay by the same and become to blue collor. The Kurouto skin is the version 1.0.3. I have this problem solved for this moment, to replace the JS map with the version from v. 6.1.13. So there is a JS diffence between v 6.1.13 and v. 6.1.14. Can you look about it and fixed for the version 6.1.15? With kind regards, Martin Verkerk
  3. I have make today the update from version 6.1.13 to version 6.1.14. Afther this update works Newsletter subscripte not anymore. Skin is the Foundation skin. With v. 6.1.13 works it fine afther the update starts the issue. With kind regards Martin Verkerk https://verkerk-webdesign.nl
  4. I have recently upgraded from 6.1.13 to 6.1.14 and I am unable to login to my admin. I just get a blank white page. anyone know the answer to this one?
  5. I have found an error affecting two different CubeCart installs with different hosts, so I think this may be a bug When choosing the standard Files Backup button, with checkboxes off, the backup proceeds and is created but then it tries to find this file... /admin_ZZZZZZZ/sources/maintenance/indexbackup.inc.php - not found. Where ZZZZZ is a novel admin location - it doesn’t appear to have been used before and doesn’t match the current. In one situation (it may have been a checkbox difference) I was warned about cross-site scripting on the dashboard page It appears as is something is not going well for the Files Backup feature, and could do with looking at by the software development team (I am not that bothered personally, there are other backup methods available)
  6. I recently made a rare purchase from Amazon. I also recently made a rare decision to upgrade from CC 4 to CC 6. CC 6 is beautiful. I love it. Except the checkout process. Everything is there but it is monolithic. The Amazon approach is phased across multiple pages approximately as follows: Review cart Enter billing address Optionally enter delivery address Select shipping options Enter payment information Review summarized information with option to change everything Commit CubeCart has all this, but it is on just two pages, one of which is optional: View Cart Check-out I believe Smarty will allow something more like the Amazon solution merely by changing the template Is there an existing template that already has something like this? My vision is: Review Cart (always) - including shipping quote according the current solution (with adjustments noted elsewhere) This gets us the country and postcode from which we derive the region And it completes the shipping method solution so we have a finalised order right here, on one clean, simple and beautiful page. Provide billing address there is a "Back to Basket/Cart" button there is an "I want to deliver to a different address" button there is a "Check out" button Optionally provide delivery address there is a "Back to billing address" button there is a "Back to Basket/Cart" button There is a "Check out" button Check out Start with "Would you like to save these details for next time?" If so, enter passwords Saving details for next time is a statement of customer benefit. Create an account sounds like something that benefits us. The benefits are clearly listed You wont have to enter address details next time. You can save multiple billing and delivery addresses You can see your order history You can reprint receipts and invoices any time You can create and park an order, then review it and pay later Then solicit permission to send newsletters Then select payment method or offer to park the order. All three sections have large clear headings. Summary List the cart, shipping information, account status (including username) payment method Buttons or links to revise any part of the order Buy or Park for later payment: Park is useful if the customer is having card trouble, or if they need to query the shipping price. It is also useful for us if the shipping solutions do not deliver, in which case, park is the only option. And it may be useful in other circumstances, for example where we have agreed to adjust the order in some way before payment. I use it for international shipments, because the price is heavily dependent on packed dimensions: Customer creates and parks order (I currently use the Direct bank deposit option for this, but it is somewhat misleading for the customer and requires explanation .) Ideally, at this point, the store sends an order confirmation. I work out the actual parcel size and weight, get a quote, adjust the shipping cost, notify the customer with instructions on how to find the parked order. Ideally, at this point, the store sends a notification of payment pending, with instructions. Customer chooses to proceed, logs in, pays. I ship.
  7. Hi there, I'm running 6.1.8 and looking to upgrade to 6.1.13. I opted to use FTP transfer to make the upgrade, but when I transferred the full content of the upgrade zip file, several upgrade folders overwrote/deleted some of my content such as images etc. I uploaded the upgrade files to my 'www' folder (essentially publicHTML). The installation/upgrade forum post suggests to copy over ALL upgrade files, but I don't want it to delete any custom content. Can someone shed some light on how to approach the transfer differently? Or perhaps there are a core set of files and folders from the 6.1.13 upgrade zip that are necessary to upgrade but do not overwrite content (ie. Could I FTP transfer everything but the images, for example?) Thanks for any help you can provide.
  8. I decided to download and check my error log. In doing so I have discovered numerous, and I mean numerous, entries with the following code: "[02-Mar-2018 05:57:00 Europe/London] PHP Warning: get_headers() [<a href='http://docs.php.net/manual/en/function.get-headers.php'>function.get-headers.php</a>]: http:// wrapper is disabled in the server configuration by allow_url_fopen=0 in /vhost/vhost16/l/i/f/lifecovers.co.uk/www/classes/catalogue.class.php on line 392 [02-Mar-2018 05:57:00 Europe/London] PHP Warning: get_headers() [<a href='http://docs.php.net/manual/en/function.get-headers.php'>function.get-headers.php</a>]: This function may only be used against URLs in /vhost/vhost16/l/i/f/lifecovers.co.uk/www/classes/catalogue.class.php on line 392" I have searched the forum but cannot find anything specific to this error. Is this error related to a configuration on my hosting service?
  9. Hi, I added a "Track Your Order" link to the top of my page using the following: <a class="main-top-bar-txt" href="{$STORE_URL}/index.php?_a=vieworder&cart_lookup">Track Your Order</a></div> and it sends you here: In the browser it reads: https://www.claudiasbargains.com/index.php?_a=vieworder&cart_lookup Anyway, every once in awhile I get this error in my log. Any idea what if anything I should do? I don't know where the } is coming from. [01-Mar-2018 13:55:16 UTC] PHP Warning: Security Warning: Illegal array key &quot;cart_lookup}&quot; was detected and was removed. in /home/claudias/public_html/classes/sanitize.class.php on line 113 Thanks in advance, Me
  10. Hello, I process all my payments of non digital products on the Worldpay platform not on Cubecart. If I remember well, once the payment has gone through, the customer is sent back to my website. I am therefore wondering whether there is a "Thank you" page somehwhere I could use. At the moment, I am pretty sure they are redirected to the homepage but I would like a dedicated Thank you page where I would ask them to add our email address to their white list as so many times, email softwares are isolating our address thinking we are spam and customers are getting annoyed that we do not communicate on the status of their order while in fact it is all in their spam folder.... Thanks for your help. S.
  11. Question: Does CubeCart really assume that each store has exactly one size of parcel for each shipping channel? Corollary: Is there really no way to provide a shipping method with actual dimensions other than by modification of the code? From inspection of a variety of postage interfaces for version 6, it seems all still assume a single size of box. Use of any other dimensions means hacking the interfaces because they do not contain any hooks. Parcel volume is essential when there is air travel or couriers involved, or when large, light objects (like foam iceboxes) are send by post and the postal service invokes volume pricing. Getting these wrong results in under-charging and potentially significant profit reductions. Tell me it is not so... If not, I feel an enhancement request coming on... Russ
  12. I've figured out how to remove all the other things from the main page except the best sellers and mailing list. How do I remove them? JT
  13. I am trying my hand at a wee plug-in. I have been tracking actual shipping costs in my 4.3.4 site and I want the same capability in 6.1. I have a report that lists shipping variances (the difference between shipping charged and shipping paid) so I can confirm that the shipping algorithms are tracking reality. I also export some CSV files that create the credit card purchases and payments in the accounting system that pay for over-the-counter shipping charges. Saves quite a bit of accounting time. Rather than dump myself into the vat of boiling oil that is un-upgradable software (again), I have decided to do it as a plug-in. Build some character, learn new tricks, that kind of thing. I did the obvious thing which is to pay a pound for that splendid worked example, Semper Fi's ever faithful product dimensions mod. I have created (in the COBOL sense of cloned and changed) a new plug-in. The admin page is up, and it looks fine in its limited way. However I noticed that although my plug-in is listed in the Settings - Languages - EN_UK drop-down list, there are no texts listed, whereas they exist for the Product Dimensions plug-in. My texts are definitely used by my page - I can change them in the XML file and the changes appear on the page after a refresh. What is required to register the texts with the language maintenance tool? Thanks for your help, Russ
  14. Using the latest Cubecart version. Created option sets, created options, added to product. When viewing product on the front-end, the drop down shows as "--Please Select--", I was hoping for a default here, am I missing something?
  15. Look what I found in my error log!!!!!! How did it get there and how do I get rid of it!!!!!! <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252"> </head> [14-Feb-2018 17:40:12 UTC] PHP Warning: Invalid Security Token in /home/claudias/public_html/classes/sanitize.class.php on line 152 [14-Feb-2018 18:00:58 UTC] PHP Warning: Security Warning: Illegal array key &quot;cart_lookup}&quot; was detected and was removed. in /home/claudias/public_html/classes/sanitize.class.php on line 113 [14-Feb-2018 18:38:27 UTC] PHP Warning: Stored session data did not match DB record. Session aborted as possible session hijack. Old IP Address: '' New IP Address: '' Old User Agent: 'Microsoft Office Protocol Discovery' New User Agent: 'IEX' in /home/claudias/public_html/classes/session.class.php on line 702 [15-Feb-2018 02:16:19 UTC] PHP Warning: Security Warning: Illegal array key &quot;Comcast_on_a_silver_platter_ On_December_14,_2017,_the_FCC_killed_net_neutrality_rules__But_do_you_truly_understand_the_global_implications_of_such_a_disastrous_decision? These_laws_guaranteed_equal_access_to_the_web_without_paid_prioritization_fees,_unregulated_bandwidth_throttling,_and_rampant_censorship_from_ISPs__Now_these_laws_are_GONE_ The_cable_companies_are_a_few_short_months_away_from_doing_whatever_they_damn_well_please_with_the_Internet__That_includes_shutting_down_&quot; was detected and was removed. in /home/claudias/public_html/classes/sanitize.class.php on line 113 [15-Feb-2018 02:16:19 UTC] PHP Warning: Security Warning: Illegal array key &quot;blocking_businesses_and_websites_like_yours_if_they_dislike_your_content_ If_you_cannot_afford_to_pay_cable_companies_more_money_for_customers_to_reach_your_business,_prepare_to_close_your_doors_for_good_ We_can_still_defeat_the_evil_FCC,_but_we_NEED_your_help_ Please_review_our_petition,_and_join_MILLIONS_of_net_neutrality_supporters_by_LINKING_to_our_page_from_your_website:_https://www_longlivethenet_com/_ Creating_a_LINK_is_casting_a_vote_for_freedom_of_speech_and_the_free_exchange_of_ideas_on_the_open_internet__Please_vote! Long_Live_The_Internet! Note:_We_are_a_non-profit_organization__We_will_never_place_an_advertisement_on_our_webpage__This_page_was_created_for_one_reason_and_one_reason_only,_to_save_the_Internet_as_we_know_it__Join_the_fight!&quot; was detected and was removed. in /home/claudias/public_html/classes/sanitize.class.php on line 113 [15-Feb-2018 02:16:19 UTC] PHP Warning: Security Warning: Illegal array key &quot;Comcast_on_a_silver_platter_ On_December_14,_2017,_the_FCC_killed_net_neutrality_rules__But_do_you_truly_understand_the_global_implications_of_such_a_disastrous_decision? These_laws_guaranteed_equal_access_to_the_web_without_paid_prioritization_fees,_unregulated_bandwidth_throttling,_and_rampant_censorship_from_ISPs__Now_these_laws_are_GONE_ The_cable_companies_are_a_few_short_months_away_from_doing_whatever_they_damn_well_please_with_the_Internet__That_includes_shutting_down_&quot; was detected and was removed. in /home/claudias/public_html/classes/sanitize.class.php on line 113 [15-Feb-2018 02:16:19 UTC] PHP Warning: Security Warning: Illegal array key &quot;blocking_businesses_and_websites_like_yours_if_they_dislike_your_content_ If_you_cannot_afford_to_pay_cable_companies_more_money_for_customers_to_reach_your_business,_prepare_to_close_your_doors_for_good_ We_can_still_defeat_the_evil_FCC,_but_we_NEED_your_help_ Please_review_our_petition,_and_join_MILLIONS_of_net_neutrality_supporters_by_LINKING_to_our_page_from_your_website:_https://www_longlivethenet_com/_ Creating_a_LINK_is_casting_a_vote_for_freedom_of_speech_and_the_free_exchange_of_ideas_on_the_open_internet__Please_vote! Long_Live_The_Internet! Note:_We_are_a_non-profit_organization__We_will_never_place_an_advertisement_on_our_webpage__This_page_was_created_for_one_reason_and_one_reason_only,_to_save_the_Internet_as_we_know_it__Join_the_fight!&quot; was detected and was removed. in /home/claudias/public_html/classes/sanitize.class.php on line 113 [15-Feb-2018 02:16:19 UTC] PHP Warning: Stored session data did not match DB record. Session aborted as possible session hijack. Old IP Address: '' New IP Address: '' Old User Agent: '' New User Agent: 'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; .NET CLR 1.0.3705; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; Media Center PC 4.0; .NET CLR 2.0.50727)' in /home/claudias/public_html/classes/session.class.php on line 702 [15-Feb-2018 02:16:19 UTC] PHP Warning: Invalid Security Token in /home/claudias/public_html/classes/sanitize.class.php on line 152 [15-Feb-2018 03:02:24 UTC] PHP Warning: Security Warning: Illegal array key &quot;cart_lookup}&quot; was detected and was removed. in /home/claudias/public_html/classes/sanitize.class.php on line 113
  16. Hi, I am really new in using CC6 (CC6.1.13), just testing features, and try some customize for my future store. I looking for where I can define shipping methods but not see this features, same situation is with payment methods, not see where can define that. I plan use in start just simple payment methods: payment on bank account or cash when delivery. But during make order no any point where can define. I try search on forum, but not seen answers. Thanks
  17. do you have any recommendations for an shipping mod that is product specific? We have items that typically don't weigh a lot but are high dollar and need to be insured. We want to factor that in automatically, any thoughts? We have a large contrast some items cost $1200 and some $2.50 so I want to make sure shipping cost and item insurance is accounted four.
  18. I am developing a sequential order number solution and it seems like the right thing to do to create it as a plug-in so it can be shared if it gets off the ground. i have requested a hook at the appropriate place throug github, but until that materialises (probably the wrong word for software) I would like to add a custom hook so I can enjoy the whole developer experience. Is it enough to copy a nearby hook,then paste it with an adjusted name into the appropriate place? Is there any other declaration required on the provider side? I have read that the hooks.xml file is an info-only document, so I believe I don’t have to update that for a personal hook. Gotta say the whole hook/plug-in/snippet caper is a work of inspired genius, probably just one rung below the recent synchronised Falcon 9 Heavy booster landings. Full accolades to the perpetrators. I plan to use it for all my mods. Russ
  19. Under each product in a category list in the Foundation Skin, there is a grey bar. Does this have a function (as in under certain circumstances, stuff appears in it) or is it a decorative element?
  20. My existing store uses sequential order numbers. The coding for this is relatively trivial. I would like a code hook added to the createOrderId method of order_class. How does one go about requesting such things? I am thinking of something along these lines: -----------------------------------------8<----------------------------------------- public function createOrderId($return = false, $set_basket = true) { // Self-explainitory really... $this->_order_id = ""; <!-- Call hook here --> if ($this->_order_id == "") $this->_order_id = date('ymd-His-').rand(1000, 9999); if ($set_basket) { $this->_basket['cart_order_id'] = $this->_order_id; /* fix for admin generated orders */ if (method_exists($GLOBALS['cart'], 'save')) { $GLOBALS['cart']->save(); } } return ($return) ? $this->_order_id : true; } -----------------------------------------8<----------------------------------------- And while we are in there, we can fix the spelling of "explanatory". Kill two birds with one check-in...
  21. Hello everyone! I'm having some trouble inserting the products unit price when printing the order "orders.print.php" under admin/skins/default/template I've tried : {$item.price_unit} {$item.price_each} how can I place it there? --- code --- <div class="info"> <span class="orderid"><strong>{$LANG.common.order_id}</strong> &nbsp; {$order.cart_order_id}</span> <strong>{$LANG.orders.title_receipt_for}</strong> {$order.order_date} </div> <div class="product"> <span class="price">{$LANG.common.price}</span> <strong>{$LANG.common.product}</strong> </div> {foreach from=$order.items item=item} <div class="product"> <span class="price">{$item.price}</span>{$item.quantity} &times; {$item.name} {if !empty($item.product_code)}({$item.product_code}) {/if} ..... INSERT UNIT PRICE HERE {if isset($item.options)} <ul> {foreach from=$item.options item=option} <li>{$option}</li> {/foreach} </ul> {/if} </div> {/foreach} <div id="totals"> <div class="total">{$LANG.basket.total_sub} <strong>{$order.subtotal}</strong></div> <div class="total">{$LANG.basket.total_discount} {if !empty($order.percent)}({$order.percent}){/if} <strong>{$order.discount}</strong></div> <div class="total">{$LANG.basket.shipping} <strong>{$order.shipping}</strong></div> {if isset($order.taxes)} {foreach from=$order.taxes item=tax} <div class="total">{$tax.name} <strong>{$tax.value}</strong></div> {/foreach}{/if} <br> --- code --- Thank you in advance. Carlos
  22. Hi, I am looking at adding an affiliate tracker to our website. Has anyone got any experience or recommendations to make on the ones currently available as extensions https://www.cubecart.com/extensions/affiliate-trackers, ie: iDevAffiliate , clixGalore , JROX , TradeDoubler , etc Thanks S.
  23. I just got my site set up and created a test account and added an item to the cart. It shows up in the cart but when I click on Checkout it goes to the Add Address registration screen even though I have logged in with the account. There are no errors reported. Anyone have any ideas? Technical Details CubeCart Version 6.1.13 PHP Version (5.6 Recommended) 5.6.31 MySQL Version 5.5.5-10.2.11-MariaDB-log Image folder size 323.22 KB Download folder size 0.00 KB Max. Upload filesize 128M Browser user-agent Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/63.0.3239.132 Safari/537.36 Server Software Apache
  24. I have been adding new products to my cart. Images that I added within the last two weeks have disappeared with image area displaying "No Image Available". If I try to add the images again or add a new image to any new product it appears to upload ok but it does not display on the live web page as per the attached screen grab. Any ideas whyat is going on? Thanks
  25. Hi, How do I edit the path for {$DATA.link} ours sends the link to the customer with like this which is a dead end https://wonderland-fancy-dress.com.au/store/modules/gateway/UPG/index.php?_a=vieworder&cart_order_id=WONAU-180205-092732-6908
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