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Found 1 result

  1. A question for you guru's about the mobile version of the Cubecart site that has been raised by my SEO "expert" - at least that's what he tells me He spotted the link on the bottom of my home page that goes to the mobile site and followed this to, as he said to me, "see what it did". He is telling me that the two versions have the same address (in my case http://www.northwalesinks.com/store/index.php ) but have two completely different lots of content - my desktop site has a chunk of text that has been "carefully crafted" on the home page while the mobile version is missing this text. His argument goes :- The search engines visit the desktop site and read the content and index it They see the link at the bottom of the page for the mobile site and follow it - the link does have the display_mobile parameter set but this parameter vanishes when you follow the link and navigate around the mobile site They read the mobile site at the same address and find different content ! They index the "new" content and see a link at the bottom to the desktop site They follow this link and see different content (again) They throw their toys out of the cot and decide that that page isn't worth worrying about as it never knows which content it's going to find - and apart from which it breaks the rule that Google say that the content they read should be the same as the content displayed to a visitor when they follow a result and might be considered as cloaking https://support.google.com/webmasters/answer/66355?hl=en I vanish from the search engine results ! Can anyone tell me if he is right? I've sat next to him while he explained it and demonstrated the "problem" and he seems to be right enough that I'm worried (and at the size of the bill for spotting this *grins* ).
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