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Hi All, I have a website that requires members to Login but then so does the CubeCart Shop. Is there an out of the box way of having an integrated login? kind regards Spike
Hello, I'm new to CubeCart and I have a problem. When a customer place an order, they don't get a order confirmation send to their email address. Only when I change the order status to "complete". How to I configure it so they get a confirmation immediately when the order is placed? I searched on Google but I can't find there a solution either... Thanks all. - Daan
When I copy a link to Facebook for a product, the thumbnail that shows up is my store logo and the information is also general site information and NOT related to the product. Can someone tell me what needs to be done so that I can post direct product links and have the information show up on Facebook? Also, the images that show up are not optimized for the posts, maybe there is a plugin for this? If there is, I have not come across one specifically solving this problem.
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Hi! I'm wondering how I can add the customer's name to the newletter. So instead of it just starting with a generic "Dear Customer" It can start with Dear [customer name] - We just use the customer's first name when we have sent newsletters in the past. Also, I would like to be able to add the last item they ordered and the date of their last order to the newsletter. Seeing when they last ordered and what they ordered, may get them to re-order rather than shop somewhere else. Thanks!
Hi, My store has started showing all my products at £0.00, even though they are set at proper prices via the admin back-end. Even if I clone, create a new product, or edit and re-save any existing products they also show at £0.00 only - I cannot find a way to make them show the correct price. I am running ver 6.08 and php version 5.6.15. It was working fine earlier and I haven't knowingly changed anything to make this occur. I have had to make all my store products invisible apart from a single test product, as I cannot risk customers purchasing at no actual cost. I have also cleared back-end caches etc, to no avail. Can anyone please help me with this? Anyone else had this problem before? Many thanks Billy
I am using the Clean skin now and I have the store setup for grid view. When I go to a category, I see everything is clean and nice, but I would like to add a row in each product grid that would display the product review/ratings (stars). The only time I see this is when you're on the actual product page. I think it would help drive more sales if people could glance at the grids and see how items are rated. Can someone help me figure this out? Appreciate any help!
I already have a normal Paypal gateway installed on my shop. I want to create a Paypal recurring payments button (on Paypal site) and put it on certain items in my shop. Once I create the button on the Paypal site, I will have the html code snippet and was wondering if anyone had any suggestions on the best way to place the code (which includes the button icon) on certain items?
I would like to keep the reCAPTCHA on **only** when someone is singing up for the newsletter, or sending an email. I would like to avoid having them use it when placing an order at checkout. Customers are getting frustrated by entering wrong numbers, and complaining to us about that. Is there a way to do remove the reCAPTCHA for the checkout page only?
Hi All, Where do I add <!-- and --> ? And does it matter if I am using e-Shift? To remove the category images in file skins/foundation/templates/content.category.php add comments <!-- and --> to the following <!-- {if isset($category.image)} <div class="row"> <div class="small-12 columns"><img src="{$category.image}" alt="{$category.cat_name}" class="marg-bottom"></div> </div> {/if} --> To remove sub category images <!-- {if isset($SUBCATS) && $SUBCATS} <ul class="medium-block-grid-6 text-center{if $CONFIG.catalogue_expand_tree ==1} show-for-medium-up{else} small-block-grid-3{/if}" data-equalizer> {foreach from=$SUBCATS item=subcat} <li data-equalizer-watch> <a href="{$subcat.url}" title="{$subcat.cat_name}"> <img class="th" src="{$subcat.cat_image}" alt="{$subcat.cat_name}"> </a> <a href="{$subcat.url}" title="{$subcat.cat_name}"><small>{$subcat.cat_name}</small></a> </li> {/foreach} </ul> {/if} -->
I am trying to get the fonts bigger in the top menu that has the icon of the Home, and the names of the products. I tried adding <span style="font-size: 2.0em;"> </span> between various <li></li> tags in template file box.navigation.php But that did not seem to work. How can I make the fonts in that section bigger? Thanks in Advance!
I've noticed that any of my product codes that contain hyphens, e.g. 'ABC-1', are stored in the database instead as 'ABC?1'. They do display correctly in the store, so somewhere in CubeCart they are converted back and forth, but I haven't been able to find out where yet. This becomes an issue (albeit one that can easily be worked around) when trying to match product codes using direct SQL queries or, for example, reading in a CSV file to automatically update prices. Anyway, since hyphens don't have any particular special meaning in SQL when included in a string, what is the reason for the conversion?
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May be a stupid question, but if upload a csv with only Product codes and quantities will that update item stock?
How can I Change the contact form to just email. I can't seem to get the email setting to work in the form. Says it has sent but I get nothing in my email.
Hi All, Is There a way to import a Category file that propagate all the categories and sub cats.
I have noticed there is no continue shopping button on checkout. if I want to add something else to the basket I cannot. am I missing something? I am using foundation 6.0.8.
How do you make out of stock items show after the items that are still in stock? I don't want people to have to look at all the out of stock items and in stock items mixed together. I am using 6.0.8 foundation
Hi , can someone tell me what the 'status' field in 'cubecart_category' is to do with ? ManyThanks ..
Good morning, I would like to know how to get the prices of products. I would like to leave the page alone as product catalogs. Thanks
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When adding items to the cart, it shows tax and calculates that tax until a customer is logged in. I only charge tax for people in my state. Is there a way to ONLY show tax for those in the state? This could throw a lot of guest customers off seeing a 'tax' charge in the cart before they log in. Thanks!
I have a strange link connecting to my foundation.css file.  its linking to skins/foundation/css/foundation.css how do I find it and delete it?
I have been reading for 2 days.. can't find the answer.. soo I was a zen cart user, but switched because CC is a bit easier..for most things. Search Bar too big?? where can I edit it And just need to know what size should I make my images for the scrolling banner.. And finally, is there a way to have a vertical category section without paying a fortune? Please and thank you!
So, I am back and forth. Originally I was going to have a forum and such setup with my store, however there was very minimal use of the forum and then it seemingly was having issues with MYSQL. Long story short, I am about to remove the forums. When the forums are gone, it will leave me with just the store. I had hopes and dreams of creating a website around the store so I created a landing page or portal on the root directory. This is good because it showed the options of where the user could go. However, with the forums removed, is it still a good idea to have a landing page? It would mean someone needs to click to access the store. I know clicks are important. For general discussion, do you peeps have landing pages or portals separate from your store homepage, or does your take visitors directly to your store? Inquiring minds want to know! Thanks!
I have been researching the forums looking for a way to add a specific category to the homepage. I want the products in the category to display like the Latest Products do. And I am looking to locate it above the Latest Products. This is the most popular category for my store, so I would really like the homepage focus to be on those products. I am trying to find out what I need to modify in the content.homepage.php in order to do this.
Is there a way to view skins locally, as in so I can see my updates without uploading them to my server each time? What is the best editor to use for skin creation?