Hi again,
I seem to have a bit of a bug going on in my cubecart software.
Not sure what caused this, but I only found out now I received a larger order.
Most of the orders I get only contain 1 to 5 products.
Yesterday I received one and the order was duplicated when I checked it in the admin.
I contacted the customer and she made a screenshot for me so I know that the order looked correct in her email notification.
See the screenshots.
'bestelling1' shows what the customer sees. 'bestelling2' shows what I see in the admin.
Does anyone have any ideas? Or should I just contact Cubecart directly for this?
I didn't see this reproduced before.
I am using the latest version of cubecart and didn't do any special modifications, except some skin changes. But never changed anything for the order pages.
Kind Regards,