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Found 3 results

  1. I'm still new to CubeCart and am trying to create my first skin, but I've run into some trouble trying to edit the style of box-navigation.php . For some reason I am unable to make any changes I make to that template take effect. I am able to edit most other templates with ease, but on box-navigation.php it doesn't matter what css classes or ids I add or take away, it simply changes nothing. I can wrap {$CATEGORIES} in a div and give that a class in the main.php file and then see that take effect by inspecting it in the browser, so I'm sure I have the right element, I can also change the classes via Chromes inpector and they are the same claesses found in box-navigation.php, however when I change them in the template file its self it does nothing and the inspector shows the old classes as still applied. I'm very confused by this Any help would be very much appreciated. Thanks
  2. Warning: CubeCart 5.2.8 adds the ability to have Smarty statements in the HomePage Document. If your HomePage Document contains CSS or javascript statements, those statements may be using braces that do not have whitespace next to them. For example: h2.bold {font-weight:bold;} if (expression) {do_some_function;} Smarty will claim for itself and attempt to parse any content contained in braces that does not have whitespace between the brace and the contents. There are two fixes - choose one: Remove that ability Manually work through the HomePage Document (admin, Documents, any document marked as Homepage) making the changes to the code in Source mode (hopefully, the rich text editor will not try to compress the HTML so that the whitespaces are removed). In the file /classes/cubecart.class.php, near line 86, find: 'content' => $GLOBALS['smarty']->fetch('string:'.$home['doc_content']) Make it look like: 'content' => $home['doc_content'] When you have CubeCart open a document for editing, the Content tab has a rich text editor. The upper-left corner has a "Source" button. Click it. Viewing the raw HTML of the document, work your way through looking for braces -- intentional or not (that is, braces grouping CSS property statements or simply using {braces} in paragraphs). These braces must be fixed. h2.bold { font-weight:bold; } Simply using {literal}{braces}{/literal} in paragraphs. or Simply using { braces } in paragraphs.
  3. So I am totally new to Cubecart and at a bit of a loss in terms of creating a custom template/skin. My coding skills are beyond rusty so I created a basic store layout in Dreamweaver visually. I am hoping someone can give me instructions on how to make a unique cubecart layout with the dreamweaver design I made without using code. Any other design software suggestions are welcome. Thanks for helping a newbie!
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